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Kyle warner injured fron Phizer vaccine

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Kyle warner injured fron Phizer vaccine
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Posted: Nov 12, 2021 at 17:09 Quote
jorukfundan wrote:
Is this a dead end post? What's the deal? Kyle Warner, 29 years old, coerced into an Emergency Use Authorization vaccine that he didn't need. 29 year old males have more risk from an EUA vaccine than the disease. Fact. Work the numbers, do the risk assessment. Do the math. That's without any health care at all. Numbers go down further if you can actually get a doctor to be a doctor and give you a little help when you get covid, instead of saying, "go home and when your lips are blue go to the emergency room." And studies show the vaccine protects the individual, but does not reduce the spread. And nobody has anything to say about it? Really? Awesome.

Basic Forum rules:
"This forum is to show the readers of the Pinkbike forum what you do to have fun on your bike. "

Well, I guess it's cool. Unless you are Kyle Warner. He's having a hard time having fun on his bike.

Not a fact. Show me your numbers

Posted: Nov 14, 2021 at 18:02 Quote

Above link: "Pfizer-injured pro mountain biker Kyle Warner says 6 people have committed suicide in the past month who’ve been adversely affected by the vaccine."

In the above video Kyle makes a statement regarding "https://www.react19.org/"

bigquotesSix people from React19 have committed suicide.

bigquotesreAct 19 is a research focused grassroots organization made up of patients, scientists and physicians. Working to increase our understanding in the role of Covid-19 in those who experience systemic and prolonged symptoms, after acute infection or after vaccination.



Once the pieces of a puzzle start coming together, things start making more sense.

Stay safe everyone. Live free!

Posted: Nov 14, 2021 at 18:15 Quote
Biocoug74 wrote:
Pinkbike is disgusting for not putting this on the front page. I am a microbiologist. I told all you over a year ago that coronavirus was a Bioweapon, that it was lab created, and the vaccine was bad. All of you called me a conspiracy theorist. I was right, I was always right.

This is information people need to know about.

Most people take the path of least resistance. Since people feel like they cant do anything about it, while never joining groups that are working to "do something about it". Nothing really gets done.

Then you have the issue of the multitude of people that will follow whatever MSM/authority tells them, even when it hurts.

Then you have the people that just don't give a shit. And of that camp, you have the obedient, and you have the non-obedient.

All you can really do is plant seeds that obstruct the conscious mind from regressing thooughts people don't want to hear or deal with.

Posted: Nov 14, 2021 at 18:45 Quote
Banned from FB and deadit for sharing this...


CDC Director Rochell Walinsky's Freudian slip

Posted: Nov 14, 2021 at 19:24 Quote
I have met Kyle, he is truly an amazing person. He is always happy to take pictures with our local mtb community, and is just as real on camera as off camera. I am truly pissed of that an underdeveloped vaccine had seriously effected such a great person, I hope we can all at least pray for his recovery to happen fast and with little struggle.

Posted: Nov 14, 2021 at 21:26 Quote
tatchle1 wrote:
jorukfundan wrote:
Is this a dead end post? What's the deal? Kyle Warner, 29 years old, coerced into an Emergency Use Authorization vaccine that he didn't need. 29 year old males have more risk from an EUA vaccine than the disease. Fact. Work the numbers, do the risk assessment. Do the math. That's without any health care at all. Numbers go down further if you can actually get a doctor to be a doctor and give you a little help when you get covid, instead of saying, "go home and when your lips are blue go to the emergency room." And studies show the vaccine protects the individual, but does not reduce the spread. And nobody has anything to say about it? Really? Awesome.

Basic Forum rules:
"This forum is to show the readers of the Pinkbike forum what you do to have fun on your bike. "

Well, I guess it's cool. Unless you are Kyle Warner. He's having a hard time having fun on his bike.

Not a fact. Show me your numbers


I did step out and say "fact" so I would owe you numbers. I went to the CDC website and their numbers are not useful to me. They're all over the place. And they don't make it easy to get what I consider common sense conclusions from data. They don't have a context. 20-29 year olds show something like 85k deaths in a period of time, 2.3k or so deaths from Covid. So I will refer you elsewhere. I have listened to dozens of hours of podcasts on the subject by people such as Ryan Cole, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone and more, and I have heard some of these numbers. You have to go to podcasts to hear the truth, because you won't hear it on mainstream media. I just listened to Peter McCullough MD, on the Energy Blueprint podcast from October 29. He explains it much better than me.
There is an affidavit of LTC Theresa Long from the US Army which was of particular interest to me. In this affidavit she stated "the use of mRNA vaccines in our fighting force, presents a risk of undetermined magnitude, in a population in which less than 20 active-duty personnel out of 1.4 million, dies of underlying SARs- CoV-2." That percentage of death is what data people might say is statistically insignificant. Are her numbers correct? I don't know. But the military population is primarily the 20-29 age group, the same age group as Kyle Warner. 20 deaths in 1.4 million individuals, and yet the vaccine is mandated to every single service member.
You can go to openvaers.com and see that as of Nov. 5 there are over 875,000 reports in the system from these vaccines, and you can see numbers of reports on a graph for adverse events reports each year since 1990. 2020-2021 spikes up like Mt. Everest. You'll also see over 12,000 reports of myo/pericarditis. Presumably Kyle is one of the 138 29 year old persons who were reported.

