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Old Riders....But not "Old School"

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Old Riders....But not "Old School"
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Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 7:49 Quote
Man, it sounds like a few of you guys have some heavy stuff going on. Be sure to look after yourselves.

Thanks for the high fives fellas! My little company has had amazing support over the years which makes the job so much easier. I love what I do and look forward to my summer of shred. That said, The next 5 weeks off is looking pretty great. Cheers.

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 7:52 Quote
Brownie... uhg...

Yeah my wife got the plasma injection last year for a tear in a ligament in her elbow... she experienced severe pain for two weeks, then after about 6 much relief. But it still troubles her. Still a tear so be careful about expectations on that one. I think time is the healer for things like that though. No easy fix for tears. Might speed up recovery though.

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 9:05 Quote
I too have torn meniscus. That was the initial injury to my left knee, back in about '97 when I used to run in "normal" running shoes. I've never had it looked at or scoped, etc. It was so bad that I couldn't run at all. In 2012 I tried out the barefoot shoes, vibram fivefingers, and have been running year round, since. I can't log the repetitive miles, but I can still do a lot, even in just one run. 22 this weekend, which was a half over both local 1,200' peaks, and then 10 yesterday up in the hills of our local canyon, with the kiddo.

I forgot that you'd mentioned your wife doing the injection. Sorry about that. Hate when I repeat myself. I can be a dork.

If you wear shoes that have raised heels, especially heels that are hard, you may get quite a bit of knee relief in something flat. Having the foot at an angle, and having a hard flat heel that strikes the ground as you walk, verses your round foot heel rotating on the ground, can really aggravate knee injuries. I know they look stupid, but shoes like Vivo BareFoot (I wear the Primus Trail 9hrs a day at work as a mechanic) will really make a difference. Takes a moment to get used to having your feet be a real feet again, but worth it.

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 10:35 Quote
I've torn the meniscus in my right knee three times now, and have had to have about 60% of it removed at this point... toss in and ACL tear and an MCL tear and my right knee is f*cked. Oddly, after getting hit by the car in January, it's lost some lateral flexibility somehow despite not getting thrashed at all during the accident. If I try to sit with my right leg crossed over my left or sit indian style, I can't actually bring that knee flat anymore. Sticks up at like 30 degrees now and doesn't want to stretch back down. Guessing I did something to the LCL or maybe some IT band issues, I dunno... I just know getting old is absolute bullshit and I wanna talk to a manager about this nonsense.

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 10:47 Quote
badbadleroybrown wrote:
I've torn the meniscus in my right knee three times now, and have had to have about 60% of it removed at this point... toss in and ACL tear and an MCL tear and my right knee is f*cked. Oddly, after getting hit by the car in January, it's lost some lateral flexibility somehow despite not getting thrashed at all during the accident. If I try to sit with my right leg crossed over my left or sit indian style, I can't actually bring that knee flat anymore. Sticks up at like 30 degrees now and doesn't want to stretch back down. Guessing I did something to the LCL or maybe some IT band issues, I dunno... I just know getting old is absolute bullshit and I wanna talk to a manager about this nonsense.

LOL....ya, I wasn't planning on showing up to my 50's being so wrecked. But f*ck it. Like I told my very lovely, and unbelievably patient chemo nurse when she found out I was leaving the lab and going for a run, not to mention still spinning wrenches, "I'm sorry I'm such an a**hole. I appreciate your concern, but I'm going to keep on living my life, until I can't anymore."

Sorry your knee is so bad. I know that has to complete suck. I'm headed there on a freight train. I'm hoping some level/version of injection buys more time.

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 10:57 Quote
Man we are a bunch of walking wounded. I can't throw a baseball or football anymore after separating my shoulder and cracking my collarbone in a fall back in my early 20's. I continually separate it at an awful rate. One wrong roll over in bed at night I wake up because it pops out! My knee's arent happy because I am, as WTH affectionately calls me, a Sasquatch. I have done nothing to deserve knee pain, but as I get older, the cracks and pains build. I'm waiting to pull a Sterling, lying at the bottom of a pool or jump like a sack of potatoes broken waiting on the aide car.

My 12 year expressed interest in Cross Country running so as of yesterday, we started jogging together to build her fitness up for her first year of XC at Middle School. I joined in and I am sore today and all we did was run for 10 minutes! I haven' run in over 20 years to simply run so that was fun... I used to be a 5:15 miler in high school track, never gonna go back to that! Here's to hoping my knees and shoulders hold up! I told my kiddo I will run with her until she starts to make me suffer than I am switching the bike!

