always wanted to try using this kind of chaintensioner
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always wanted to try using this kind of chaintensioner
  • 1 0
 Hey man, how is this setup treating you? Thinking about doing the same on my Shan. What's the front/rear cog ratio?
  • 1 0
 Hey, it's pretty solid. No issues with it. It's a 32t chainring and 17t cog. Chain is a Sram EX1 Ebike chain, so it's extra stretch proof. Feels a bit draggy standing still and back pedalling, but once you're going I can't feel any drag.
  • 1 0
 @pyromaniac: Ok, so what do you suggest as a good ratio for someone relatively unfit and running a 30t front ring. 16 would be ok? or go for 18 just to cruise, since I have a lot of uphill where I usually ride.
  • 1 0
 @SileTzar: Depends on your chainstay length. If it's 428mm a 30t chainring should work for you with a 19t cog.
30:15 works as well, but that's a considerably taller gear.
Don't go super cheap on the cog. Chain might skip a tooth on the lower end ones.
  • 1 0
 @pyromaniac: yep, planning on getting a decent setup do it doesn't skip or cuts in on the freehub. Any suggestions on a SS kit?
  • 1 0
 @SileTzar: Any kit is fine. You can try to use a blow bubble can and an old lockring.

This the cheapest cog that works:
That's what I'm running on my Oka.

But check your CS length.

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