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Canada to the Polls
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Posted: Sep 11, 2008 at 19:37 Quote
The unions in Sweden work because they aren't greedy. Here they are very greedy, and are unsustainable.

I am aware of how they were of use back in the day, when there was no labor board. Simply by saying that workers would be abused if there wasn't a union is just ignorant. In our free-market if you want more money go somewhere else. They would be paid less because the business would be sustainable. Theses plants are shutting down because they are having to pay far too much money, to be sustainable. They have to pay the workers less or else they shut down. This is being proven as we speak.

Also look at how much the Swedish government gives out in aid, and other such activities.

Posted: Sep 13, 2008 at 11:17 Quote
Since this thread has been inactive for a couple days, I thought I would revive it. Currently, the three main parties (Conservatives, Liberals, and NDP) have stepped up their advertising in order to make undecided voters cast a ballot for them. After seeing all of the smear campaigns it makes me wonder where the morals and ethics of some of these parties are going. The attack ads are always interesting and seem to help raise awareness of certain issues. However, a lot of them don’t seem to represent what the party is all about when you look deeper into their platforms. The Conservative's ad seems to be in the spotlight so I will use it as an example. Recently, it was pulled from TV.

Posted: Sep 13, 2008 at 13:59 Quote
I agree laurie, I am so sick of the smear campaigns. I personally can't stand how Parliament is less about governing the country and is more about making the other guy look bad. Why?

Even when there isn't an election, the parties are just trying to make each other look like idiots. It reminds me of siblings fighting over the remote.

Posted: Sep 16, 2008 at 17:19 Quote
As the Election Day gets closer and closer, there is more of a media focus on it. They interview the candidates, let them debate on selected topics, go over their party's respective platforms, and try to make Canadian citizens care. As well, there is an increase in campaign ads on television. I just finished watching two Liberal attack ads on the Conservatives. The funny thing about them is that they portray the Conservatives as a walking environmental disaster/catastrophe if they decide to develop the tar sands in Alberta. They show some sort of bird (duck?) covered in oil from an oil slick and show its downsides. However, in another "pro" Liberal ad, they talk about injecting large sums of money in the manufacturing backbone in Ontario as well as things about "greener" solutions. However, these are struggling manufacturers facing some of the hardest times they have seen in decades! My point is that these industries cannot afford to go green no matter how much government subsidy they are given. There just isn't enough to go around. The auto industry is laying off hundreds of people a month. Do you honestly think they can afford $100 million dollars (figure pulled out of my head) to upgrade their factories to make them "greener?" Obviously, the answer is no. These people are so hypocritical and contradictory that they don't even make sense anymore. They portray other parties as bad choices but they have no practical solutions to solve the problem. The same goes with the Liberals initiatives in fishing. The fishing industry has been a struggling industry for years. Over fishing has been a huge problem. In addition to the struggling industry, they want to subsidize the industry by providing money for the fishermen to buy greener boats!?!?!? Honestly, what the hell are these party's thinking.

Rant over.

Posted: Sep 16, 2008 at 19:10 Quote
laurie1 wrote:
As the Election Day gets closer and closer, there is more of a media focus on it. They interview the candidates, let them debate on selected topics, go over their party's respective platforms, and try to make Canadian citizens care. As well, there is an increase in campaign ads on television. I just finished watching two Liberal attack ads on the Conservatives. The funny thing about them is that they portray the Conservatives as a walking environmental disaster/catastrophe if they decide to develop the tar sands in Alberta. They show some sort of bird (duck?) covered in oil from an oil slick and show its downsides. However, in another "pro" Liberal ad, they talk about injecting large sums of money in the manufacturing backbone in Ontario as well as things about "greener" solutions. However, these are struggling manufacturers facing some of the hardest times they have seen in decades! My point is that these industries cannot afford to go green no matter how much government subsidy they are given. There just isn't enough to go around. The auto industry is laying off hundreds of people a month. Do you honestly think they can afford $100 million dollars (figure pulled out of my head) to upgrade their factories to make them "greener?" Obviously, the answer is no. These people are so hypocritical and contradictory that they don't even make sense anymore. They portray other parties as bad choices but they have no practical solutions to solve the problem. The same goes with the Liberals initiatives in fishing. The fishing industry has been a struggling industry for years. Over fishing has been a huge problem. In addition to the struggling industry, they want to subsidize the industry by providing money for the fishermen to buy greener boats!?!?!? Honestly, what the hell are these party's thinking.

Rant over.

Good rant.

to answer your question...imo the liberals aren't thinking at all.

Posted: Sep 16, 2008 at 19:37 Quote
My personal favourite is the Liberals are going to give subsidies to farmers to use Bio-Diesel.

Wait Wait Wait.

Farmer produces corn-using corn bio-diesel
Farmer harvests corn-using corn bio-diesel
Harvested corn turned into bio-diesel
Farmer produces corn-using corn bio-diesel
Farmer harvests corn-using corn bio-diesel
Harvested corn turned into bio-diesel
Farmer produces corn-using corn bio-diesel
Farmer harvests corn-using corn bio-diesel
Harvested corn turned into bio-diesel

Does anyone see a pattern?

The liberal environment plan is just silly, not progressive, not useful to anyone. But when someone wants to vote green they will look like the champions, even though it will send the economy into a vicious tail spin. But at least the metaphorical plane of economy will be burning a bio-fuel.

