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Posted: Jan 12, 2009 at 8:04 Quote
Bush's (well the Republican's) economic policies are directly connected to the current economic crisis. Let me explain.

Under the Clinton regime, slightly liberal policies were upheld, although for the most part everything was free market. In the late nineties, I believe, restrictions for banks to borrow money are cut because the financial institutions convinced government it was a good idea.

Under Bush, privatization hit all-new levels (including an attempt to privatize the Social Security network, if I'm not mistaken); as a result, restrictions were cut like crazy, banks could take pretty much as much money as they wanted, and the interest rates were slashed.

Because they're not being regulated as much, banks start giving out loans for practically no reason - bad loans (this is where the sub-prime disaster came from).

The result is quite obvious. The banks weren't getting their money back, so the federal reserve wasn't getting their money back; pretty soon, the whole system fell through. Which is where we are today.

I'm definitely factually wrong on a couple specifics because it's been awhile since I reviewed the subject, but essentially that's what happened.

I agree that government shouldn't have a large impact but important functions, like lending money, needs to be regulated to avoid stuff like this; the Republicans don't seem to get this (it's interesting to wonder, however, if the Dems would've done the same thing if they kept power - they were certainly on the same track, and the difference between the two parties is quite superficial at times).

Bush needed to go and he's gone; hopefully Obama can clean up his mess.

Posted: Jan 12, 2009 at 10:41 Quote
iridedj wrote:
gibson19 wrote:
marty660 wrote:

2. You guys are to blame for every geopolitical problem in the Middle East right now

2. Not even... If anything its the UN who is to blame... They're the ones that took some peoples land and gave it to other people... ... I will agree though that the US certainly is not helping

2.The U.S. went completely around the U.N. in attacking the middle east. It asked,was denied, the form a colilition(or whatever) and attacked anyways effectivly reducing the U.N.'s power to 0.
Rest are true.

I'm not talking about the war in Iraq... I'm talking about the UN creating Israel and in turn causing strife in middle eastern nations...

Posted: Jan 12, 2009 at 11:33 Quote
carnell wrote:
igz- wrote:
My valuable contribution.

wtf mouse people?

I don't know firsthand but somebody said it was a joke from South Park.

AqueousBeef wrote:
You are going to have to justify that. What has he ever done that was good?

He opened up a lot of state forests to MTB because he MTBs Wink

Edit for some reason it won't let me make the picture smaller Very confused

Posted: Jan 12, 2009 at 11:40 Quote
gibson19 wrote:
I'm not talking about the war in Iraq... I'm talking about the UN creating Israel and in turn causing strife in middle eastern nations...

The UN is stupid, but if you think about it, things are going decently in the world with it in existance. I find it ridiculous how it's being taken advantage of by these undemocratic countries (countries like Russia and China, for example, have huge power in the UN; they'be been criticizing Britain's use of the Monarchy and suggesting they "form a democracy." or something like that.lol thank you for your input, totalitarianism), but in terms of geopolitics they've done a decent job.
The situation in Israel would've happened regardless eventually. The jews were already there. So w/e.
But the US (well, it's corporations) has been doing a lot of crap in the middle east. Check out the Haliburton Society; it's scary, if you believe even half of the dirt.

Posted: Jan 12, 2009 at 18:28 Quote
Marty, the banks are responsible for the economic meltdown, not the GOP. Listen up. The banks were giving out their "bad loans" because the market was increasing so quickly, that if a person couldn't pay off their loan, then the bank would end up with a house that could sell for more than the loan was for. It was increasing that quickly. Once a few blips in the market occured, the people who were borrowing out of their means started to walk away from their homes since they couldn't afford the mortgage any longer. As the market continued to so south, more and more people couldn't afford their loans (because they were buying outside of their means). This caused the mortgage meltdown which in turn caused the stock market to crash and banks to fail.

Posted: Jan 12, 2009 at 23:21 Quote
There is alot of misinformation going on here, just a reminder guys make sure you can back up your claims and double check your facts.

