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Custom Lightened Sealed Outland Pedals
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Custom Lightened Sealed Outland Pedals
  • 2 0
 EndersShawdow, stop while your ahead you won't win. We come from an elite spamming force at http://www.Ghettonia.com and trust me spammers there are good. And you're 23 (according to your profile) so be the more mature one and shut up. This argument isn't going anywhere.
  • 0 1
 Oh no...E-threats. Go away kid. Check out my latest comment up there.
  • 1 0
 Yah, good thing I was typing that out the same time you were. No need to be a doucher and bleed from your manvag about it. And I think I'm a bit to old for you to be calling me Kid.
  • 0 1
 No need to be a little prick and continue this when it's over. I'm 6 years older than you....you aren't even a legal adult. You're a kid. Enjoy your youth.
  • 1 0
 "Oh no...E-threats. Go away kid. Check out my latest comment up there."

You continued it. Also, it's young adult, not kid. I'm probably enjoying my youth more than you anyways. Nice talking, but if you wan't me to respond to your next reply good luck.
  • 3 0
 It's true EndersShadow. Your stupidity is going to get you owned very soon. Preemptive LOL.
  • 1 2
 My stupidity? LOL GTFO. You're the moron who gets threads closed and other dumb shit like that.
  • 2 1
 You really have no idea what you are talking about, do you? You are on drugs, aren't you? Please click here to get your life back on track. The first step is admitting you have a problem. Now that everybody knows you are a clown, you should join the Clown Forum. You will fit right in there. Expect lots of spam!! Ok? Ok, peace.
  • 1 2
 Are you really denying that it was your stupidity that got the "post your DJ before and after shots" closed? That was totally because of you and some stupid ass argument you had. At least I'm arguing here and not getting perfectly legit threads closed. Dumb ass.
  • 2 1
 I find it extremely funny that you are still crying about that. Since you are so pissed I am now glad that I could contribute to that thread's demise. Is there anything else you would like to cry about today? I'm sorry I don't have tissues and your pacifier handy. I will ring your mom and see if she will drop it off for you. She can also bring some warm breast milk for you to drink. Now wipe those tears away and get over it. Plenty of things are going to disappear from your life (excluding your virginity, you will always have that), you might as well get used to it now. Anything else troll?
  • 1 2
 You're the f*cking troll dude. I'm not pissed about you getting a thread closed....who cares? I was making a point....You're accusing me of being stupid for arguing with the owner of these pedals...You argued about nothing on a forum and got a thread closed because you're a f*cking dumb ass. Who's the troll? You. By the way....You seem pretty desperate for insults if all you can bring to the table is the usual "you're a virgin and you'll be one til you die"....How f*cking original.
  • 2 0
 Hahahahaha, you are so mad. Get over yourself. Who do you think you are? Keep typing essays, I will no longer be reading them. It is impossible to take anything you say seriously, which is why I don't. You obviously love arguing on the internet just a little too much.

LOL @ your expense. lol
  • 2 1
 i got my popcorn !!!
  • 1 2
 You are so ridiculously stupid...It's hilarious. Have a nice life.
  • 3 1
 Your stupid,
You really are Cool arguing on the internet.
  • 1 3
 It's you're....LOL. What a moron.
  • 3 1
 No, it is not.
I am from ghettonia, and elite team of specialists in the spamming of individuals and forums across the world,

talking about lol, thats a "LOL" bike you have yourself.
  • 1 3
 Actually it is. Learn how to type. Dip shit.
  • 3 1
 Pointing out grammar flaws is the calling card of someone who is desperate for insults. Apparently he has used up all of the results from googling "witty comebacks", and he is now onto dictionary.com .....How pathetic. You've got nothing Enders, face it. While you are typing out your nonsense, we are mocking you on our site too. Keep owning yourself, I can take screen shots all day. FYI: I am at work getting paid to make you angry.
  • 1 3
 Wow...you guys are really cool. I bet you guys have lots of fun on your cute little forum. Must be one hell of a sausage fest. Are you guys f*cking each other too? By the way....I'm not angry. I seriously doubt you could make me angry. You can try though. Have fun.
  • 5 1
 yep we are fucking through the internet.
  • 4 0
 just thought i would join the convo because of this:

