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  • 43 0
 i also think what is wrong with the world is trying to justifie that the dead of someone is more important than the dead of somebody else
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  • 18 2
 Have you disagree a little I know who he is and how old he was when he died 95. Paul walker was only 40 and did tons of good work with charities raising thousands and thousands of pounds. He had not yet lived his life.
  • 5 1
 thats true, i already read something about walker, he likes to help with charities, and he die helping people was victims of hurricane, sorry english
  • 12 0
 Youth over age. There is death, there is tragic death...
  • 5 0
 We also didn't grow up in Africa, we grew up in North America or Great Britain or South America or anywhere else where we were inspired by maybe just an act, but the face to the idea, and someone we looked up to. So before you judge, define bettered, because Paul Walker bettered the lives of millions of people who poured their life and time into cars because of a dream Paul Walker gave them, rather than drugs and violence.
  • 1 0
 I hear you. I am a little older than average here i think.. and am aware of his arrest and crack smoking.. but eey. They made him a saint. And the media plays along..
There is a VID on YTube of him singing kill the white boers.. @ at a friggin funeral.. the whole story played out now stinks !
  • 8 0
 aaand paul has donated millions to charity so yea
  • 7 5
 Millions of dollars does not compare to spending 27 years in prison for ending racial segregation and being one of the worlds advocates for basic human rights. Paul would be disappointed in those that did not know Mandela and his contributions to the planet which inspired Mr Walker himself.
  • 4 10
flag nouser (Dec 11, 2013 at 0:55) (Below Threshold)
 You go to prison if you kill people do some research on him. He did a lot for black aficans but he did it by killing not peacefully like other great men.
  • 3 2
 what? he was thrown in prison as a political prisoner because he was trying to end the system of racial segregation in south Africa. its astonishing that you're 27 years old yet you haven't even grasped the idea that people go to prison for other things besides murder. I highly suggest you at least read a Wikipedia article before you tell people to go do some research on him because you clearly have no clue about who he was or what he did.
  • 4 4
 So he wasn't involved in bombings then. Just because you read the wikipedia doesn't make you an expert. My Father is black and from Africa you fool.
  • 3 0
 Most people on here grew up having Paul Walker as our idol. If we understood Mandela's amazing contributions to humanity and maybe grew up in a time where that was important, we would be mourning even more. Both death's very sad, but catering to different age groups. RIP
  • 2 0
 I know what mandela did, but Paul walker inspire me to become a mechanic, wich ive done for ten years, and became a better technician, mandela didnt inspire me to do anything, cuz i dont live there,and i was too young back then to be concern
  • 3 0
 Or we could all not give a fuck about either of them. People Die. Big fucking deal. Instead of dwelling on what people did, dwell on what people are doing.
  • 6 4
 Nelson crashed his porche?
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  • 2 0
 Wow so much stupidity in some of these comments.
  • 1 0
 mandela was a legend and still is ,as for his wife .Winnie ,horrible person ,check her out on wikipidea !!!!
  • 9 7
 Morgan Freeman died too?

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