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Sumas Mountain Trail Conditions and General Maintenance Thread

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Sumas Mountain Trail Conditions and General Maintenance Thread
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Posted: Mar 7, 2010 at 17:26 Quote
The Olympic torch run cleanup on Sumas, was a big success.
A good turnout and lots of garbage taken off the mountain.
Big thanks to FVMBA and Doug (wildman)Mossey .

TimeOut section was also worked on and a portion of the trail made safer.
We are all waiting on the private land owner to give where the reroute can be made so this section can be cleaned up .

A troublesome lower section of Chadsey Lake was bridged with great results verified by a ride on Saturday.
No longer do we have to get off the bike and walk through a creek,or do hikers .

Lots of work continues on CL as the logging ,seems to have resulted in more troublesome blowdown.
As of this week all blowdown has been taken out and the trail cleaned up.

Big thanks again to all who came out and helped,those who just couldn't make it can make amends by doing your part and cleaning up any section of trail or parking place you ride..

Posted: Apr 3, 2010 at 9:24 Quote
Well TimeKillers old exit ,leading you onto TimeOut is almost redone.
This old line ,saved from logging only by the stream that runs through it is back.
It will take another day to make up a exit ladder (to deter any motocycles) and a couple of small ladders.
Once done the old exit ladder will be moved over and used to bridge a short span of a water bar and the temporary exit ,will be no more.
Wish I could figure how to include a pix or two of the new bridges that now are part of the trail.
They are very pretty (yellow cedar) and curve and flow to take you through a sweet part of the trail.
By next week it should all be done and TK will again take back part of the beauty that logging and some ugly ladders ,left it slightly hurting.
Word is by next week the developer on TimeOut will have surveyed his land and we will then know where the much needed reroute of TimeOut can go, mud begone eh?

Posted: Apr 3, 2010 at 16:59 Quote
Couldn't leave it,and so the exit is Done!
Yes it will need a touch up come drier weather ,but the rollable exit ladder is done and every thing else.
Thanks to the stream this section is unlogged, what a beauty .
60hours of work,and worth every bit of it.
Soon the old garbage ladders at the upper exit will be redone as well.
It rained then hailed ,then snowed big time ,riders coming through reported that it was a sideways blizzard uptop.
Thanks to the Kerry man ,and Ryan S. as well and even the Coq. Pete as well as the JerBear came out and helped.
Great day, thats what make the trailbuilding scene so great,just good times.

Posted: Apr 3, 2010 at 18:31 Quote
Nice work guys.

Posted: Apr 4, 2010 at 18:30 Quote
Rode on Sumas today and was told to get over and see the new TK exit - I love the smell of new bridges! NF and TK were in good shape (way better than the trails at the WOodlot I rode earlier that day).

Great work guys!

Posted: Apr 4, 2010 at 22:43 Quote
Awesome work on the new Time Killer exit, thanks!

Also, Noah Fear got some love as well, very nice! I had the pleasure of taking a rider down NF thats never been on it before, I think he creamed his pants...

Posted: Apr 5, 2010 at 17:20 Quote
hopefully get up for a few runs soon! Beer

Posted: Apr 13, 2010 at 20:42 Quote
Unsecure image, only https images allowed: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b219/bikeaddict/april2010missionride.jpg

Posted: Apr 19, 2010 at 19:11 Quote
Holiday Sauce XC
There's a new bridge, a real beauty on Holiday Sauce.
No more going through the stream ,all cedar and well see soon how it rides.
The XC section from top (KnobG) to HolidayS and the ExtraS to the Emma Peel continue to get the love.

Posted: May 26, 2010 at 19:28 Quote
Man I can't belive no one has posted since my last post.
Sumas has been busy with XCers and Dh shuttlers.
We put a couple more poppers(and some more rocked drainage as well as a case pad by the cabin on a jump) and replaced a ladder on TKiller which a quad had winched out in the clear cut.
As well a small drop on a corner which never worked ,has been taken out and replaced with a berm and grade reversal .
After riding it ,this section is now faster and put a bit more flow back in her.
With the logging ,"freeway Bob" which used to be so beautiful, is slowly getting flow back ,but it will take years no doubt.
No matter what TK lives.
Nothing but raves over the XC section on Sumas,with all the bridging and the EmmaPeel redo ,Sumas has lots for all types of riders.
Look to the Kgobbler getting some love after some pretty heavy riding this winter.
Chadsey rocks.....

Posted: May 26, 2010 at 19:37 Quote
Would you be into showing a few of us the Chadsey ride in the coming weeks Mr.G?

I got a fancy new XC bike and I want to spend some time up in the woods on it asap.

Posted: May 26, 2010 at 20:20 Quote
Agreed Mr. G, All the Sumas trails are riding sweet these day's. Good work Sumas builders.

Posted: May 27, 2010 at 16:18 Quote
brule wrote:
Would you be into showing a few of us the Chadsey ride in the coming weeks Mr.G?

I got a fancy new XC bike and I want to spend some time up in the woods on it asap.

I'll do that ride with you. Keep me posted.

Posted: May 28, 2010 at 17:07 Quote
Got this in an email from Steve @ FVMBA:

Timeout is closed until further notice. Active housing development directly on the trail makes it dangerous to trespass upon the development property. Do not ride this trail.

Timeout is normally ridden after riding TimeKiller, Chadsey, or Devil’s Throat/World Cup. If you MUST still ride those trails, you will need to ride UP the gravel road to meet the main Sumas access road. That is a fairly long slog on a heavy bike, so it is better to NOT ride these trails until a solution is found, or development is completed.

As a separate warning, and unrelated to the developer:
Do NOT park at the timeout exit - there have been reports of vandalism.

Posted: Jul 16, 2010 at 15:56 Quote

In response to the frequent complaints from residents there will be very frequent RCMP and Abbotsford Police Patrols on Sumas Mtn FSR and Backstad Rd starting immediately.

Police will be checking for open alcohol, seatbelts, drugs, speeding and the like.

It is important to be on our best behaviour on Sumas as the gate being closed permanently is in discussion at this time due to widespread illegal activity on the mountain.

Let's help put a good image on all mountain bikers on Sumas by not being part of the problem.



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