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my old 02/03 Santa Cruz Super 8 that i broke one shot in 2004..just finished cleaning all the dust and dirt off it
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my old 02/03 Santa Cruz Super 8 that i broke one shot in 2004..just finished cleaning all the dust and dirt off it
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 thats impossible
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 nope it realy happend
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 it was the scariest thing i ever went through in my time of ridding...and thank god for full body Armour
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 how did that happened??roadgap?
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 honestly look at all the shots its not cut..it broke right trough first the bottom tube then the top..but all in one motion as i hit the ground strait on ..no warning just landed to flat land and broke it right on the spot right trough..i had to walk the bike in 2 pieces down the rest of the trail..the fork was still attached to the front steer tube..i have never had that happen to me in my life or any thing like it..but after it happened it took a while before i could become comfortable on a bike again doing drops and stuff..even now i'm not as adventurous and i don't believe that just case it has 8 inch travel don't mean its indestructible..lol
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 no it was not a road gap but it was a latter drop to sloped hill landing that went very wrong it a flash.. this is how it happend..... i was ridding the trail pinned out on out local trail with a friend and hit a big latter drop going way to fast as well i got to the end of it and in stead of just dropping off it to the landing slope..for some reason i decided to jump off the end...now i had bin hitting this spot for a while and i knew the drop and how to handle it as i had done for a long time before but for some strange reason i sort of bunny hopped off the end and over shot landing slope by far and i landed to flat land....The moment i landed the frame tubes Broke right in 2 before the welds. the tubes snapped like a twig and i hit the ground just as fast as i landed with no warning or noise bam.and then the bike rocked in 2 diff directions as the fork and rear shock released compressing from the landing..the front end went one way and the rear the other way...it was all crazy fast and i had no time or chance to prepare for the crash to the ground..thank god for full body amour all i got was a swollen and bruised hand...but i had to roll my bike from the top to the bottom in 2 pieces ...lol on top of it all Santa Cruz would not replace my frame cause i broke the tubes not the welds.. how ever they were super shocked that it could be done at all lol....
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 i am shocked too..and this was the worst way to happen this..it was very dangerous...u re very lucky gettin out of this with some bruisers..anyway...everything breaks
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