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What is an easy BMX trick?

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What is an easy BMX trick?
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Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 0:06 Quote
iRideNZ wrote:
and back onto topic i learned 180 flat in a few weeks, all you gotta do is carve and look over your shoulder and twist to the max then hop and spin and your body follows your head and then once you get your confidence, learn them without carving and then you can go faster and be smoother.

I don't know why, but I learned to 180 on flat in a couple hours. I guess I spent a long time learning to get high bunnyhops and stuff before that, so it was a lot easier for me... My tips for learning 180's are first, learn high bunnyhops, bunnyhop up and down everything you can find. I can usually hop up a 5-set of stairs with no problem. Then, start hitting 90's on hips, like roll up it, 90, catch your balance and then 90 again and roll back down it. Repeat over 9000 times.

And, it helps me when I don't carve. When you carve, it seems to throw your body weight too far to one side, makes me go off-kilter and tip over when I land.

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 0:23 Quote
not sure if this has been said, but 180 nose pivots, Manual, and riding fakie to get the feel before doing 180s.

Good luck!

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 0:25 Quote
jonlake wrote:
not sure if this has been said, but 180 nose pivots, Manual, and riding fakie to get the feel before doing 180s.

180 nose pivots are scary for me. Not sure why, guess I'm just not used to balancing on the front wheel. Manuals are a great idea, they just give you more finesse and control of the bike. Riding fakie is a must, I suck at it and can't really link my 180's with any other trick. I need to learn fakies NAO.

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 0:33 Quote
JokerMachine wrote:
jonlake wrote:
not sure if this has been said, but 180 nose pivots, Manual, and riding fakie to get the feel before doing 180s.

180 nose pivots are scary for me. Not sure why, guess I'm just not used to balancing on the front wheel. Manuals are a great idea, they just give you more finesse and control of the bike. Riding fakie is a must, I suck at it and can't really link my 180's with any other trick. I need to learn fakies NAO.

yeah no problem, Im new to bmx, but I got 180's wall rides, 180 nose pivots, found my balance point,Abubucas and got fakie fairly quickly, I think im still smoother on my MTB but who knows.

for the nose pivots, its definitely very "commitment oriented" i just roll into it at a slower pace then turn my bars as if i was going to 180, and spin my head and lean forward, just like spins, its all in the head/shoulders.

edit* you don't have to lean TOO far forward, just enough to unweight the back wheel enough to spin it

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 1:13 Quote
JokerMachine wrote:
Gaz6R4 wrote:
I don't even BMX and even I can bunny Smile Razz

Any bike discipline can use bunnies, from street to downhill.
yyeah, dh i always hop over some little tech sections

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 5:07 Quote
okay back on topic

once you have roll backs dialed then try rock fakies where you do a small hop at the top of a quarter pipe so your front wheel goes a few inches onto the deck of the ramp then hop backwards and rollback out of it.

also practise no foots and one handers out of a fly out jump, also i find no footers far easier than one footers so dont even bother with them. lol

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 8:02 Quote
Manuals was the first thing i learned and grinds were easy as well
But get good at bunny hoping first
I'd say 180's but i seem to do mine wrong or something like one guy said it must be my carving because it throws me to far almost exactly what he said.

But idk i still fine 180's easy but rollbacks seem to screw me up lol

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 8:07 Quote
Also if your in a park, just try whipping your back end out , out of the quarter, its always good fun, and as you get it out further you can turn it into a turndown. Also to learn barspins the easy way, keep one hand ( i prefer my left) on the bars, ( invert your hand upside down so your holding the grip upside down) Then lift the front up and spin it around as fast as you can, your left arm will twist a little bit, but it doesnt hurt and you just need to put it back on normally. Try it on grass first and at a slow speed.

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 8:35 Quote
i wud say bunny hop is the easiest bmx trick, if u whip some style into itPimp

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 10:04 Quote
bunny hoppin aint reali a trick, maybe 180 to fakie and stuff like that

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 10:31 Quote
pumping !! .. i know its notmuch of a trick.. but it definatly is a useful thing to learn learn to pump in and out of corners and up and down on banks.

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 10:38 Quote
ST0LEN wrote:
pumping !! .. i know its notmuch of a trick.. but it definatly is a useful thing to learn learn to pump in and out of corners and up and down on banks.

I like to pump, it smells.

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 11:13 Quote
Okay here's the deal. Now that I've removed all the arguing from this thread;

Any further flaming of users based on their style of riding (be it MTB or BMX), age, race, bike they ride, etc etc etc will NOT be tolerated. Bans will be handed out starting at a minimum of 3 days.

You have all been warned.

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 11:17 Quote
haa mod is from alberta.. what part??

Posted: Nov 13, 2008 at 22:34 Quote
chris93 wrote:
okay back on topic

once you have roll backs dialed then try rock fakies where you do a small hop at the top of a quarter pipe so your front wheel goes a few inches onto the deck of the ramp then hop backwards and rollback out of it.

also practise no foots and one handers out of a fly out jump, also i find no footers far easier than one footers so dont even bother with them. lol
i would say an air to fakie is easier, just take a little more speed and hop when you come to the coping, just start small on say a 5 ft quarter and on a 26" youll be poppin most of the front tyre over the coping in minutes and it make the half cab easier since you carry more speed out of it, and the bike is more stable so you can go further


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