EndersShadow wrote:
By the way....You seem pretty desperate for insults if all you can bring to the table is the usual "you're a virgin and you'll be one til you die"....How f*cking original

you seem pretty desparate for insults when you bring some outdated forum that got locked to the table.....that in my books is someone who is desparate for insults

now that im in the convo.....as for a post you made earlier in about canadians saying "Eh" in defense for the american fat ass post....you got a problem that canadians say "Eh" eh???? well i say eh all the time and im proud to let you know.... i wouldnt be proud by being a fat f*ckin american gut cassidy cheeseburger munching cock whore who wants to by some shitty ass tioga pedals that are way over priced... especialy for a street bike....those plastic pedals would be good enough....also about you saying learn to type dip shit.... that is really sad right there becuase it is the computer and there are always spelling errors through out a post...i have probablly already made 50 but who f*cking cares??? not me and you shouldnt either

alright im done...for now. and as a new ghettonia user, i am proud to say that i....we, pwned ur bitch ass....YA DIG EH?!?!?
  • 1 5
flag EndersShadow (Jun 24, 2009 at 17:20) (Below Threshold)
 LOL. Are you mildly retarded? I'm glad you love your country so much....It's nice to have pride in your country and whatnot...even if it's a shit hole. By the way....I don't like the US any more than you.....but I don't like Canada either. It's funny how you Canadians always assume everyone here is a patriot and we love this shitty country.

Also...until you can prove other wise....stop calling me fat....It's so ignorant and ridiculous to assume I'm fat because of where I live. It makes you look stupid and uneducated.
  • 4 0
 yes i am actually retarded you got a problem with that to??? and in no way is canada a shit hole...the only reason america is a shithole is because fat cocksuckers like you walk the streets and eat mcdonalds for everymeal.
  • 1 4
 LOL. You are so ignorant. I hate Mcdonalds.....besides...who can afford fast food for every meal? That's expensive. I live on my own....no mommy and daddy supporting me. Enjoy your youth while you can...When you take a step into the real world we'll see if you're still talking all this shit.
  • 3 0
 OMG DUDE UR f*ckED. ur talking mad shit to everyone....through my browsing i have seen on ur comments that you talk shit to almost everyone on here, yet you are telling me that i wont be talking shit in the real world when you apparently are in the "real world" and talking mad shit to everyone else. ur seriously are a retarded sped fat ass peice of shit.
  • 4 0
 i have also found that you have a strange obsession over pedals
  • 1 3
 How am I f*cked? Are you going to come down to the US and attempt to start some shit with me? I'd laugh at you if you did.
  • 3 0
 Dude, just shut up. That is all. Still LOLing @ your expense.
  • 1 3
 And I'm still laughing at you stupid fucks up in Canada land. It must be like fucking la la land there. Seems like you're in your own little world.
  • 3 0
 "Enjoy your youth while you can..."

Good one, used that against me to. Looks like you are running out of insults. And I think U.S is more of a shit-hole than Canadians. After all, who's in yet another recession?
  • 1 3
 It's not an insult. Moron. How the f*ck could you conceive that as an insult? It's me telling you that being a kid is nice and you should enjoy it. Can you Canadians not comprehend things? Once again....Insult the US all you want. I don't even like this country. It sucks. So does Canada. Who cares?
  • 4 0
 It can be taken as an insult, being a kid isn't always fine and dandy. What if your dad is a drunk, or you mom a crack head and they both beat you?? Think you're going to "Enjoy your youth while you can..."? Don't think so. Everyone comprehends stuff differently, I'm sure you comprehend alot differnt than myself. And if you don't like the U.S so much, why haven't you moved?
  • 1 2
 I figure there are worse places in the world to live. Besides...everything I know is in this crappy country.
  • 3 0
 At least your shit is straight now.
  • 1 3
 At least they have McDonalds in your slum. It's a shame you have no money to eat there. How do you survive? Better yet, if you can't afford fast food, how can you afford internet? You have strange priorities. If you need money, I will pay you to clean up my empties. I like to help those in desperate need.
  • 1 3
 You're kidding right? I said it's expensive to eat fast food every night. Can you actually deny that? 7 bucks a meal every night adds up quick. I could afford it....but what would be the point? Then I really would be your stereotypical fat ass American. By the way....I've been to Canada....It really isn't much better as far as crime and whatnot in some areas. It's just like the US in that respect. The entirety of the US is not slum.
  • 3 0
 Yes, you would get robbed here too. It has nothing to do with where you are from or are. They smell your fear. lol
  • 2 2
 You just never stop with the personal insults. It really shows how stupid a person is when they continue to insult you after you stopped insulting them. You're older than I am...Maybe you should act your age? By the way....I've been robbed before...it's not a laughing matter.
  • 3 0
 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA @ you getting robbed. That is all.
  • 1 3
 So ignorant. Did you ever stop to think that maybe someone I cared about was home at the time of the robbery and was killed? Do you find that funny? If you do you might need to seek help.
  • 3 0
 Nope. Not funny, but I don't care. There is no helping me. Tissue? Hug?
  • 1 2
 So long as you don't find that funny I don't care. You don't have to care. I'm not asking for sympathy. I'm just asking that maybe you take the time to think about things before you assume to know.
  • 5 1
 So What does this have to do with you wanting to buy my better then tioga pedals again, Endersshadow. And Geez Ender must be a Fucking fatass, like i'm talking bigger then fat bastard cause the shadow he is casting is the size of a fucking african elephant, With mustard and ketchup and Mcdonalds coagulating in it's stomach.
  • 4 0
 Hahaahahhaa coagulating. Salute
  • 3 1
 EndersShadow (10 hours ago) (Below Threshold) show comment
How am I f*cked? Are you going to come down to the US and attempt to start some shit with me? I'd laugh at you if you did.

