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The Pimple/Acne Thread

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The Pimple/Acne Thread
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Posted: Feb 11, 2009 at 18:48 Quote
I believe there is 2 kinds of acne. Ones that originate in the pores due to external elements and ones that are affected internally, such as diet, body composition etc.

I work in a restaurant and before i worked there I had absolutely no acne, maybe the occasional pimple. After about a year my acne became so terrible it literally looked like I fell face first into the deep fryer! I thought about quitting the job but considered remedies first so off to the department stores I went. I tried every commercial product out there, even the 200 dollar acne kits and I even tried Proactiv but with no luck; any acne that disappeared from my regime were replaced by 4 more after work anyways. So I've practiced different solutions for 2 months each for a total of almost 2 years until i finally called it quits and got away from that grease-trap of a kitchen and what do i notice in my second week? ( still using Proactiv by the way, its been like 6 weeks) my acne is starting to clear up! Oh my, now that is definitely not a coincidence, no acne before I worked, acne during work, no acne after I stop working. In my situation it's clear to say that my skin doesn't fancy the various chemicals, atmosphere and grease in the kitchen but my friend who is unemployed has pretty bad acne, so why is that? He washes regularly, keeps clean and eats McDonalds everyday. Wait, what? Yes, eating does affect your acne. My friend that we'll call Bill changed to a healthier diet, drank more water, and went on a 4 day apple diet where he ate apples and drank water for 4 days which completely flushes out your system in a controlled manner. If you want you can take laxatives but it's not so convenient in the middle of class or something. So Bill now eats healthy and is basically acne free aside from scars. So how does eating affect your acne? When you eat crappy foods your body tries to get rid of the excess s*** that you put in your body through a number of ways. First your body will digest the food sending out most of the waste in crap or urine form. if you got too much junk and your body can't process fast enough it will send the crap to your liver and blood stream ( you better have a strong heart for this ) if your liver and blood fail to cleans the toxins in your body then it will send it to the last regime of trying to dispose of your waste, through your pores in the form of SWEAT. Yes boys SWEAT! If you are not eating healthy and your body is pumping out toxins through your pores then those pores will get clogged by those toxins, accumulate grease and dirt and BAM, acne everywhere. your skin will try to clear your acne but if your eating more crap faster than your skin can heal, it doesn't matter what kind of soap or Proactiv you use, you're going to have acne! Another way of looking at this is when you're drunk you liver is trying desperately to rid the alcohol out of your system but it can't fast enough so you sweat the alcohol out of your pores. That's why drunk people smell like alcohol, not because they poured it all over themselves but because they are sweating out alcohol.

IN conclusion there are 2 kinds of acne, ones caused by your surroundings ( kitchen environment, lots of humidity, un sanitary living conditions etc) and acne caused internally by a poor diet and your body sweating out toxins. If you want to eat properly then try more fruits, vegetables, and lots of water.

acne products like proactiv works best for acne caused by external factors, if your problem is internal then cleaning your skin isn't going to help because it's not dirty. Cleaning inside of you is going to benefit more because everything is caused inside. For me proactiv didn't work while I was working because my skin was severely reactive to the surroundings and i constantly beated my face working 7 hour shift FULL TIME.

Posted: Feb 13, 2009 at 23:53 Quote
Nice writing two03rotor. You're right about environment. I live in an industrial town and have factories near my house, i've always had acne, but everytime i go visit my grandma for a few days which lives lost in the hills with no factories within 30kms and basically no pollution at all, my face clears up completely. It's f*cked up to think that if the f*cking factories were at industrial areas instead of in the neighborhoods around here my face would be a lot better.

Posted: Feb 18, 2009 at 19:29 Quote
hey guys, ive had acne for like 2 years now. such a pain in the ass.
ive tried everything from creams-pills. i just gave up and i changed some things
and its almost all gone now.... recently 2 weeks ago i switched to pear soap.

-pear soap has vitamins and helps your skin.

I drink about 4 litres of water a day or as much as possible. so if your going to have a coke drink maybe 2 glasses of water after to balance the sugars and waters.

all you half to do. pear soap, drink tons of water, and try to stay away from sugars. but to be honest sugars dont really affect is as much as people say.
i can guarentee you will notice a difference.

