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 Love it !!! He don't know his arse from his tit.
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 he gotta go..
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 @iffy: Done nothing for the UK bar take the piss. My missus works in a school and terrified. Scotland schools staying closed till Feb, she's back on Thursday, and we're in the worst strain area in South East Wales. talk about pass the buck.
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 @SEADEVIL: what has any leader done better?
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 @danielstutt: Correct. They get their position, offer the world, don't changer a thing, and full of false promises....and let us down badly. They seem to take care of their own though. See if Boris sends his kids to school? He's a nutcase lol. Anyway, on a good note, I got a fatty coming Thursday, and going out whatever the Government lies about this week. Hope you had a good Xmas, and Iffy, if you can read this.
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 @danielstutt: what has any leader done worse? lol
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 @iffy: USA. Swedish gov. Many others, Yes Boris has been crap and this new lockdown is a load of shite and I do think hes daft but I honestly dont think theres a leader in the UK atm who could have done any better. Starmer would have killed the economy even more thats for sure.
@SEADEVIL sounds nice mate hope you get to enjoy that out on the snow or mud! Had a great Christmas thanks, did an epic ride in the lake districts which was good. hope you had a good one too.
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 @danielstutt: Trump??? haha you setting the bar below ground level buddy

I reckon almost any cabbie, builder or supermarket checkout girl would have done a better job than any of those self serving lying sacks of shit.

Please point out one thing Boris has got right.
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 @iffy: I'm sure you are right. There are many things Boris could have done better and there are many things other politicians suggested should be done which he did the right thing in not doing. My point is, he's got a shit job which really no one else would want to do right now and honestly, out of all the other prominent politicians there are ATM, the UK would be in a lot worse situation under them. I'm not saying I love Boris, just don't think in the circumstances anyone that is able to lead the country at this time would have some anything better. Everyone points to how amazing NZ is but take a look at their economy now, they are on the brink of being broke.
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 @danielstutt: He has an amazing job which I am shure thousands of people would love to do even with the current pandemic tearing things apart,

Not at all shure anyone could have made things worse than him, that would be an achievement.
He has made a mess of everything he touches in every role he has ever had. ( if you discount lining his pockets) How has he done anything better than anybody else would have?

He is currently driving the country not only into debt but also into a poorer position to recover.
He will be sneaking out the back door soon enough leaving a mess behind and blaming everbody else.
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 @iffy: one person's opinion and another's. Like I said I agree he could have done things better but I'd love to know who would have done a better job. As in actual names with a policy.
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 @danielstutt: fair comment, but it's an opinion based on a clear track record.

and we are discussing the blonde baboon, deflecting the focus onto something else is typical bojo move Wink
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