Wisdom Teeth

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Wisdom Teeth
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Posted: Jul 7, 2008 at 19:36 Quote
Well, I did a little searching, and it seems everyone has a mixed oppinion on the old wisdom teeth.

I've gotta get mine (all 4) out on August 1st, and am leaving for Mt. St. Anne on August 6th, think I will be healed up by then?

Posted: Jul 7, 2008 at 21:37 Quote
I don't think you'll be completely all right by then. When I got all four of mine out earlier on in the year I was pretty much out for a week after. I could move around and stuff, but it wasn't very pleasant. And start stocking up on pudding (Except rice pudding), yogurt, and soup; Cause that's all you'll be eating for a while.

Posted: Jul 8, 2008 at 7:25 Quote
Without complications, 5 days is feasible. Everybody heals differently but I was back on my feet by day 4. I've had friends who have had their wisdom teeth done on Friday and were at school Monday. So there is hope.

Make damn sure to keep the holes clean as they're healing. Infection with wisdom teeth removal is not a good time.

Posted: Jul 10, 2008 at 12:56 Quote
Well, when I broke my collar bone, which was a BAD break, I was on pain meds the day of and then the day after, and that was it. I could move my arm on its own while the bone was still broken, and by week three I was able to drive to the store or school. By week 5 I was back to work at sport check as a tech and Ski Martock as a tech, with little to no problems related to pain.... By then it was actually somewhat solid, and according to x rays had been attached a little from week 3 or so.

That should give you some idea of my pain tolerance, so how do wisdom teeth go pain wise? If it is just a pain thats there all the time I will likely be good to go, but if its an incredibly sharp pain every time I go to put my helmet on or something like that, I might be sitting this one out.

Also, what are some decent pain killers that you can still drive on? I don't want to be half out of it givin er down the mountain.

Posted: Jul 10, 2008 at 13:18 Quote
jonbikes wrote:
Well, when I broke my collar bone, which was a BAD break, I was on pain meds the day of and then the day after, and that was it. I could move my arm on its own while the bone was still broken, and by week three I was able to drive to the store or school. By week 5 I was back to work at sport check as a tech and Ski Martock as a tech, with little to no problems related to pain.... By then it was actually somewhat solid, and according to x rays had been attached a little from week 3 or so.

That should give you some idea of my pain tolerance, so how do wisdom teeth go pain wise? If it is just a pain thats there all the time I will likely be good to go, but if its an incredibly sharp pain every time I go to put my helmet on or something like that, I might be sitting this one out.

Also, what are some decent pain killers that you can still drive on? I don't want to be half out of it givin er down the mountain.
The problem is that NSAIDs act very differently on people in terms of making them feel drowsy or sleepy, so we can't really say.

Posted: Jul 10, 2008 at 15:26 Quote
gabor wrote:
jonbikes wrote:
Well, when I broke my collar bone, which was a BAD break, I was on pain meds the day of and then the day after, and that was it. I could move my arm on its own while the bone was still broken, and by week three I was able to drive to the store or school. By week 5 I was back to work at sport check as a tech and Ski Martock as a tech, with little to no problems related to pain.... By then it was actually somewhat solid, and according to x rays had been attached a little from week 3 or so.

That should give you some idea of my pain tolerance, so how do wisdom teeth go pain wise? If it is just a pain thats there all the time I will likely be good to go, but if its an incredibly sharp pain every time I go to put my helmet on or something like that, I might be sitting this one out.

Also, what are some decent pain killers that you can still drive on? I don't want to be half out of it givin er down the mountain.
The problem is that NSAIDs act very differently on people in terms of making them feel drowsy or sleepy, so we can't really say.

Hmmm, didn't realize that. Learn something new every day.

Whatever I was on for my collar bone you weren't allowed to drive on. They were little white pills, but I can't remember what they were called. I felt pretty normal when I was on those. I haven't been on to many pain killers, but haven't experienced any that messed me up any yet.

Posted: Jul 10, 2008 at 16:36 Quote
Chances are you should be fine and dandy by than. Well the holes won't be filled in as that takes months... but pain should be minimal to zero and if you swelled it should be going away by than. Just make sure to keep rinsing out the holes and not eating popcorn and seeds and stuff that could get lodged in there.

Posted: Jul 10, 2008 at 17:21 Quote
Well, I get them out at 3pm on August 1st, we leave the 6th, but we won't be at the hill until the 8th. We are leaving 4-5ish Wednesday afternoon (6th), get to a friends parents place at some ungodly hour the next day, sleep till we get up, and then hit Quebec city for some go cart action and other must sees while you are in Quebec city. Then we are going to the hill Friday and Saturday, driving back Sunday to be back to work for Monday.

So its more like 7 days of healing before I actually get to the hill, rather than 5 days. Should prove to be a decent amount of healing time.

Eating my steak n' potatoes for the week in chunks is going to kinda suck though.

Posted: Jul 10, 2008 at 17:22 Quote
I only ate liquified stuff for the first few days. stuff like pudding, fruit smoothies, clam chowder and stuff. But after 3 or 4 days the mouth was al ready for the solids.

Posted: Jul 10, 2008 at 18:11 Quote
I can't waitRolleyes

Thank god I like sea food I guesstup

Posted: Jul 10, 2008 at 18:38 Quote
If the wisdom teeth are already out, healing will be a bitch. If they haven't come out yet, the healing process will be quick and not as painful. I was on my snowboard 3 days later.

Posted: Jul 10, 2008 at 18:40 Quote
From what I saw in the x-rays a short while ago, they are well on their way to being developed, but had little to no root. Definitely still fairly buriedEek

Posted: Jul 10, 2008 at 18:53 Quote
jonbikes wrote:
From what I saw in the x-rays a short while ago, they are well on their way to being developed, but had little to no root. Definitely still fairly buriedEek

Good! Healing won't be bad at all. Just be prepared when you wake up. It feels like your jaw is being crushed in a vice the pain is so intense. Well, I hope that didn't scare you. god luck with your reovery Smile

Posted: Jul 10, 2008 at 20:48 Quote
realtively low pain after I got my two bottom ones pulled. Just lots of Ibprofen and Penicilin.

Posted: Jul 11, 2008 at 3:15 Quote
OK, doesn't sound like this is going to be as big a deal as some make it out to be. Perhaps an incredibly shitty couple of days or so but other than that not to bad.

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