With Whistler mountain in the background and the bike park long since closed, there's a lot of amazing riding to be had elsewhere; especially when the weather is this good until the end of October.

After 2h30m of pedaling to the top of Cougar Mountain and Screaming Cat Lake, this is our reward on the way back down: Siobhan shreds some dry and dusty trail with an epic view of the valley.
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With Whistler mountain in the background and the bike park long since closed, there's a lot of amazing riding to be had elsewhere; especially when the weather is this good until the end of October. After 2h30m of pedaling to the top of Cougar Mountain and Screaming Cat Lake, this is our reward on the way back down: Siobhan shreds some dry and dusty trail with an epic view of the valley.
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 Sweet! So guys pedalled to the top of cougar and up to Screaming Cat Lake? Was that the high point, or did you ride down? - Looking for an adventure, heading there in a few weeks.
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 Cougar goes much higher than Screaming Cat but that's as far as you can (easily, and legally) get on a bike. From the lake, there's a few km of really fun undulating double-track, then you dip in to Howler for the rest. One of my favourite trails in the valley. The climbing route we took was up the usual Rick's Roost, up past the Howler entrance, then kept going until the lake, then double-back on the same route down, until you branch in to Howler. Have fun if you do it, it's a great day out.
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 Thanks Hwulex! I know by this time next year we should have the legal alpine trail near completed that goes up on Sproat further to the South. Love the idea of getting up into the high alpine by bike, just like we might in the Alps! I don't mind threading the line on legality, but I also don't want to blow up some hiking trail and give mountain biking a bad name. That being said, if one can get up into the alpine and onto some rock and scree, then there's less of an issue of visible erosion, etc. etc. Thanks again for the heads up, I'll definitely ride this route next week! - Aaron

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