Klondike Kates. This is where we stayed. The food here was honestly the best food I've ever had, anywhere. Our last morning was when we got taken to ride the new trail up on the Dome with Marshall, Trae, Charles, and the rest of the local boys. It was inspiring to see their excitement but also an insanely unique experience to ride fresh singletrack on new age fancy bikes but then roll directly into this back to the past, Klondike gold rush town. It reminded me of Bralorne in the Chilcoltins, or Sandon in the Slocan Valley......except not even close to a ghost town! Truly a memorable experience. And the best part is that the Yukon Government has a couple of programs set up to help communities like Dawson fund these sorts of trail building projects. As many of the local MTB youth are Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Citizens they are also getting tremendous support for the First Nations government to keep the program going. The Dawson City region has endless possibilities and Alex Brook and the gang hope by Autumn of next year to have three main trails from summit to town, with lots of short connector trail in between. They hope to incorporate existing trails and tote roads into the trail system. Once they have enough of the trail network in place, and all are adequately signed, they plan to join forces with Whitehorse and Carcross to promote the entire Yukon as a destination for MTB. There are also some amazing trails and tote roads that lead from Dawson, via the Second Dome, up into the Tombstones that will surely make for some great long distance rides, with lots of relics from the Gold Rush along the way.
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Klondike Kates. This is where we stayed. The food here was honestly the best food I've ever had, anywhere. Our last morning was when we got taken to ride the new trail up on the Dome with Marshall, Trae, Charles, and the rest of the local boys. It was inspiring to see their excitement but also an insanely unique experience to ride fresh singletrack on new age fancy bikes but then roll directly into this back to the past, Klondike gold rush town. It reminded me of Bralorne in the Chilcoltins, or Sandon in the Slocan Valley......except not even close to a ghost town! Truly a memorable experience. And the best part is that the Yukon Government has a couple of programs set up to help communities like Dawson fund these sorts of trail building projects. As many of the local MTB youth are Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Citizens they are also getting tremendous support for the First Nations government to keep the program going. The Dawson City region has endless possibilities and Alex Brook and the gang hope by Autumn of next year to have three main trails from summit to town, with lots of short connector trail in between. They hope to incorporate existing trails and tote roads into the trail system. Once they have enough of the trail network in place, and all are adequately signed, they plan to join forces with Whitehorse and Carcross to promote the entire Yukon as a destination for MTB. There are also some amazing trails and tote roads that lead from Dawson, via the Second Dome, up into the Tombstones that will surely make for some great long distance rides, with lots of relics from the Gold Rush along the way.

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