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What have you had for broken bones?

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What have you had for broken bones?
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Posted: Apr 15, 2011 at 17:31 Quote
Ankle - rock climbing...fell and landed on it weird
Wrist - once while riding, also sprained them 3 times riding
2 fingers - pinky shutting it in a car door and thumb while skiing
Nose - freestyle scootin back in the day
Clavical - riding
Ribs - overshot a jump while skiing and landed on my back...broke 2 of em and punctured a lung

But damn dmadness how was the hip? I've heard those are such a pain.

Posted: Apr 15, 2011 at 17:54 Quote
mcmbike wrote:
Ankle - rock climbing...fell and landed on it weird
Wrist - once while riding, also sprained them 3 times riding
2 fingers - pinky shutting it in a car door and thumb while skiing
Nose - freestyle scootin back in the day
Clavical - riding
Ribs - overshot a jump while skiing and landed on my back...broke 2 of em and punctured a lung

But damn dmadness how was the hip? I've heard those are such a pain.

I was lucky, the femur took the most on that one and then followed by the shoulder.
It wasnt a Bad fracture of the hip so much as I managed to Shear someting in the hip so it was bone flaked away from bone And not Right through. It made moving it painfull but That pain was superseeded by the femur pain..... that And a pile of oxicontin and Perkaset. they may have put a screw in it, tough I'm not totaly sure as they did my femur rod incision over the area with the hip break, and told me in recovery that they didnt think it was necesarry for surgical intervention but that they had "Stabalized the Fracture" ... whatever that means.


Posted: Apr 16, 2011 at 18:10 Quote
Compound fracture and a broke wrist all in one. One bone was a nice clean break....Umm, the other one,well, it shattered. I have 2 plates and 16 screws holding it together for 10 years now. The Dr. told me if I broke that, don't call him. I wear a brace when I ride. It was a BMX crash.

Posted: Apr 16, 2011 at 22:02 Quote
dmadness wrote:
mcmbike wrote:
Ankle - rock climbing...fell and landed on it weird
Wrist - once while riding, also sprained them 3 times riding
2 fingers - pinky shutting it in a car door and thumb while skiing
Nose - freestyle scootin back in the day
Clavical - riding
Ribs - overshot a jump while skiing and landed on my back...broke 2 of em and punctured a lung

But damn dmadness how was the hip? I've heard those are such a pain.

I was lucky, the femur took the most on that one and then followed by the shoulder.
It wasnt a Bad fracture of the hip so much as I managed to Shear someting in the hip so it was bone flaked away from bone And not Right through. It made moving it painfull but That pain was superseeded by the femur pain..... that And a pile of oxicontin and Perkaset. they may have put a screw in it, tough I'm not totaly sure as they did my femur rod incision over the area with the hip break, and told me in recovery that they didnt think it was necesarry for surgical intervention but that they had "Stabalized the Fracture" ... whatever that means.


compound on the femur sucked, it took a few minutes for anyone to find me (out freeridin on the moto) barely missed the femural artery, doctors said had the bone severed that i'd have bled to death before anyone found me.

Posted: Apr 20, 2011 at 22:51 Quote
jagarcia89 wrote:
compound on the femur sucked, it took a few minutes for anyone to find me (out freeridin on the moto) barely missed the femural artery, doctors said had the bone severed that i'd have bled to death before anyone found me.

Damn :s lucky escape I guess.

Been pretty lucky... until this year. 2 months on crutches with a broken fibula in 2 places, messed up all the tendons in my foot/ankle, casts been off 3 weeks now have just started back with some light drops to get the strength back.

Posted: May 14, 2011 at 14:52 Quote
i thought i had never broke a bone but in one day i broke my left arm in two places, my left wrist and then fell over walkin down the trails and broke my right finger. lol

then after the xrays at the hospital it turnes out i had previously broke (so you could see tiny lines on xray):
my right colar bone
right wrist
left wrist x2 (which is why i think it broke again)
chipped a huge chunk off the end of my right arm bone which lies almost in my little finger

i would love do know how i didnt notice any of these whenever they happened Eek

Posted: May 14, 2011 at 16:38 Quote
i dont think its possiblle to have brioken the things you say without knowing, a collor bone?? i have to call you on that one, its a very painfull break and easilly noticablle as it is exteremely painfull any time you move at all, the wrist hurts liek hell and would be easilly noticed when you were unable to pick up a book, cup of coffee, etc.

... so as someone who has broken many things and knows the effects, I pretty much call bs.

Posted: May 14, 2011 at 16:51 Quote
ive only ever broken bones whilst cycling... my right wrist 3 times, left wrist 1 time, all the metawatsamajigies in my left foot and my right forearm which needed surgery to correct... i know it doesn't sound correct but putting your hands out to try and avoid hurting yourself actually hurts!

Posted: May 14, 2011 at 16:51 Quote
i can think back and call loads of times when i have hurt wrist ect and not bin able to pick anything up, and i didnt say that any of the bones had moved, just broken, so can be passed as bad muscle strains or tears. i know people who i mx with who have had bost colar bones and raced with them because they didnt know. so yeah go and call bs just because i dont go to the hospital because of some pain and injuries that heal themselves

Posted: May 14, 2011 at 16:59 Quote
when doctors gave me x-rays for 1 of my injuries they said "it's not broken now but you've broken it before" (refering to my collar bone) and i never knew i had so i don't class it as a break

Posted: May 14, 2011 at 17:01 Quote
yeah thats what i said i had broken it before not that it was broke now

Posted: May 14, 2011 at 17:04 Quote
yeah, see the thing about your "theory" is that bones typically take 6-8 weeks to heal, and bad ones take up to 6 months, most in fact take up to 6 months to heal completelly. anything is possiblle though i suppose.

Posted: May 14, 2011 at 17:07 Quote
now im confused Very confused i was just sayin what i had broke in the past according to what the doctors told me and showed me on my x rays now whats this about theorys

Posted: May 14, 2011 at 17:15 Quote
alls im sayin' is that a broken bone feels like nothing else, the only thing i've broken and NOT known about was a toe and i still limped around for months ( i know about the toe only because i broke my tib fib and ankle tallus and it showed up then )

the fact that you are overtly defensive makes me think youre prolly not bs ing... therefore I retract my former call of bs and tip my hat to you. Pimp

Posted: May 14, 2011 at 17:20 Quote
yeah thats why i was saying how the hell didnt i know and think they were more than a soft tissue injury, but thanks tup


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