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 11:07 Quote
My best pain relief for my f*cked knee is physio. When i tore my meniscus standing up from a chair last year my doc asked me if i wanted to go back to my surgeon again. I dont want any more knee surgeries unless absolutely needed, so she recommended hitting the physio hard. Ive done lots of phsyio over the years but this new guy i saw really was able to explain how the exercises would help and made me buy into it a lot more. It took a lot of hard work, but the eventual pain relief that came from building up strength in my knee was amazing.

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 11:15 Quote
badbadleroybrown wrote:
I've torn the meniscus in my right knee three times now, and have had to have about 60% of it removed at this point... toss in and ACL tear and an MCL tear and my right knee is f*cked. Oddly, after getting hit by the car in January, it's lost some lateral flexibility somehow despite not getting thrashed at all during the accident. If I try to sit with my right leg crossed over my left or sit indian style, I can't actually bring that knee flat anymore. Sticks up at like 30 degrees now and doesn't want to stretch back down. Guessing I did something to the LCL or maybe some IT band issues, I dunno... I just know getting old is absolute bullshit and I wanna talk to a manager about this nonsense.

shit 'brown...that ain't from getting old...! it's from all those ass-kickin's you been handing out lol lol

the driver of that car was probably DCA...or danielsons code 81 buddy on his 3% patch Rolleyes

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 11:28 Quote
bkchef2000 wrote:
My 12 year expressed interest in Cross Country running so as of yesterday, we started jogging together to build her fitness up for her first year of XC at Middle School. I joined in and I am sore today and all we did was run for 10 minutes! I haven' run in over 20 years to simply run so that was fun... I used to be a 5:15 miler in high school track, never gonna go back to that! Here's to hoping my knees and shoulders hold up! I told my kiddo I will run with her until she starts to make me suffer than I am switching the bike!

Stand by for unsolicited advice: I'm a running form coach, started racing XC in 5th grade, and raced through 2yrs of eligibility in college. Ran track, everything from the 400 and up, but was a LD track runner.

I'd suggest you both watch this video, umpteen times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSIDRHUWlVo

He's not promoting running without shoes. Neither am I. He's simply demonstrating in bare feet, so that the camera can show how the human body is actual designed to run, and how the feet and legs are actually designed and supposed, to function.

Don't let your daughter start running in normal running shoes. Buy her the book, "Born To Run." It will fire her up, and put her light years ahead of her teammates, competition, and even her coaches (who are probably still drinking the Kool-Aid from 1973). Get her into a pair of Vibram FiveFinger Spyridons now, while her mileage is really really low. Other great shoes for her to share with the FF's are Merrell Trail Gloves, and Vapor Gloves. Also the New Balance Minimus V1, the very flat, thin models (not the later models that have a more normal sole). Keep watching that video and working on her form early on. She will develop outstanding form, because she will be developing all of the muscularity that real form takes. Especially with girls, who have very weak shoulders and arms, you'll find that girls tend to not swing their arms. Instead, they twist their torso, throwing their shoulders in a way that sort of creates an arm-type swing. This is sooo inefficient, and makes for low speed, and injuries.

I started training and running with my daughter when she was in 8th grade. She was the only athlete at her school, that in all 4yrs of XC and Track, running something like 1,500mi a year, WHO NEVER HAD AN INJURY. I used to offer to the parents of the slowest, worst kids, to work with them privately, at no charge. Those who got on board, and it took both parent involvement, and athlete involvement, wound up in the top 5 on their respective teams. One of my gals went from last place on the girls team, and crying her first race, to 7 months later, having to slow down so as not to embarrass a Senior gal that she was beating. The following year was her Senior year, and during the summer leading up to that XC season, she was so fast they had to bring in a college gal to run with her in practice. She would run me down and leave me like I was walking. It was very impressive. But I repeated that with a lot of kids during my daughter's 4yrs there.

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 11:40 Quote
bkchef2000 wrote:
My 12 year expressed interest in Cross Country running so as of yesterday, we started jogging together to build her fitness up for her first year of XC at Middle School. I joined in and I am sore today and all we did was run for 10 minutes! I haven' run in over 20 years to simply run so that was fun... I used to be a 5:15 miler in high school track, never gonna go back to that! Here's to hoping my knees and shoulders hold up! I told my kiddo I will run with her until she starts to make me suffer than I am switching the bike!