lmao ur pathetic....16 years old do no denying you probablly could kick my ass considering ur like 20 something and weigh 300 pounds. thats why it is shamefull that you just said that. also since my last post i see that you have realized how pathetic you are talking shit to everyone and now ur talking with a slight buit more sense, but still not enough..and you say you hate ur country????well then your a fat ass mexican illegal border hoping immmigrant
  • 4 0
 He thinks "outside the bun". Wink
  • 3 0
 Isn't that BK?
  • 3 0
 Taco Bell. Confirmed.
  • 3 0
 Riiiight. I usually eat at Bk when I go out for lunch at school. Probably why I had Bk on my mindBig Grin
  • 1 2
 Matthew....You quoted me and yet you didn't bother to notice that I never said I would kick your ass. I just said I'd laugh at you if you attempted to. I would never fight some kid. Where's the fun in that? By the way....I'm not Mexican....but you can pretend I am a fat Mexican if it helps you sleep better at night.

By the way...you guys are hilarious.
  • 2 0
 yeah because generally when people talk shit to your face someone is going to get their ass kicked..... since you said that i should come to america and start some shit with you i assumed thats what you were trying to point out.....fat ass.
  • 2 0
 i think outside the bun Wink .....
  • 2 0
 so i think we won?
  • 1 0
 Maybe your new ones are lighter, and who knows maybe they're better but they look pretty flimsy to support your obese mcdonalds kfc munching american self. AS for the tenderizers, ya it's all in the name cause they appear to only be good for that. And I'm sorry to say that your new pedals aren't going to help your bike out none, it's too far gone. And I'm selling these cause I got these http://www.twenty6products.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/chromie-on-graff.jpg
And btw

Hey guess what?

f*ck OFF!
  • 2 3
 Hey....Guess what? I'm selling the tenderizers because I bought these

Care to continue talking shit? You ignorant f*ck. I guarantee my pedals are lighter and better than your POS pedals. Have a nice day.
  • 0 1
 My bike weighs 29 lb's right now...that's with that monstrous 7 lb fork. Pretty soon I'll have it around 26 lb's.

LOL. My Tioga's won't be dead any time soon....and if they do they will be replaced for free.

My 500 dollar steel frame with horizontal dropouts > your 200 dollar Aluminum meant for gears STD. Explain to me how a bike with vertical dropouts could possibly be more "street" than a bike with horizontal dropouts.
  • 1 0
 Just waiting for something to upload then hopefully this can be over, and like I said personal preferance, But I guess you put a dick in your ear and f*cked what you heard. Just because it has vertical dropouts doesn't mean it's bad for street. INFACT I don't have to worry about my wheel sliding around i don't need chaintugs and I don't have to spend 5 minutes re aligning my wheel when I put it back on. A lot of people run stps for street , And a lot of people run vertical dropouts for street jumps and park. I would rather have my 4.5 pound vertical dropout "STD" then A 6lb horizontal dropout beast.
  • 1 1
 This has gone on long enough. Enjoy your bike. I'll enjoy mine.
  • 0 1
 hahahahahaa!!!!!!! GHETTONIA FTW!!!
also, might i comment on a quote? "But I guess you put a dick in your ear and f*cked what you heard." and the comment is..... FUNNY AS SHIT!
thats my 2 cents....

