Pure coolness made by me ;)
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Pure coolness made by me ;)
  • 1 0
 Thanks so much! its been a long time in the making... hahaha I've got to say learning CAD has helped tremendously, I've been able to tweak this thing to the point of where I feel happy and finally ready to make it! 3 years or so in the making lol But yes, this summer I think I'm actually going to have it made, the right way this time Smile
  • 1 0
 Well I can't wait to see it man!
  • 2 0
 Heck yeah! I'm putting this baby up on Kick-Starter too!
  • 1 0
 It's looking pretty dang sweet. I have to say I'm pretty impressed. How long have you been studying up on... That's autocad, right? I gave up on it and started up with Solidworks and it's pretty nice.

I'm going to be living back on the east coast this summer, lemme know if you get it built up. I might be able to get you a deal for a day at Highland for some testing. Might.
  • 1 0
 Thanks dood! I'll let you know for sure haha and yeah that would be sick... I've got a film crew from college that could capture the action Big Grin Meanwhile its Autodesk Inventor, I did a little over the years in middle school and a year in high school but a ton of what you see I had to relearn and figure out for myself. Hows Solidworks? I wanna try and compare it to Inventor... have you tried creating profile geometry then extruding parts? its really helpful along with using planes for the assembly Smile
  • 1 0
 Quick question I was wondering about before. What are the three yellow 'collar support' type looking things coming off of the top tube into the space between the down....um....tube, hahaa. Is that what they are, some kind of supports/tie ins?
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 SW is a super-solid base for working. I found it far easier to learn to do similar commands- for some reason, I couldn't figure out how to do multi-directional extrusions on Autocad. Most of my current projects are done with a series of rotated bosses, but I do the bottom bracket and any suspension pivots as well as other parts that need to be machined rather than drawn with the extrude command.

The amount of time you put into this is mind-boggling. I've only done a handful of small projects (My latest finished project is a BB-centric suspension design very similar to the NS Soda Slope and I'm currently working on a super-short travel XC frame for my wife). I really want to get into the engineering side of it- I'm kind of doing this with a layman's understanding of frame and suspension design.
  • 2 0
 Of all the bike CAD's that I have seen people on here do up, yours is the one I most want to see actually built up.

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