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Trailforks Website Feedback & Suggestions

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Trailforks Website Feedback & Suggestions
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Posted: Dec 9, 2014 at 13:05 Quote
mtnbikermitch wrote:
Regarding the trail voting system (5 stars) it would be cool if you could visually see what your vote is ie a highlighted star or a different color. Compared to what other users have rated the trail.

Oh, I like this! ^^^^ Ideally, I'd be able to change my vote later.

Mod O+
Posted: Dec 9, 2014 at 16:54 Quote
So it does show your vote as text under the stars "Your vote: 5" and you can change your vote by re-voting.
But I can probably change the appearance of the stars a bit as well. Added to my ever growing list, heh Keep up the suggestions!

Posted: Dec 9, 2014 at 18:24 Quote
On a page like this

It would be helpful to have the graphic representation,...

Mod O+
Posted: Dec 9, 2014 at 18:42 Quote
ok yah it only shows your vote on the trail detail page, so I will definitely work on adding a different colour for the ones you've voted for.

Posted: Dec 13, 2014 at 18:03 Quote

I didn't wade through 11 pages of comments before posting, so if you have answered this already my apologies. I am subscribed to a region and am admin, so i receive an email notification whenever a trail report is posted. This is great, but I have to go to the trailforks site every time to read the trail report. already we have quite a few trail reports coming in every day, i can only imagine what this will be like once there are hundreds. It takes too long to monitor; would it be possible to see the trail report in the email notification that we receive? That way I can quickly forward to relevant volunteers, etc. If not, i'll probably turn off notifications and just go to the trailforks nearby reports page every so often so i can see all reports at once.



Mod O+
Posted: Dec 14, 2014 at 16:22 Quote
ridin-dirty wrote:
I didn't wade through 11 pages of comments before posting, so if you have answered this already my apologies. I am subscribed to a region and am admin, so i receive an email notification whenever a trail report is posted. This is great, but I have to go to the trailforks site every time to read the trail report. already we have quite a few trail reports coming in every day, i can only imagine what this will be like once there are hundreds. It takes too long to monitor; would it be possible to see the trail report in the email notification that we receive? That way I can quickly forward to relevant volunteers, etc. If not, i'll probably turn off notifications and just go to the trailforks nearby reports page every so often so i can see all reports at once.

I've been thinking about adding more options when you subscribe to a trail or region for reports. Allow to only send notification if a report is off a certain status or contains text.

But I will add more detail to the notification email that is send, showing the text, status & condition.

Reports also have configurable RSS feeds, what ever filters you select on report list pages, will also effect the RSS link at the bottom of the page:

Posted: Dec 16, 2014 at 7:37 Quote

I just started using trailforks today. I was adding all my trails that i have ridden in the past. I found it quite tedious and took a while having to go into the actual trail to click the ridden button, I have a suggestion that you might be able to have a ridden button when clicking on the trail on the map and the box comes up with information about it. This would make it quicker and more usable.

I havent looked through the comments so sorry if has been said before.

Cheers AJ

Mod O+
Posted: Dec 16, 2014 at 12:55 Quote
If you want to mark trails as ridden faster you can goto the "trails" tab on a region and there is a ridden button for each table row.
example: http://www.trailforks.com/region/klondike-bluffs/trails/

Posted: Dec 16, 2014 at 13:08 Quote
Also if you upload ride logs it automatically marks off trails that you have ridden.

Posted: Dec 25, 2014 at 16:13 Quote
First of all, Merry Xmas Big Grin

I think the Confirm/Reject system would benefit from a third option like "review" in which the contributing user gets a message with the "problematic content" so it can be fixed and the content itself is put on standby awaiting said corrections.

Case in hand: there are several pending trails that have missing GPS data. Instead of flat out rejection, I think taking the trails and either taking them off the pending list or showing that they have indeed been "peer reviewed" but need some sort of fix would be most helpful for newer users (and more veteran users can make mistakes, too).

Posted: Jan 3, 2015 at 15:11 Quote
It would be great if you could add another option to bike type. How about adding Fat Bike? That way some of my rides will look even more epic when done via "Fat Bike" Smile

Mod O+
Posted: Jan 3, 2015 at 20:06 Quote
doachs wrote:
It would be great if you could add another option to bike type. How about adding Fat Bike? That way some of my rides will look even more epic when done via "Fat Bike" Smile

done! Good suggestion.

Posted: Jan 4, 2015 at 10:50 Quote
After reading a couple of threads discussing terminology around trails and routes, I understand that Trailforks is defining a trail as, basically, the shortest piece of uninterrupted trail, and is looking to create a new category for routes, which will be combined trails that create a natural ride.

I also understand that less defined "trails" should not be included in Trailforks.

This leads to my problem and question: In the Bridge Valley region I admin, there are many, particularly high alpine "routes" (in the classic mountaineering sense - that is, not necessarily a trail, but a way of connecting two points on a map). Some of these, over time, become trails (in the Trailfork sense, an example is Ridge-o-Rama in the South Chilcotins). The region also has seldom used "trails" that maybe see a few dozen users in a year, and will have blowdown, bushing, and indistinct trail bed. These may be the only way to connect one valley to the next. I describe these as "wilderness singletrack", to make it clear to visitors that this isn't frontcountry riding.

So, it seems to me there is possibly 3 terms needed: the "trail" as the short piece, the "route" as the combination of trails that take you on your ride, and a "track", "wilderness single track", "unimproved trail" or some other term, that defines a lessor trail that may involve route-finding, hike-a-biking, and bushwacking.

I understand that different countries will have different terms and meanings (I was often confused riding off-road in Spain as to the various Spanish descriptions of a "trail": camino, ruta, sendero, pista) and even in English we have a wide assortment of terms applied to trails: paths, routes, singletracks, doubletracks, etc..

A common set of terms will be helpful to all. It may be too simplistic to have simply trails and routes, albeit with a good system of describing these (IMBA or otherwise).

It seems I never actually asked a question. So: How would you categorize an unimproved trail/wilderness singletrack/mountaineering/bike route? Or, should there be a separate category for these?

Posted: Jan 4, 2015 at 13:49 Quote
Has any thought been given to allowing different ratings to a single trail, or different trail types?

As an example, a trail may switch from double track to single track, or the top section may be black, the middle blue and the finish green. Presently, I assume, we are to average those for an overall rating.

Posted: Jan 4, 2015 at 14:03 Quote
Gplayfair wrote:
Has any thought been given to allowing different ratings to a single trail, or different trail types?

As an example, a trail may switch from double track to single track, or the top section may be black, the middle blue and the finish green. Presently, I assume, we are to average those for an overall rating.

Yes please, this would be grand Smile

It´d be more work, but I think that it would be far better than using POIs for this.


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