new TC Flashback X4... LOVE IT!!!!!
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new TC Flashback X4... LOVE IT!!!!!
  • 1 0
 Neat! I have the Line 6 DL4 delay... any idea how this one compares?
  • 1 0
 Yeah I had a DL4 and while I loved all the fatures (some of the controls are pretty different on this) but it was a reliability nightmare... the switches were always going kaput on me and what not. This thing was basicly built with the DL4 as it's patern but it took into consideration all the issues that people were having with the DL4 (the guys frm TC Ele are on the TDPRI and other guitar boards "listening' to what peopel say about comp. pedals so it's pretty "user driven" in it's development). The DL4 is still great, this is just more "robust" which I find good cause I'm a bit of a clydesdale when I'm playing. Wink overall I'd say I'm liking this more then my DL4... The original Flashback had a "strum tempo" and it was REALLY hard to synch if you weren't playing straight down-strokes, but this has tap tempo which I really like, and it's got an expression pedal input for controling other paramaters on the fly without having to kneel down to the board. The Tone Print feature is pretty cool but I haven't eally dug into it yet, and I like it more for the ability to save MY settings then playing someone else's tones Wink
  • 1 0
 Oh cool! Yea, the DL4, admittedly, seems a bit "weak", as in it requires a gentle touch. The knobs seems a little too soft/lacking resistance, and I feel any parameter would be off with just a tap of the pedal. Does the Flashback have the same types of delay as the DL4? As in , reverse, ping-pong, etc - all the same styles? If so, maybe I'd looking into selling the DL4 and finding one of these! Smile
  • 1 0
 yeah exactly, I feel like the DL4 is jst "delicate" and the Flashback, while not somehting I'd throw off my roof, is "that uch more" burly and gig-safe for me.

YES, it does have all those delays (14 of them plus 4 tone print slots for "other" delays/custm settings. It's also got "Mod" versions of a few of them that are touch sensetive and back the delay off when you're playing but ramp it up when you're off the gas. Its also got a "Space Echo" like a Roland) too, except where the DL4 has the digital delay (I forget if it's a "modeled" delay after some other companies DD's or one of their own design) the FB has a TC Eectronics 2190 Delay. Bt yeah it's got all the good stuff like reverse, tape, tube, analog etc. Its a pretty dam comete package and I gotta give TC credit for listening to what people were saying about the DL4 as a direct competitor. I loved my DL4, I just didn't have a very "trouble free" relationship with it. I now what you mean about the knobs, I had one that I'd swear were moving to the vibrations of my amp hahahaha. so wierd and really hard to deal with when you're playing in a dark bar...
  • 1 0
 Now I just need to find a good deal on one! haha
  • 1 0
 Yeah buddy!!! Haunt Flea-bay, I found it for $185usd and the've been going for $215usd and up since they came out. At that price I couldn't resist. Not that I would have, between bikes, Toyotas, guitars and power-tools I'm a sucker for "man toys" aye Wink HAHAHAHAHAHA
  • 2 0
 Bikes, offroad-ish vehicles, firearms, and other toys... I feel ya! haha
  • 1 0
 HAHAHAHAH Yep, you got it...

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