Posted: Sep 16, 2008 at 22:29 Quote
Liberals arn't stupid they know to win a gov't they have to win Ontario (the way they won in the 90's) and they are going hard. Once again they leave us westerners to our on devices! Honestly if they actually cared about us i probably would vote liberal

Posted: Sep 17, 2008 at 8:19 Quote
Yeah I don't support the Dion liberals at all. I'm super happy he's making the environment a major issue, which IMO should be the #1 or #2 issue, but Dion himself simply doesn't have what it takes. I'm a liberal at heart, but I don't support the current party in the least. They're hypocritical, at times stupid, and always full of sh*t.
The Tories scare me sometimes, but I don't mind Harper much so far. I say give him another four years with a minority. If they pull something outrageous, it can always be defeated (assuming the opposition grows a set), but we'll have that strong figurehead in charge.
I still need to read their platforms though; good running-around-to-campaign-offices trip coming up soon. Any party that doesn't have any on hand gets all the propaganda I can muster against them.

That said those damn fireside ads make me want to turn apathetic.

edit: Bonfire biofuel is the worst idea that was ever invented. There's not even enough food on earth to fill the global energy need. Waste of resources and a giant loogey in the face of every person without food.

Posted: Sep 17, 2008 at 13:47 Quote
Yeah I am well aware how much Bio-fuels suck, thus why I maintain that this whole lets pay farmers to use bio-fuels the worst idea ever.

If you took all of the farm land in the world and used it all for bio-fuels you wouldn't produce more than 3% of the US needs.

Posted: Sep 19, 2008 at 11:00 Quote
So now that the election is getting closer and closer, Canadian citizens are being exposed to more and more via the media. Basically, what I am getting at is that there are a lot of "dirty players" involved in the game right now. They take everything that one person says and sort of "twist" it into something totally drastic. Quite frankly, I am not fond of this tactic. It is a slick move used to trash a party. Recently, there were two instances. Both are in regards to the Conservative party and both times, Prime Minister Harper was forced to apologize for someone representing his party. However, people need to be held accountable for their actions. This means that individuals are to be responsible for what happens rather than fostering the blame on the party as a whole! It just isn't right and unless some sort of fascist regime is instilled, it won't happen. People are people and make mistakes or comments that they may regret later. However, things get blown out of proportion way too often. It is very unfortunate but it is a reality of politics.

The two cases I am referring to are in regards to Harper's Agriculture Minister, Gerry Ritz, where he made some inappropriate comments about the recent and deadly listeria outbreak. As well, there was an incident involving the assistant of the Transport Minister, Lawrence Cannon.

[Quoten]Mr. Cannon was campaigning in Maniwaki, Que., Wednesday when a group of protesters from the divided native community of Barriere Lake showed up to outline their demands.

Mr. Cannon listened to their speech and then left, but his constituency assistant continued an exchange with the lead protester, Norman Matchewan.

The exchange was caught on video and broadcast as the lead item Wednesday by the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network.

“If you behave and you're sober and there's no problems and if you don't do a sit down and whatever, I don't care,” said Mr. Cannon's assistant Darlene Lannigan to Mr. Matchewan. She then added: “One of them showed up the other day and was drinking.”

“Are you calling me an alcoholic?” replied Mr. Matchewan.

“I'm not calling you an alcoholic. No. It was just to say that you're in a federal office. If you're coming in to negotiate, I expect, there's [decorum] that has to be respected,” said Ms. Lannigan.[/Quoten]

Posted: Sep 20, 2008 at 11:06 Quote
I just saw the Liberal's newest attack ad today and it was the funniest ad I have ever seen. It basically outlined all the cases I said above where "poor judgment" was exercised by some of Harper's people. Everyone all of a sudden is crying wolf about people that work for Harper but he doesn't indoctrinate people on what to say. We live in a democracy and so long as what they say isn't ridiculously over the top, people should be able o express their opinions. However, some of the things that were said should have been cause for reprimand or firing. Oh well, what can I say? I'm just another dumb Canadian.

Posted: Sep 20, 2008 at 12:26 Quote
laurie1 wrote:
I just saw the Liberal's newest attack ad today and it was the funniest ad I have ever seen. It basically outlined all the cases I said above where "poor judgment" was exercised by some of Harper's people. Everyone all of a sudden is crying wolf about people that work for Harper but he doesn't indoctrinate people on what to say. We live in a democracy and so long as what they say isn't ridiculously over the top, people should be able o express their opinions. However, some of the things that were said should have been cause for reprimand or firing. Oh well, what can I say? I'm just another dumb Canadian.

Yeah these attack adds really piss me off. I want to here some ideas and some facts and some proposals not the Tories accusing the Liberals of worrying too much about the environment and the Liberals accusing the Tories of not caring, kinds of things.

Posted: Sep 22, 2008 at 16:34 Quote
Elizabeth May is a nutcase.

Posted: Sep 22, 2008 at 17:35 Quote
laurie1 wrote:
Elizabeth May is a nutcase.

If you're hoping to get a debate going, you're probably not going to get one as I'm pretty sure all of us agree. I'm worried about global warming but the greens are just nutters.

Posted: Sep 22, 2008 at 18:07 Quote
marty660 wrote:
laurie1 wrote:
Elizabeth May is a nutcase.

If you're hoping to get a debate going, you're probably not going to get one as I'm pretty sure all of us agree. I'm worried about global warming but the greens are just nutters.


Their climb in fame is in my opinion mainly to due with hype and the novelty. "Hell I don't want to vote for either of them, and instead of spoiling my ballot I am going to vote Green, haha yeah I rock!"

I know of one person who voted green, he voted for them because of the aforementioned reason. I have yet to meet someone who fully supports green to lead the nation.


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