At the end of our trip we were fortunate enough to visit Machu Piccu for a day.  It was only a couple valleys over from where we spent our trip, but another world once we got there.  We were blown away, there is no way to prepare yourself for the scale of what the Incan people built by hand hundreds of years ago, and the size and steepness of the mountains surrounding it.  This is a really special place that everyone should try to see in their lifetime.
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At the end of our trip we were fortunate enough to visit Machu Piccu for a day. It was only a couple valleys over from where we spent our trip, but another world once we got there. We were blown away, there is no way to prepare yourself for the scale of what the Incan people built by hand hundreds of years ago, and the size and steepness of the mountains surrounding it. This is a really special place that everyone should try to see in their lifetime.
  • 2 0
 Looks like a super cool experience. Great photos! The scenery is amazing. Good work Justin.
  • 1 0
 WOOOO.. genial... cuando otra sesiĆ³n??

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