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thats not photoshopped =P
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thats not photoshopped =P
  • 1 0
 dude that worst then photo shopped wats the point now you just look like a poser tryingt o make your self look good. give me a big and id rule you and i dont need no fucking computer
  • 0 0
 you mean jhonny i presume,and he is one hell of a rider,unlike me obviousley i had to photoshop a picture to make me look good to strangers on the web and far as im know jhonny is the only person to hit full on a HT and i dont have a job to spend on biking,im only 13 so i cant legally work for a fe wmore weeks,then i have other stuff to buy other than bike parts
  • 0 0
 ya jhonny is a good rider but eric shanks hit it on a hardtail when he was 13 and so did matt jordan and that kid is always high, i realize its freaky and good for u for at least doing half, i never had the guts to do that when i lived in the bridge, but post the pics of u doing half instead of doing a crap ass photo shop job and getting all these peoples panties in a knot, i realize it was a joke but there are to many people that have a stick in there ass that can't realize it, once again cudos for doing half, and dont worry about what a bunch of strangers think about you.
  • 0 1
 wow,theres only another 100000000 avliable pictures to be uploaded today...im aware it looks like shit,did i say it looked good?i did it in my computer class at school cause i was done and bored

why do people bother posting pictures of themselves hitting a 2foot drop to flat? why dont you go tred on them?if you want ill get my camera and go to the 3 foot drop to flat and get some XTREME pics of me seshing it dead sailor style,will that please you guys? Or is it just because you guys cannot take a joke,knowing there is going to be another 2000 pictures uploaded in the next 2 or 3 days this will be lost and no one will really ever see it again unless you enjoy lookign in the lethy photo section
  • 0 1
 did i say i was betetr than you?

again people on pink bike need to lighten up, it was a joke, sorry i dont want to hit it and destroy my fork and wheels cause im not loaded and i dont ride a 6000$ full suspension

but if you want anytime,ill go hit half just for you

and if you want,i imagine i could phtoshop alot betetr one =S i did it at school in my extra 10 minutes

and you own because you talk shit over the web?on a biking site thats for all level riders?its people like you that have a superiority issue taht always have to comment on people taht arnt as good as you,or ride as nice of bike,lay off and go hang out with youre extremely skilled rich friends that ride at youre level
  • 1 0
 who says all good riders are rich ! im good and all my friends are and we are poor as fuck beacuse we spend evry last dime on biking and nothing els and who says you need a 6000 bike to do stuff like that iv seen people hit that on hard tails.
  • 0 1
 SHUT THE FUCK UP mitch could pwn all you noobs so stop being lil bitches and leave him alone like ascent boy i know we have had alot of problems in the past but i know u are a good guy cause you posted that thanx and all you other fuckers can just forget about it if you have that much time on your hands to make fun of a kid just trying to have a joke then you need a girlfriend buddy like i cant believe how worked up people are getting over this little picture i wishi could see some of you guys hitting half 13 ok god just forget about it and ride and watch we wont make fun of your pics
  • 0 1
 i am sorry everyone i wil stop doungrading peoples pics i was just trying to defend my friend mitch and i have stopped making fun of carson if u check out his pics i have apologized on all of them but srry anny ways i will try to learn to keep my mouth shut i understand that people arent the best and that i shouldnt make fun of them for it becuase i am not god at all it makes me sad that i have stupped this low. People post pics of them trying their best and i just completely put them down and that is wrong i know i wouldnt feel very good if i posted apic of me doind something and every one put me down and so i will stop for good
  • 0 0
 haha every one keeps sayind "dude" and cut the guy some slack it was just a joke and i dont know whhy it is such a big problem for you guys
  • 0 1
 and "norco 125rider or wat ever like i bet you dont even have a norco i bet you went to wall mart and bought some gt dyno thing and just put norco up there to be cool witch didnt turn out that well quit frankly
  • 1 0
 hey noob pwnerer. shutup. and maybe change ur name on this site. i mean if u think u can pwn noobs then do it elsewhere, if ur a gamer stick in the world of gaming, but dont bring that shit along with u to the mtb circuit, and dont call someone trying or anyone for that matter a "noob", in biking, there is no "noobs" theres people who dont commit, and people that just arent as good as u yet. but if i was ever biking with u and u called me a "noob"... i would break u.
  • 1 0
 Hey man you Guys are bunk
  • 0 0
 WTF???....why did you even bother posting this?
  • 0 0
 Its a joke..... Clam down
  • 0 0
Who said it's photoshopped?
  • 0 0
 dude i know you did this for fun, i do too, but it looks like shit
  • 0 0
 fuck u guys r losers bitchin at eachother its a fuckin pic don't be so gay
  • 0 1
 here's a good idea for PWnNoobs. stop posting comments and start posting pics!
  • 0 0
 HAHAHAHAHA this thing just made my day!!! awesome this is funny
  • 0 0
 guys calm down whatver?! who really cares?
  • 0 1
 im with you dawg....its just a pic
  • 1 2
 you are a compete moron if i knew you id punch you in the f****** head
  • 0 1
 and that i cant spell very well thanx
  • 0 1
 i know i am a hipacret

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