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Burton Pants
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Burton Pants
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 im pretty sure they didnt cos u look like a highligher that wants attention on the hill. and yae man for sure im on the bunny hill at blue teaching kids how to snowboard and get money maybe u should enrole ill show u how to roll with the big boys
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 wowowowow all i can say is WOWOWOW i dont want any f*ckin attention i just like the f*ckin pants so basically i just think ur jelous and they ran out at ur shop u had a hissy fit and didnt get to have any neat pants like me,
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 apperently YOU DO and naw i dont run that shit its all about the burton checkers and if i was jelous i would comment sick pants which i didnt cos theyre UGLY
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 man scrrew off pinkbike isnt a place to be hatin on other users if u have nothin chill to say then dont say anything and if ur gonna talk ish about ppls ish then get the hell of pinkbike cause ur not wanted in the cummunity
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 pretty sure no one wanted to say nothing and bud stfu ook at you you photo every poosible thing like that helmet you have sooo gay same as ur scooter its pinkBIKE not pinkSCOOTER so dont talk and im very wanted in the community so again dont talk
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 OMG im talking but ima shut up about this whole issue so i dont get my ass band, and who the fri cares if i scoot, its clearly for teh lulz
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 lmfao how u gunna get banned?
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 ur gunnna loook retared thes pants stick out so much and ur jackets so plain and then ur googles match ur headphones so poserish lol no effence
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 im preety sure that everyone on the hill was like so dialed pants dude wherd u get em last year so shut the f*ck up and its not poserish cause im not a poser i bet u are still on the bunnyhill
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 if you run sick pants with a sick jacket you look like a noob, you either do one or the other. and so many people match their goggles to their helmet, so i guess you're calling tom walisch or will wesson a poser? lol
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 googles and headphones not hat.....
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 ya sorry i ment goggles and headphones Razz
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 woodstock144, how does running a sick coat and sick pants make u a noob, i thought u were a chill dude?
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 hahah but im saying like add some style to ur jacket not nessisarly matching but like just black kills the mood of the pants
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 k maybe i over exadurated a tad bit lol but my point is that if you ride with a burton custom jacket and burton custom pants, you look silly.
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 thank you... what i was tryin to get at
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 ya im just saying that if you match everything or have a "stand out" jacket and pants, you just make youself look stupid
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 yea i kno gotta look chills on the hill not like a little kid that looks like mommy dresses you
  • 2 1
 so i guess everyone looks silly cause preety much half the ppl on the hill run burton pants and coat and how the hell is my coat "custom" its the most plane jane jacket possile, BLACK with a few neat pockets, OMG im soooooo frikin sillly OMGOMGOMG, like holy crap chilll
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 calm down there spazz hes saying its the burton custom jacket which is the name you abvioulsy didnt know that cos u were too fasinated by the colours of ur pants
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 thats not what i said? burton custom, i thought these pants are the burton custom pants? anyways, what im saying is this, say i wore these pants, and the jacket that matches it, would i not look silly?
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 umm hell yeah but he doesnt have a matching jacket so explain to my why u got involved if you dont even know what me and him are discusing
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 because you said he will look retarded wearing these pants or something and calling them gay, so im saying no, these pants are not gay they are sick.
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 u make no sence at all
you cant even read thats sadFrown
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 "and if i was jelous i would comment sick pants which i didnt cos theyre UGLY". thats what you said. i am ver comfortable in my reading. i am able to read perfectly fine btw
  • 2 1
 ok so basically he thinks it would look dumb to wear the matching coat to those neat pants shown above, which i agree on totally. and its not called a burton custom jacket btw
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 and explain to me what i mean by this cos u obvs dont knw
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 i know the jacket isnt, the pants are, right?
what else is there to say? you're are saying his pants are homosexual and like other pants the same as it.
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 whats it called then...
  • 3 0
 ok lets just en d this, basically they are neat pants u dont think they are woodstock144 is on crack and that it...cool
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 lol sounds good and im tryin to say is i dont dispize the pants im saying u should have had a diff colour jacket rather then black...and not a jacket that would match this either... and yes woodstock144 thinks he knows stuff but he doesnt and should stick to his crappy ass k2 board done deal
  • 1 2
 wait.wait.wait...im agreeing with YOU, and you're saying im on crack Frown
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 haha ya ill stick to my "crappy ass k2". i just got a board last december after skiing for 11 years. it was perfectly fine for my first year of boarding, im gettting a capita in a couple weeks
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 not buy the looks of it lol
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 well k 2 is shit and good for you
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 uh no k2 is perfectly fine? why dont you post some pics of your amazing board before you start talking like an ass about other peoples stuff?
  • 3 0
 i agree before u talk some ish lets see ur ish
  • 3 0
 wow all this over some crazy pants
  • 3 0
 i know some ppl eh
  • 1 0
 hahahahaah lol at dat
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 WOW i just read eve thing. lol LOL
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 i loled
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 Trippy, Their sick man, dont listen to that internet fag.
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 thanks man, finally someone whoo can just say hey man those are neat pants and not bash me for havin some neat pants
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 lolololol yeah inkpike
  • 0 2
 nice pants dude ! lol

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