My American & Canadian friends, DO NOT give up your guns.
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My American & Canadian friends, DO NOT give up your guns.
  • 3 0
 It will never end. People are 3-D printing so many gun frames now that they’re purposely printing hundreds and taking them to gun buyback’s to make money and now the gun buy backs have stop taking them because they realize what’s going on. lol
  • 3 0
 Yup, even British criminals can get guns easily, and look at our gun laws brother.
  • 4 0
 @mace-the-amazing: thank the Lord for our constitution
  • 3 0
 I remember hearing a story about somewhere in the States way back in the day. There was apparently some huge government gun confiscation and in the end the people there to confiscate the guns ended up shooting a very large amount of people. Has anyone heard of this? I tried looking it up online and couldn't find a damn thing. So it either didn't exist, I couldn't manage to find it, or it's been scrubbed/suppressed from common search engines. Does anyone know more about this?
  • 2 0
 I haven't heard of this brother, but I'd suggest to use less-mainstream search-engines to find the article. DuckDuckGo is now owned by Google, but still, less censored than Google.
  • 2 0
 @mace-the-amazing: f*ck I need to find this story Razz
  • 2 0
 Down in San Diego Ca, they had a program in which the police would buy your gun from you.. They got a lot of really guns but not the ones they wanted
  • 2 0
 All of them were hi-points lol
  • 3 0
 This administration, and this time period, is definitely the most dangerous combination yet for our country.....
  • 2 0
 society is so feeling based nowadays
  • 3 0
 . You're probably right . Our government calls it a buy back program and that is supposed to make people FEEL that it's all fair and square but you should only be able to buy my gun if I truly want to sell otherwise the program is only called that to make me look evil for resisting. All I want is a good reason for them to take my gun and if I'm not a criminal and that just doesn't exist. So yes feelings are what this government in Canada uses along with media and even schools to manipulate .Society is just either awake or asleep. The rest of the world depends on Americans to defend their own rights or all is lost to one world dictatorship. You guys in the USA are still the shining light . A single bad president can do one hell of a lot of damage to your country in a short period of time so emotions do get high.

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