Just adopted this beauty tonight. Owner couldn't cope so Marley will have a new friend in Harry. Settling in well so far...
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Just adopted this beauty tonight. Owner couldn't cope so Marley will have a new friend in Harry. Settling in well so far...
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 SEADEVIL want a cracker?? LOL ! Very pretty looking bird mate.
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 Cheers Jeff. He's a handful, eats like me, loud as me, and probably got a bigger bite !!! Poor thing....loving the affection mind. Eating well and settling in since Wednesday. Bit nervous and won't come to the hand or sit on a perch outside of the cage. Got him eating nuts and berries off my hand, so take it step by step....he had a bad start bro, and I'm picking up the pieces for him with a better life.
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 @SEADEVIL: Your a good man sir ! Doing the right thing to help a creature that can not help itself. It will repay you thousands of times over in many ways!!
That beak will def leave a mark if it gets ya, my budd had an African Grey, named Q, (big James Bond fan like myself) and he would take pieces of fingers if you weren't careful or caught him in an off mood...lol.... your boy will warm up once he realizes you are only there to help.
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