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  • 1 0
 Ellsworth bikes? never rode one. they look mostly the same over the years for sure. 100% made in the states!! more power to them. how they perform is most important not the looks. they look fine. just aint never changed as far as i know
  • 1 0
 yeah, I think they're going with the "if it aint broke, don't fix it" concept with the design... I had a couple through the years they're bad ass, no doubt about it.... a tick on the cha-chingy side but that's due to that "MADE IN USA" factor.
  • 1 0
 we need more of the made in the USA factor. support this country. stay educated. work hard. what are we supposed to do? 90% of the items in my house and everywhere elese , made in japan, china, etc etc, just do what you can! try not to let the system suck the goodness out you.
  • 1 0
 hard pressed to find stuff with a MADE IN USA label on anything that's bicycle related these days ---
back when I first started selling bikes, MADE IN USA was one of my leading go-to sources -- DEAN, Titus, Santa Cruz, Ellsworth, Hardland, and I think Mountain Cycle were my most commonly sold MADE in USA brands..

Dean is purely custom orders these days... you can't just ring them up and order a frame, it has to be made to spec..
Hardland didn't last long, they went belly up.
I dropped Mountain Cycle cause they went in and out of bankruptcy 3 times while pimpin' the brand.
I dropped Titus cause they just pissed me off --- I moved the shop so my address changed. it had been about a 16, 17 month dry spell selling a Titus. In the meantime Titus installed a new point of sale system and Pshop's info didn't transfer (or so they claim).. in order to reboot my account with the new address, they insisted on a buy-in or either 3 complete bike or 6 frames... I didn't sell nearly enough Titus's for me to warrant spending that kinda cash up front.
  • 1 0
 I had a pure WTF moment several years ago when I ordered 3 Santa Cruz frames ---- two came in one box so they flip-flopped them in an effort to make them fit --- opening that box, BOOM, right there on the bottom bracket shell was a sticker "MADE IN TIAWAN" ---- WHAT?!?!?! ok, they still look just as good as they used to but, HELLO... I'm still paying that MADE IN USA price tag, wtf....
Ellsworth was one brand I was selling a lot of. I'd ping one or two a month which is a lot for a small shop selling mostly boutique brands but, through the years Ellsworth sales have decreased significantly. Honestly, I think it's cause they haven't changed one bit since day one and they still have a pretty steep price tag. Buying MADE IN USE products in the bike world is pretty tough and the whole subject is pretty deep. Way too many different reasons why everything's made over there not here.. I prefer MADE IN USA products too but, geez.. they're hard to find and often even harder sell due the price tags they often fetch. USA comes up with cutting edge technology and designs then China pimps it dirt cheap or flat out steals it. tough to control it.
  • 4 0
 The shirts are better looking than the bikes.
  • 1 0
 ha ha...

yeah -- Been selling them for well over 10 years now.... well, that is to say, they've been on radar --

sorta got the ???? over the head on why they haven't really changed the designs at all since FOR EV EEER.

I know there's the don't fix what ain't broke concept but, step outta the pool and try something different wouldja!!
  • 1 0
 I have no clue my man. I heard they've been sold now to a carbon manufacturing company or something like that.
  • 1 0
 She's beautiful!
  • 2 0
 I would like to play "Truth or Dare" with her.....

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