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  • 8 1
 How many f*cking pictures can you take of the side of your stupid head anyway? Good grief. Get the hell off bike forums twit.
  • 5 0
 i totaly agree wiith b-free it is a BIKE FORAM not for tacking pics of your self and posting them !!
  • 4 4
 Leav off guys it is a bike forum but your profile is about YOU so put what the hell you want up, I have videos of me playing my guitar, and pics of me, my friends and my guitars, I put pics of random funny animals up too! its just funa nd As I said its about you cos its your profile! Also she is onlt 13 so you can all stop being dicks to her its pretty mean.
  • 2 2
 Agreed! Smile
  • 1 2
 yeh good call muzzi
  • 5 0
 Yeah but you actually bike muzzler. This is just some whore who's looking for attention.
  • 2 2
 suppose you could call what i do biking lol plus her friends bike i know one of them.
  • 4 1
 Yeah, her friends bike, but she doesn't. She just posts pictures of the side of her head.
  • 1 2
 What the hell guys?
  • 1 2
 Okay, what the hell Andrei13Street> !?!
  • 2 1
 She annoys me
  • 1 2
 Do you know her? Have you met her? Has she said/done anything?


You don't know the girl dude. It's "her profile" after all, so to be fair she can post pics of herself.
  • 5 1
 Since when did this site turn into facebook though? i don't come here to see some 13 year old's head. I come here to look at biking and bikes. I'd be okay with her having a profile here and posting occasional pics of herself as long as she biked, but not like this. If people like her keep making profiles, this site will turn into pinkemo.
  • 2 2
 If you don't like it dude... you know what to do!?

Maybe she is intrested in biking? Maybe she wants to ride in the future and take up some discipline of riding?

I bet if i posted 15 photos of me and then alot of me and mates... That wouldn't be a problem... cause i ride?

It's a profile, It's made to be personalized and freedom to upload what she likes.

I mean pinkbike mods did after all make a Category for dumb pics and People and Friends.
  • 2 2
 true and they have like nbr photos, off topic sections, its a community, lets all respect each other! Treat people how you want to be treated and think for a muinit how you would all feel if someone was insulting you! I dont want to take sides but c'mon homes!
  • 2 2
 You can't add to that comment. It's true and down to earth. What he said dude Smile

Andrei13Street.......Your only 10 !?
  • 4 0
 I'm clearly outnumbered here... My point was that she doesn't ride a bike, and this site is made for bikers is it not? is there not a "bike i ride" section in your profile?

Whatever though, you guys keep drooling over her... I'm out.
  • 1 1
 Yo bro, im not having a go at you I just hate arguments, there is no need to go off in a mood, we should all be bros here.
  • 1 1
 In fairness, there is no longer a "Bike I Ride" section on profiles.

Lets get on and have a party Razz

I ain't drooling over her. I'm past the puberty thing. I'm taken and very happy bro!
  • 4 0
 try getting laid maybe? girls your age are whores already haha
  • 2 2
 haha mate i have already been laid a number of times! Well what the fuck is this arguament about arsehole!! And you have actually give negative abuse to a few people on this site so my facts are right and i am starting shit!! And what was the point is saying that to this girl you lonely wanker!!
  • 2 2
 wait... you're just repeating yourself now. So far you've managed to call me a little shit, a lonely wanker, and a low life. Right. If that's what you like to think, feel free to do so. I've had enough of morons like you. I'm out, Peace!
  • 1 1
 Honestly what the fuck was that kids deal. Like honestly you don't seem to realize that if she wants to put pictures of herself on here she can, also why the fuck are you even talking you little piece of shit your fucking ten years like why don't you fucking take the training wheels off your bike you annoying piece of shit like if u don't like it then don't look at it because honestly the way you were acting you can tell your ten you immature asshole fuck give this girl a break shes 13 years old how can she be a whore also even if she is scene that's her choice and she is free to express herself by her appearance soo get that into you dumb little fucker maybe you should do everyone her that had to deal with you a favor and fuck off and get a life like Jesus Christ anyways ho3ii-3ss don't let a little pussy ass bitch like him get you upset. peace
  • 2 2
 no im not how am i a whore i have piks of me self up its not like naked pics or me in a shrt skirt wud u prefer me lyk that just fuck of u's dont know me do do1 ya knobs
  • 0 1
 you guys r f*ckin harsh, if u got a problem do the nice thing and leave it , little shits lol + callin som1 a whore actually relects on u , coz yeah to understand what a real whore is uu have 2 been 1 ,, sados
  • 1 0
 What is this? grade 2? Sick comeback tho.
  • 2 0
 rite...she's just a shallow boring little 13 year old girl who likes uploading some dipshit pics of herself on pinkbike. get lost
  • 1 3
 We ride bikes and have pics of us on our profile who cares!!!! have the decensy to treat this girl woith respect shes 13 years old its not fair calling her a whore when shes oviously not its not like she has half naked pics of her on here. you guys must have no lifes if all u do is look at this pic and fight over it losers!!!! all the people who are on the girl side ur the muture ones because if u werent muture enought to leave this girl in peace and let her do what she wants instead u get invovled and have to be so mean gaylords !!!! now get a life and leave her alone !!!! Btw you look stunning!!!!
  • 0 2
 true xx
  • 2 1
 good looking girl ...... crap she is 13:P
  • 3 3
 maybe if your droped the razor, and did something with the hair, you would be half way decent =]
  • 1 3
 buahahahah, he's damn right.
  • 2 2
 why though?shes decent as it is
  • 2 0
 i love you
  • 0 1
 i am not the moron that goes around making girls feel like shit for no reason!! now go and get a girl if you can skinny nob!!
  • 1 0
 Last reply here. I doubt my comments affected her in any way. If they did, she has more issues than i originally thought. Like i've said before. Get over yourself. Peace out.
  • 2 5
 do u think i give a fuk wat ues all say im not aking for horrible comments or even nice comments nd anyway i dont cear wat you's think i put them on for my own reson so fuk off havent you got smik betts to do like ride ya bike then comment on ppl's piks
  • 1 1
 scene or what jkes like like ur eye like just asking you got myspace
  • 3 3
 yer ! but i forgot me pasword
  • 2 2
 nice picture, you got bebo?
  • 13 1
 What the f*ck are you doing on pinkbike? get the f*ck outta here, it's pinkbike not bebo.
  • 4 8
flag sharktopus (Oct 21, 2008 at 6:48) (Below Threshold)
 its called socializingSmile
  • 9 2
 thats what facebook is for. this a biking website.
  • 8 0
  • 9 5
 HarryIsGod (15 hours ago) (Below Threshold) show comment
its called socializing