also, the stereotyping is garbage... not all canadians say eh.... bullshit... but closer on the all americans being fat part. hahahaha... that made my night.
  • 1 0
 yeah i laughed at that too lol
  • 0 3
 LOL. Yep....You can totally tell I'm obese by the myriad of pictures of me on my profile...Oh wait...there isn't a single picture of me. Good f*cking job dumbass. Not all Americans are fat....Kinda like how not all Canadians say "Eh". You stupid f*ck.

My bike is too far gone? LOL. My frame is better than that POS aluminum STD you have. You have a nice fork though...I'll give you that. Either way....Don't talk shit until you know the facts.

Also....your "new pedals" cost twice as much as mine and weigh about twice as much. Have fun with them.
  • 1 0
 I just like going with the stereotypes. I don't know what your talking aboot all canehdians say eh.

And the frame is nice (canadian), and it may be better at some things hucking, downhilling, but the stp will out perform that in the street, park and jumps, which is what your bike appears to be set up for.

I didn't actually get the twenty6's , I just enjoyed the dick swinging competition. In Reality I have the plastic hamilton's which for a pair weigh 2/3 of your new pedals and cost about 1/7 of the price.

All you have achieved here Is insulting an inanimate object which is up for sale, to LOCALS only or people who can pick it up. I doubt you would be driving up to canada for these pedals, therefor your posting here is pointless.
  • 0 1

We be f*ckin' with yo face a makin it look like sh*t!

PS: I bet your the fat one because you didn't take any pictures of yourself. Foo!
  • 1 0
 i have 4% body fat index.... hahahaha.... ill take pictures if you want. Wink hahahahaha

lmao "Ghettonia... we be ghetto" i laugh at that headline every f*ckin day!
  • 1 0
 I was talking about matthew...
  • 1 0
 ohh... well, no worries then. Beer
  • 0 2
 Just buy a better pair of pedals that are lighter....Not these beat up POS pedals. My pedals are a little more than 300g for both.
  • 3 0
 First of all these are better then your pedals. Beat up? thats only cosmetic they are not bent or cracked or anyshit like that. The add is a joke, (I am selling them though) As for advertising for your shitty unsealed pedals, Don't do it because the people looking at this add are going to be locals and they don't want to buy your shitty ass pedals. And a little over 300grams HA!!! more like 160-280 more you cockmunch. Btw you don't seem like a biker, maybe you should try this awesome new sport.. Basejumping without a parachute.
  • 0 2
 Oh and also.....Those pedals you linked me to....Only 26 of them were made....I'm pretty sure they are all gone....Unless you're buying them used, you're full of shit.
  • 0 2
 It's a street frame. Get a clue. You don't use steel frames for DH too often...Although 243 does make a DH frame...It's called the....DRUM ROLL PLEASE....DH. My frame is the SL. It's a street frame. Have a nice day. Also....enjoy those plastic pedals....I'm sure people will get a good laugh at your expense when they break.
  • 1 0
 Well I'm saying your 30+ pound bike and thats being nice will not out perform, my or pretty much any stp out there, Yes it is aluminum, yes aluminum breaks, Newsflash! so does steel! So in the time before either break I'd rather be riding the better frame but that boils down to personal preferance. And the plastics Might break, if they do then I just buy another pair, I can buy 7 pairs before i pay as much as you did for yours and buy the time I get to pair number 3-4 your tioga's will die. I have numerous riding buddies with plastics, one of them has had his for 2.5 years now, slap some griptape on them and they are good as new.
  • 0 2
 um dude just cuz theie is paint chipped off doesnt make it lighter
  • 3 0
 Erm, yeah it does. Thats like 2g's lighter than stock, bargain right there!
  • 3 0
 Plus 1 of the pin's on each pedal has been grinded down half way, so thats atleast another g between the two! your common sense fails at everything.
  • 1 0
 Wow those pedals look very light, and who ever thinks grinding some paint off doesn't make it lighter well there wrong

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