HA...! shit chef, mine too..! she's 12. Gonna run CC this year at her new Middle School. The kids have been running all summer 2x per week but come 8/1, they're running every day. We got her some new dedicated running kicks which she absolutely loves. The stoke is high in this one for the fall.

Her and I will walk 2-3 miles together when we go out and do our thing (couple times a week), plus we bike trails together. But.....like big pork butt but....she wants me to do her training and fitness program with her. I have yet to see it but I have this strange suspicion that it includes running....which I do not like. It kills my back, feet (plantar fascist foot f**kery !! ), sciatica, etc... when I run.

FFS I did the Tough Mudder twice a few years back and (like a dumbass) never ran to train for it. My legs were so f**ked up by the time I was done, I could barely walk lol lol

So, it looks like I'm gonna be taking up running tup (but if I do this...I'm running with dumbells...gonna get my shit built up !!)

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 11:48 Quote
I don't really miss my years of running, but I won't lie that those 5 years where I was running really competitively carried me on for a long time fitness wise. I stopped running at 17 and jumped on a Cyclocross bike and was top 10 in the nation 6 months after my first ride on a Cyclocross bike. I was the only junior not on a factory team in the top 10.

But that was like 45 pounds ago. I don't think ill ever run a sub 16min 5k again. lol

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 11:57 Quote
watching that vid Todd....thanks Salute

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 12:21 Quote
adm750 wrote:
watching that vid Todd....thanks Salute

Excellent! Let me know if I can be of any help, both with the form, and with the training to help her develop both speed, and fitness base.

Get 'em doing some form of pushup, and hanging from a bar, attempting a pull up repeatedly until they can do 1. That shoulder strength will make them so much better and faster.

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 12:26 Quote
ToddM1 wrote:
adm750 wrote:
watching that vid Todd....thanks Salute

Excellent! Let me know if I can be of any help, both with the form, and with the training to help her develop both speed, and fitness base.

Get 'em doing some form of pushup, and hanging from a bar, attempting a pull up repeatedly until they can do 1. That shoulder strength will make them so much better and faster.

ha....cool. will do. she loves that stuff anyways. She can rip off a dozen pull ups like it's nothing.

Posted: Jul 26, 2021 at 12:45 Quote
She will be a stellar runner if she's got the upper body and core strength to do pull-ups.

Take her to a park or beach and shoot some video of her running in "normal" running shoes. Then ask her to do the same thing barefoot (or in socks) and video that. Like just have her run in a straight line, about 50 or so feet away from you, and just run by you. At a normal training speed, not at full race speed. Show her the dramatic difference in form, and body position, when she's running barefoot. It will blow both of your minds. Then figure out what euro size she is, and grab a decent selection of shoes from my list. Mercari, Poshmark, and ebay are great sources. Allows you to give her a variety, so that she can select what she wants to wear on a certain day, on a certain run, during a certain race. And she should be racing in actual racing flats, nothing else. FiveFingers are not a fast enough shoe to race in. She could race in the Trail Gloves or Vapor Gloves, but the flats will be the fastest and most fun.

Shoes are a tool, so like any other tool, she chooses the correct tool for the job. There are some trails where I simply can't wear the FF's. So I switch to the Trail or Vapors, or the Minimus'. And I don't race in the FF's either. Fun as they are, and they are 99% of the time my training shoes, they do have their limits. All that said, the FF's are really the only tool that allows the athlete to create, maintain, and muscle memory, CORRECT running form...especially early on.

Quick suggestion on running gear:
-Nike FeNom bras are the best. Again, Mercari, Poshmark, and ebay are your friends.
-Naked Running Band allows carrying a phone, GU and other snacks, and a soft flask at the back. Worth every penny to be hands free, and have it all be snug and not bouncy, at your hips. Not needed on short runs, although it can be nice for them to carry their phone, so this allows for it.
-BOA shorts and Nike shorts are the best in the industry. Again, Mercari, Poshmark, and ebay. I personally have a huge collection of BOA shorts, and am always scoring more of the old, out of production prints. I blow my daughters mind every weekend on our long 10miler, by showing up in another pair she hasn't seen. Cracks us both up.
-Nike "Pro Combat" "Running" and "Miler" shirts are fantastic. They keep the sun off, are extremely light, and the pro combats are all perforated on the back and under the arms to keep you cool. There are also "HyperWarm" versions for running in cooler temps. Again, Mercari, Poshmark, ebay
-Running sleeves are a great add to short sleeve shirts because they keep the sun off your arms, and you can get them wet to stay really cool.


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