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$999 = one bike for the next 5-10 years

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$999 = one bike for the next 5-10 years
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Posted: Mar 11, 2014 at 20:21 Quote
@parkourfan, if i was gonna get a v10.3 itd be a large, maybe a medium if i got a good deal but at 5'11" small is just too small. which is too bad because if it was a medium or large id probably go for it. @full15 whatever bike you choose is going to be an amazing advancement in all aspects of the performance spectrum. from what your used to, to what these bikes are equipped with is such a big jump, test ride as many as you can and whichever feels like the right bike go for, there is no wrong choice when it comes to preference. with that said parkourfan has given you some solid guidelines to follow in your purchase, and i wish you good luck!

Posted: Mar 11, 2014 at 20:22 Quote
I never considered buying and immediately parting out a bike. There is a 66 evo ti rc3 for only 300 on the buysell right now. Just buy a bike wiht a nasty huge double crown fork, turn around and sell it! I am so glad I posted this problem up here.

Posted: Mar 11, 2014 at 20:26 Quote
whitebullit wrote:
@parkourfan, if i was gonna get a v10.3 itd be a large, maybe a medium if i got a good deal but at 5'11" small is just too small. which is too bad because if it was a medium or large id probably go for it. @full15 whatever bike you choose is going to be an amazing advancement in all aspects of the performance spectrum. from what your used to, to what these bikes are equipped with is such a big jump, test ride as many as you can and whichever feels like the right bike go for, there is no wrong choice when it comes to preference. with that said parkourfan has given you some solid guidelines to follow in your purchase, and i wish you good luck!

Alright then...I'm about 5'10 and it's just a little too small for me. With a fox 40 up front I still cant stretch out to full sprint in attack position. I know a guy with a medium carbon/aluminum, but I don't think that he's selling soon, he's also part of the team that got sponsored by Knolly.

Thanks for the vote of confidence @whitebullit haha.

@full15, keep this thread open or PM me when you start getting out there to demo rides or find stuff on the buy/sell. I've had a fair amount of experience with most of the *modern* stuff that's been on the market given the few years that I've been riding and researching stuff, and hopefully I can steer you away from something that you'd end up regretting!

All in all, bikes should be fun...you can't ever forget that!

Posted: Mar 11, 2014 at 20:29 Quote
full15 wrote:
I never considered buying and immediately parting out a bike. There is a 66 evo ti rc3 for only 300 on the buysell right now. Just buy a bike wiht a nasty huge double crown fork, turn around and sell it! I am so glad I posted this problem up here.

I bought my reignX and didn't like the brakes, too much power and too many problems with avids in the past. Sold em off right quick, and for 60$ or so more, I had a set of brand new shimanos that I liked. It's honestly cheap, and you're just selling to get a new part, you're not ripping apart and parting out that new beauty that you just got haha.

In terms of the 66 evo, the black stanchioned ti ones aren't bad, but the newer ones with nickel stanchions have a slightly updated damping system that I think is better. Just food for thought.

Posted: Mar 11, 2014 at 20:46 Quote
man i wish i could get sponsored by anybody lol, i see those flourescent knollys and i just want one, to me one of the sexiest looking bikes right now. and i dont know if i would buy a carbon frame used. not enough time has gone by to see what these frames are capable over a long period of time, if i bought a v10 id keep it around like the bullit so id want to know its going to last. a new v10 is just shy of 10,000$ though so its not likely ill be getting a new one.

Posted: Mar 11, 2014 at 20:48 Quote

For the both of you...new review on the front page. Linkage driven single pivot. On paper, at least, it should pedal well according to the limited chain growth. However, the axle path isn't going to be an obscenely rearward one a la canfield jedi (2.5 inches of rearward travel, out of 9 inches vertical) and it's limited to a 38 tooth ring...as having the pivot in line with the ring makes it pedal better.

I posted that because that's something for @full15 to think about if he gets a single pivot bike witha 1x10 or 1x9 setup...having the right size chainring on the bike will eliminate pedal bob, but that severely limits your choices in terms of the front ring. So if you live in a hilly area but you run a bike that pedals well with a 38 tooth ring...good luck, because if you downsize the ring to a 32 tooth you'll have all sorts of bobbing all over the place, and if you keep it at a 38 tooth, you won't get up the hills.

Posted: Mar 11, 2014 at 20:50 Quote
whitebullit wrote:
man i wish i could get sponsored by anybody lol, i see those flourescent knollys and i just want one, to me one of the sexiest looking bikes right now. and i dont know if i would buy a carbon frame used. not enough time has gone by to see what these frames are capable over a long period of time, if i bought a v10 id keep it around like the bullit so id want to know its going to last. a new v10 is just shy of 10,000$ though so its not likely ill be getting a new one.

Used aluminum it is haha. The 2010 version with carbon links is very, very good indeed. Honestly, less pedal bob than the bullit that I rode, and, well...10 inches of travel is 10 inches of travel haha. I totally trust what santa cruz is doing with carbon, but I don't trust buying it used from some hack ride who's been laying it down in rock gardens and weakening the weave. Sketchy.

Posted: Mar 11, 2014 at 21:05 Quote
^totally agree, when i hit lotto im gonna buy 10 v10's, ill ship you one too!

Posted: Mar 12, 2014 at 21:20 Quote
Any opinions on the Devinci Frantik?


Posted: Mar 12, 2014 at 22:37 Quote
Devinci Frantik = awesome sauce!!

The model in that ad is the same as my first bike (my specs were a bit different but comparable). It grinds up slowly and rails down fast. It's heavy, but bomber. Fully recommend for a cheap, but can ride it for a few years and not feel limited bike

*edit* Reading the rest of the thread it seems you might be looking more all mountain, so the frantik might be more FR/mini-dh than you have in mind. But if you want full downhill ability with a grind (i mean grind) up then awesome bike.

Posted: Mar 13, 2014 at 0:45 Quote
I am second to giant reign x.
it serve me well for whole 4 season.
From xc loop to DH track.
its one of the best bike I have ever used in terms of do it all bike.
I am talking about 2008 reign x. Never tried newer reign x, might be better.

Posted: Mar 13, 2014 at 5:52 Quote
Frantik isn't bad. Pedals well but is really heavy. My aluminum Wilson had pivot bearing issues and slop throughout it's life,and it took forever to fix. Just something to think about if you're getting an older devinci.

Posted: Mar 13, 2014 at 8:38 Quote
As soon as I made that post, I learned that it weighs about 40lbs. Not a whole lot compared to my old Devinci Hucker at +35lbs for a hardtail, but still a far cry from a ~30lbs reign.

Posted: Mar 15, 2014 at 21:13 Quote
Big news! My max budget just jumped to 1000$ and I have had a stack of new bikes enter the running.

Mostly a variety of bottlerockets and an Intense Uzzi.

The Reign still seems like it might just be the way to go though.

Posted: Mar 16, 2014 at 11:56 Quote
An uzzi with vivid air or some other sort of dh shock is wonderful. Bottle rockets are great play bikes but I wouldn't want to pedal one uphill all day....the bottlerockets are much better with coil suspension, and you'd want the air for climbing. Not great for all round use IMO.


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