These vaccines are experiment. That's not crazy talk. That's the truth. What is crazy is that you don't even get to sign up to be in a study, so they are not even really an experiment at this point. VAERs is not mandatory, and many events go unreported. So the data is not accurate like it should be in a controlled study. But VAERs data isn't used for approval, as far as I know.

There is a movement to put a needle in every arm, no matter who it is or what risk/benefit analysis there is. "Where there is risk there should be choice" is a solid statement, but I don't think it goes far enough. Where there is risk there must be a choice. It's matter of liberty and freedom. It's not a matter of public safety.
The part where you don't take the vaccine and you get covid, and get sick, and potentially end up in the hospital, is another story. That's the story where nearly all forms of preventative and early treatments are suppressed and denied.

What a time.

It's a great time to go ride our bikes.

Posted: Nov 15, 2021 at 6:55 Quote
All spot on jorukfundan. PB has done over 15 articles about or with Kyle Warner, yet now they don't want his latest story told. This is a very important issue to the many young, fit guys like Kyle that follow this page.

These adverse events are happening in massive numbers and everyone should be concerned.

The people with knee-jerk denials of this reality should get a little intellectual curiosity and do some research. Don't use curated Google for search, try duckduckgo or something else. Even with heavy censorship the data and information is overwhelming from many of the world's top experts.

The willingness to blindly trust big pharma and their controlled FDA is beyond me.

Posted: Nov 15, 2021 at 7:49 Quote
Wasn’t his condition caused by the vaccine being injected into his vein not muscle tissue ?

Posted: Nov 15, 2021 at 8:52 Quote
Matt115lamb wrote:
Wasn’t his condition caused by the vaccine being injected into his vein not muscle tissue ?
The CDC & WHO still has not updated their guidance for the injection. They still advise to just push and plunge. They've known of the problem of the vaccine getting into the blood by accidentally injecting into the veins since 2017. Many people may have passed because of a small bubble of air in the needle that was not supposed to get near a vein.

Posted: Nov 15, 2021 at 10:06 Quote
That’s clinical error and nothing to do with a vaccine .

Posted: Nov 15, 2021 at 14:05 Quote
Matt115lamb wrote:
That’s clinical error and nothing to do with a vaccine .
That's true. Therefore folks must be aware of the risk vs benefits not only of the investigational vaccine, but also of the methods of delivery.
https://openvaers.com/ isn't going to tell you which of the reported vaccine 18,600 deaths were a result of clinical error, nor if any of the 875,650 adverse events (as of Nov 5) were a result of clinical error.
So you have to weigh all that out, in addition to if the investigational vaccine is appropriate for you.

Posted: Nov 15, 2021 at 16:10 Quote
beonkey330 wrote:
Matt115lamb wrote:
Biocoug74 wrote:
Pinkbike is disgusting for not putting this on the front page. I am a microbiologist. I told all you over a year ago that coronavirus was a Bioweapon, that it was lab created, and the vaccine was bad. All of you called me a conspiracy theorist. I was right, I was always right.

This is information people need to know about.
post some evidence for this wild claim please !

How about Dr Ryan Cole doing an autopsy on dead jabbed guy.....

Is it just me or will the video not play for anyone else?

*update* Nevermind, it wouldn't play on DuckDuckGo

Posted: Nov 15, 2021 at 16:18 Quote
CyberGlick wrote:
beonkey330 wrote:
Matt115lamb wrote:
post some evidence for this wild claim please !

How about Dr Ryan Cole doing an autopsy on dead jabbed guy.....

Is it just me or will the video not play for anyone else?

*update* Nevermind, it wouldn't play on DuckDuckGo
did he find a microchip lol

Posted: Nov 16, 2021 at 0:13 Quote

Interesting that Reuters explains that they fact-checked various '150k hurt by vaccines' articles, yet, never put forward in the Reuters article any comments or reports from the creator of the mRNA communication technology Dr. Robert A. Malone. Nore did not put information forward regarding the known issue of non-aspiration of the needle, as presented in real-time stream under a microscope by Dr. Robert Campbell. Hmm, interesting?


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