with lines on the back and dots on the belly...
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with lines on the back and dots on the belly...
  • 1 0
 Super cool colors, do they stink?
I have some around my trees that are grey and black but if you touch them they let off a stinky green smell!
  • 1 0
 I didn't provoke those, but I think they dont give out smells. There are lot's of those bugs in all colors and I guess not all come with that extra. There are some smaller ones which like to live around birches, and I have a few of those trees in my garden. Every summer it's full of the tinny smelly ones and I am getting used to them. And if I really push my open mindedness, I can make my nose think it actually smells....alrightSmile that's only until some little bug crawls in your meal and you eat it....hahaha than it's too much
  • 1 0
 We get the tiny smelly ones too, they are deep greenish brown. super stinky when you get them on your clothes and you take them into the house, ahhaahhhah But, yes, me too there is a slightness of the smell that does smell good but if its too strong its nasty! hhahahha My dog bit one once and he was sneezing for five minutes from the stench! hhahahah
  • 1 0
 Wow, they're cool!

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