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A Toyota shot from a few weeks ago before we got pounded with snow...Reppin' the best bicycle suspension ever built ! Everyone should try this stuff.... Avalanche Downhill Racing Rules !!
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A Toyota shot from a few weeks ago before we got pounded with snow...Reppin' the best bicycle suspension ever built ! Everyone should try this stuff.... Avalanche Downhill Racing Rules !!
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 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhA That is soooo funny !. Or I could come over there and say " Hey, want a chubbie??" " Want to put on my Chubbie" " Wanna Test drive my Chubbie?" " I have a Chubbie, want one too?"
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 Thanks !! :oP
Not a "total" bike addict.....just a 9 step program would work....nahhh it wouldn't !
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 YES !!!
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 Double YES !!!
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 hmmmmm now Im going to have to get one
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 You certainly should....gotta take care of those that you love !!
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 HAHAHA, Ill tell him to send one when he sends the shock.
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 Awesome ! He has them in stock ....I am sure....Hopefully my 3 will be coming back home shortly.
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 yeah, I have to see how he is doing on my Chubby
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 This going to look bad....but he has my Chubbie too !!
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 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yep, looks bad. I hope he dosnt give you my chubby and my chubby to you !!!!
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 Well.......I would have to come over and tell you that " I want you to give me my chubbie! "
(Say like Austin Powers)...."My he has a lot of chubbies"........."how does he get all of those chubbies?"........" I wonder if all of those chubbies get put to good use?"............" Wanna go in the back of my truck and listen to some....Chubbie Checker?"..... oh Beeeehave!!
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 crap, I put my Chubbie up top! Oh well, I guess My Chubbie is higher than your Chubbie, But I think Your Chubbie will be bigger than my Chubbie. Mine is 5" How big is yours??
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 Wait.......... I also have an 8"er, So I could have a bigger Chubbie than you. Ok, I need some sleep, Im getting silly
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 Good morning ! Up early wondering where my ....chubbie is.....
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 Good Morning !! HAHAH
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 :o) Bundle up !!
Oh yeah...the giant Avy sticker...it comes as a large rectangular unit, but when I got it squared up and applied, I took a straight edge and a razor and trimmed all along the outline of the "avalanche" logo on the top...so it looked a bit neater and there wasn't a clear/cloudy border staring me in the rear view !
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 I have a split window in the back with a Monster decal on the drivers side, I may get the smaller Avi and put it on the other side.

Bundle UP ??? Man its fridged out there! A big whopping 3 !! I need to go to the gym and grocery store but not looking forward to going outside. My truck was not happy starting it this morning to take the kids to the bus stop. I really should be a good mommy and plug it in at night.
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 Yeah it was quite a bit warmer over here.....8 degrees ! Break out the tanning oil !
I am dealing with data structure lectures from India...scheming to sell some unused gear for a new project and have to venture out before long as well ! Thankfully, my gym is 12 stairs below me...
Be a good Mommy and plug that in !!
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 Wow 8 !!! ill get my swim suit on !!!! Ohh ohh What new project ???
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 Remember...NO double knots !!
I have a few new/old Balfas to build up and in order to not seem like a total bike addict..I have to shift "some" stuff around..... and I need the loot as my yearly and hopefully LAST tuition payment is due in 2 weeks..that one hurts !!
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 ok, ok, no double knots Smile I promise. Wait............your NOT a bike addict???
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 nice rig man...
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 Thanks bro, a few years ago they bought back my 1999 with the frame rust deal @ 150% of high book value so....I had to honor them enough and buy a new one...
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 that was some sweet deal offer by Toyota !!!...they are good like that, when I had my first FJ stolen, Toyota Canada gave me back 6500$ on top of the full value given back by the insurance...it was a no brainer and I got another one right away...I had a 1996 Taco but it was nowhere as nice as yours tup

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