Posted: Jan 13, 2009 at 6:31 Quote
The UN is far from stupid and they are not a referee. The UN was formed by the 1 world or developed nations to help the 3rd and 2nd world nations but when you have a strong nation like the US who is part of the UN stirring up shit in a 3rd world country that puts the UN in a tough spot as they can't help because their peacekeepers would be fighting themselves. And for those of you who think the UN should not exist you are idiots without the UN we would have seen holocaust like actions in Somalia Rwanda and most recently Darfur.

Posted: Jan 13, 2009 at 6:58 Quote
samnation wrote:
The UN is far from stupid and they are not a referee. The UN was formed by the 1 world or developed nations to help the 3rd and 2nd world nations but when you have a strong nation like the US who is part of the UN stirring up shit in a 3rd world country that puts the UN in a tough spot as they can't help because their peacekeepers would be fighting themselves. And for those of you who think the UN should not exist you are idiots without the UN we would have seen holocaust like actions in Somalia Rwanda and most recently Darfur.
Not disagreeing with your point, but rather this one piece of evidence, these events all occurred under the UN's nose and they did nothing significant to stop/prevent them.

Posted: Jan 13, 2009 at 21:32 Quote
samnation wrote:
we would have seen holocaust like actions in Somalia Rwanda and most recently Darfur.

You mean there wasn't genocide in Darfur?

Posted: Jan 21, 2009 at 21:39 Quote
Blood money

Blood diamonds

Now we have blood oil. God I love America..Confused

Posted: Feb 20, 2009 at 0:32 Quote
AqueousBeef wrote:
I love my country because we are one of the few nations left with , because we have such a diverse populace as well as arguably the most diverse geography in the whole world. anyone else have more to add?
"a true republican form of democracy".... Facepalm

Posted: Feb 20, 2009 at 0:50 Quote
AqueousBeef wrote:
I also love how we are the closest thing to a capitalist economy left in the world

Is this sarcastic? I am confused. Capitalism requires a benefited population and an exploited population. How can that possibly be a good thing?
Unsecure image, only https images allowed: http://www.faszczecin.most.org.pl/galeria/grafiki/propaganda/capitalism-2.jpg

Posted: Feb 20, 2009 at 4:48 Quote
llessurretneprac wrote:
AqueousBeef wrote:
I also love how we are the closest thing to a capitalist economy left in the world

Is this sarcastic? I am confused. Capitalism requires a benefited population and an exploited population. How can that possibly be a good thing?

I see someone just learned about Communism in school today....

Tell me, who is exploited in Capitalism?

Posted: Feb 20, 2009 at 7:26 Quote
signorvince2 wrote:

Tell me, who is exploited in Capitalism?

Seconded... I'd like an explanation...

Capitalism creates wealth instead of spreading it around....

You might say its based off greed... Well so what... The business men aren't taking money from you... You voluntarily give it to them in return for their products... If you want to keep your money and buy cheap goods or very little goods go ahead... The government isn't capable of creating products that the population will willingly pay for...

Posted: Feb 20, 2009 at 11:56 Quote
signorvince2 wrote:
llessurretneprac wrote:
AqueousBeef wrote:
I also love how we are the closest thing to a capitalist economy left in the world

Is this sarcastic? I am confused. Capitalism requires a benefited population and an exploited population. How can that possibly be a good thing?

I see someone just learned about Communism in school today....

Tell me, who is exploited in Capitalism?

No... I learned Marxist theory in high school. Wink

Who is exploited in captialism?
Under capitalism, a small minority of people are in control of the money and resources of the planet.

They accumulate wealth and power and move their money and factories around at will to keep their profits high and wages low. Profit comes before people and the environment.

To start out with:
Domestic Animals
Animals used in research: Rats, Dogs, Cats, Pigs, Rhesus monkeys, etc...
Humans in factories owned by US companies
Humans living in near US owned factories (cough...Bhopal..cough)
Farmers in South American, both those affected by Plan Columbia and by those affected by companies such as Monsanto (Monsanto does provide the Roundup for Plan Columbia fumigations though)
Farmers in Africa who resist GM crops
Those forced to assimilate into a currency-based economy.
Maquiladora and sweatshop workers.
and the list goes on and on...


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