Posted: Feb 19, 2009 at 10:50 Quote
cam07 wrote:
hey guys, ive had acne for like 2 years now. such a pain in the ass.
ive tried everything from creams-pills. i just gave up and i changed some things
and its almost all gone now.... recently 2 weeks ago i switched to pear soap.

-pear soap has vitamins and helps your skin.

I drink about 4 litres of water a day or as much as possible. so if your going to have a coke drink maybe 2 glasses of water after to balance the sugars and waters.

all you half to do. pear soap, drink tons of water, and try to stay away from sugars. but to be honest sugars dont really affect is as much as people say.
i can guarentee you will notice a difference.

Balance the waters.... Lol.

Posted: Feb 27, 2009 at 1:48 Quote
time and getting past puberty seems to work best

Posted: Mar 8, 2009 at 12:24 Quote
lilwalters wrote:
i disagree... sweating cleans out your pores... just make sure you shower before it re-absorbs... saunas are real good for this too...

i agree at least with me, ever since i started biking, and sweting a lot, acne has pretty much gone... so idk if its because i'm getting older or... idk..

7Up kills me...

Posted: Mar 23, 2009 at 16:06 Quote
I have major issues with acne and have for the past 6 months. It's mainly around my lips where I shave.(Yes. At 13,I can grow a beard.)Anyone have or had this problem?

Posted: Mar 23, 2009 at 16:16 Quote
TheDanish wrote:
I have major issues with acne and have for the past 6 months. It's mainly around my lips where I shave.(Yes. At 13,I can grow a beard.)Anyone have or had this problem?

most likely more ingrown hairs then acne. I get that too when i save. most of the time its just little red spots that go away after a day or two, but sometimes they get infected and turn into a pimple. you can get special cream to prevent ingrown hairs when you shave. search Google a bit, and don't press the razor right against your face, try to leave a little bit of hair behind.

Posted: Mar 23, 2009 at 16:21 Quote
odin333 wrote:
TheDanish wrote:
I have major issues with acne and have for the past 6 months. It's mainly around my lips where I shave.(Yes. At 13,I can grow a beard.)Anyone have or had this problem?

most likely more ingrown hairs then acne. I get that too when i save. most of the time its just little red spots that go away after a day or two, but sometimes they get infected and turn into a pimple. you can get special cream to prevent ingrown hairs when you shave. search Google a bit, and don't press the razor right against your face, try to leave a little bit of hair behind.
Hmmm,I use an electric razor. is that a factor?

Posted: Mar 23, 2009 at 16:26 Quote
to get rid of my acne i use chain oil.

Posted: Mar 24, 2009 at 19:33 Quote
gustofwind wrote:
to get rid of my acne i use chain oil.

how did you ever even think of doing that?

"mom i have realy bad acne!"
"o just use this chain oil itl clear ya up in no time!"

Posted: Mar 24, 2009 at 19:41 Quote
i have a scar on my my cheek from acne now. it's about the size of a quarter. i'm going to see a dermatologist though to see if it can go away some how

Posted: Mar 24, 2009 at 19:42 Quote
TheDanish wrote:
odin333 wrote:
TheDanish wrote:
I have major issues with acne and have for the past 6 months. It's mainly around my lips where I shave.(Yes. At 13,I can grow a beard.)Anyone have or had this problem?

most likely more ingrown hairs then acne. I get that too when i save. most of the time its just little red spots that go away after a day or two, but sometimes they get infected and turn into a pimple. you can get special cream to prevent ingrown hairs when you shave. search Google a bit, and don't press the razor right against your face, try to leave a little bit of hair behind.
Hmmm,I use an electric razor. is that a factor?
YES!!! i use to use a electric razor and then i swithced to a regualr razer and it made all the differnce

Posted: Mar 24, 2009 at 19:44 Quote
i have a bit of acne on my fore head, i talked to my docter and he said it was mostly caused by stress (not riding enough). usually my acne disappers during summer and winer break caouse i go to th skate park every day and go to whistler every weekend

Posted: Mar 24, 2009 at 19:52 Quote
Tea-tree oil (its more of an extract than an oil) works amazingly for me, I get my face good and clean and then put the stuff on any pimples I want gone (all)... within 2 days maximum they'll disappear. Be careful if you put it all over your face though because it can dry out your skin a bunch... you may need to water it down.
Some people don't like the way it smells but just put it on at night before bed and you don't need to worry about it.

Also noxzema pads help, but overall just keeping my face clean makes a huge difference.


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