stuff88 (6 hours ago) (Below Threshold) show comment
thats what facebook is for. this a biking website.

Exactly, stop sucking up to her, and sending me threats on my profile. Face it buddy, no matter how much you wanna bang this bitch, this is pinkbike not facebook. If i wanted to see some whore's picture's i'd go on facebook, and look there. That's not why i come to pinkbike. I come here for a good laugh, inspiration for new lines, and to get help with mechanical issues.

What does she have to offer? She can tell me how to do my hair, and how to cut my wrists, but i don't care about either. She says she rides a bike once every two weeks... If she wants to get into biking she should get her ass on a bike, and stop posting pictures of her head on pinkbike. She wants advice regarding biking, she can ask for it, and even I would be glad to help her, but she's obviously not interested in biking and just wants attention.
  • 3 3
  • 6 6
 yay me LMAO
  • 3 5
 andrei... guys dont say "yay me" shut up, and i dont want to bang her i have a gf, and i wouldnt send anything to your profile if you weren't such a pussy bitch leaving stupid comments.
  • 4 2
 You f*cking idiot... have you never heard of a joke before?

and actually, you've sent me a note telling me to f*ck off and mind my own business.
  • 6 2
 hey HarryIsGay or whatever you name is... your digging yourself into a hole you won't get out of so stop bitching and sticking up for this wrist cutting skank and shut the fuck up!
  • 3 5
 i'm not digging a hole i get pissed off when little dickheads like your mate think they can piss everyone off on this, if your gonna argue, do it on my profile you wanker.
  • 6 1
 i get pissed off when posers like this bitch post pictures of themselves think pinkbike is facebook.
  • 2 1
 slut lol
  • 1 2
 piss off Andrei13Street you fucking little scruff!! she is on 13 so leave her alone you fucking candaian cocksucker!!
  • 1 0
 You dumb stereotypical fuck! As a matter of fact, i'm barely canadian.
  • 0 1
 me dumb! haha i am suprised you can spell stereotypical you fat 10 year old scruffy canadian twat!! i really don't give a shit if you are barely canadian!! And also does it give you pleasure to give random girls shit you sick little prik!
  • 1 0
 We've already been over this. I'm not 10. You can change your age, and it seems like you have too... No way in hell you're 16... I doubt you're even 13... Oh and by the way, i'm actually possibly one of the skinniest people you'll meet. Keep trying, you'll get it eventually.
  • 1 1
 Fucking good comeback there mate you skinny little shit, i don't really care if you don't believe i'm 16, all you do is give negative comments on girls pictures thats offends them and makes them feel like shit!! And who actually gives a shit if its a biking site, the more girls on this site the better!!
  • 1 1
 andrei13street- you can look at mine and other peoples profiles like hezzy08 and see that we are the same age as jim13, 16. and you could probably ask nearly everyone in his friends list to prove you wrong! so unlucky m8, you just got done!!!
  • 1 0
 right, so you can attempt to get laid right?

If you haven't figured out yet, this isn't a "burning" competition, so a comeback isn't necessary.

As to me only commenting on pictures of girls to make them feel bad... Not true at all. She's actually the only member, let alone girl that i've done this to. Get your facts straight before trying to start shit.
  • 0 1
  • 0 2
 i got bored of bebo and facebook and myspace and piczo and msn ( lol i wanted smik diifrent)
  • 1 2
 i dont care what u guy's think, she's hot
  • 0 1
 you are nice^^!
  • 0 1
 ok, fuckoff pal!!
  • 3 6
 muzzler- shut the fuck up..
  • 2 1
 Why should he :S
  • 0 2
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