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Heavymetalredneck's crash, the aftermath
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Heavymetalredneck's crash, the aftermath
  • 1 0
 LOL!! I like to have clean shaven legs. Its a pet peeve. Course while prego I didn't shave much at all and I felt like a man so right before labor I shaved. Oh and as for my riding they gonna know I am a girl. LOL!!
  • 1 0
 Beat up hairy leg man butt...I could've gone all day without seeing that :-)

If it was female I wouldn't have the creepies now.
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 yeah, I know what you mean...like there is something not right, you're not quite sure what, but you don't want to stick around to find out what...
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 Ok I will do my best to remember to shave first. Thanx for the advice...LOL!!
  • 1 0
 LOL! you know they will flippin' look! well I guess it depends who you ride with, and if you really care. I'm sure there's a ton of bitchin' chick riders not wasting their time shaving, good for them, I'm going to ride like a girl and these boys are going to stop saying vagina like it's a bad thing.
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 Holy shit lady!! What did you do?
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 yeah, I think this looks like a girl too but it's actually Cody, I think this is a case of checking out the girl while trying to ride, lol! If you look at the photos next to this one in the album, you'll see the crash
  • 1 0
 LOL!! Your too funny. I wasn't sure if it was a girl or not cause there is an awful lot of leg hair. But it could be someone doing the hippey thing. You just never know.
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 I try not to do the hippie thing, one bit of advice though, if you don't want to look earthy don't forget to shave before you go riding, yeah, I know last thing on your mind right, until you realize its too late lol!
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 yeaooooowch! almost a blood clot eh?
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 I'm sure he got some pretty clots outta that
  • 2 0
 Ew, Cody Crotch.
  • 1 0
 what he won't do to get us to look...
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