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2012 Port Angeles Pro GRT and NW Cup Practice

Apr 28, 2012 at 1:16
by Ian Hylands  

The awesome view from the top. Improved by the clear cut...

It might be one of these kind of days out here in PA come race day. Rain was spitting off and on during practice...mostly off although it did come on a bit strong at the end of the pro practice.
  It might be one of these kind of days out here in PA come race day. Rain was spitting off and on during practice...mostly off, although it did come on a bit strong at the end of the pro practice.

Port Angeles sunshine.
  Port Angeles sunshine!

  and Port Angeles dirt...

Big Tree owner Jerry Knight Northwest local hangs out in the afternoons downpour.
  Jerry "Ginger" Knight, one half of Big Tree bikes, one of the events main sponsors...

Mostly Port Angeles is nice tacky NW dirt. But lurking near the top is this nice section of rain slicked baby heads.
  Mostly Port Angeles is nice, tacky NW dirt. But lurking near the top is this nice section of rain slicked baby heads.

Jill Kintner hates rocks...
  Jill Kintner, fresh off of back to back wins at Sea Otter is looking for win number two in PA this year...

Northwest s wet loam is a big change from the dry and dusty Sea Otter track. Minnaar is pinned this weekend.
  Greg Minnaar

  and Josh Bryceland.

Brad Benedict practicing his race day dancing moves.
  Brad Benedict practicing his dance moves

  Bryn Atkinson has spent a lot of time at this track, I have a feeling he'll do well...

Practice the main lines but save your race day lines for race day because you never know who might be watching.
  Practice the main lines, but save your race day lines for race day, because you never know who might be watching.

One of Canada s faster up and coming racers Allison is a name to watch out for this weekend.
  Up and coming Canadian rider Tyler Allison is definitely someone to keep your eye on in the future...

  a pretty powerful train pulling in. Neko Mulally, Mick Hannah and Bryn Atkinson.

a little whip from Brendan Fairclough
  as per usual Brendan Fairclough was throwing things a little bit sideways...


  Aaron Gwin...

Gwin and Monkey getting the TWR logo sparkling white again with the pit row pressure washing machine.

Aaron Gwin and Monk doing the laundry at the end of the day.
  Monk doing the post race wash up. The best way?

The work in the pits for as exacting a team as Trek World Racing is never done the end of today s practice saw a complete tear down and rebuild of each bike.
  The work in the pits for as exacting a team as Trek World Racing is never done; the end of today's practice saw a complete tear down and rebuild of each bike.

Check back later to find out who had the fastest times in qualifying...

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Member since Jun 23, 2008
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  • 36 2
 I'd like to have this table with spare parts :-)
  • 4 2
  • 3 1
 for a strip down there are like 3 cranksets???
  • 12 1
 :L the parts on that table are probably worth more than my entire bike.
  • 9 1
 Neko, Gwin and Leov are all racing, so 3 of everything...
  • 1 0
 Who's bike is in the stand? It looks great!
  • 1 0
 That's MONK's suitcase on the left of the Table, Gwinn and Monk in the Background washing his jersey!
  • 20 0
 That dirt looks like super sticky glory dirt and i just love monk. he's a legend
  • 7 0
 that is a stacked field! brendog for a podium!
  • 4 1
 for the win!!!! would be sick
  • 4 0
 This race always looks fun. But... why is there so much time in between world cup series races again? More venues please! (All the buzz and excitement that rubbed off from Pietermaritzburg is slowly wearing off)
  • 2 0
 What kbrock said! Not sure what the logic of the big gap between the first two World Cups is. Is there logic behind it?
  • 1 0
 Ferrecloth crashed hard on seed run. sent a big line got sideways and hit a tree head on. he walked out of it.
  • 6 4
 Those vampires should watch out, the boys from Spesh All Ride are coming back again, garlic and all! Atleast Robert Pattinson's taken care of! Now for the rest of the Cullens!
  • 5 1
 That table pretty much describes my perfect Christmas..
  • 6 3
 very sneaky mr. minaar Wink
  • 3 0
 Nice to see non US riders supporting the event.
  • 2 1
 watcha doing.....cleaning my jersey....oh did you bring a washer and dryer.......no i brought monk and his pressure washer.......good enough!!!!!
  • 2 0
 I wanna see some footage or a helmet cam run of the course. Looks so sick!!
  • 1 0
 thanks man!
  • 1 0
 Is it just me or does that crank bothers mallet pedal in the last pic look different to the current ones
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 That's the mallet dh
  • 1 0
 Wow, did not know that Monkey does the laundry also. He really is a Jack of all Trades.
  • 3 1
 Wish we could see this live.
  • 1 0
 That table looks like my floor when I'm doing a rebuild (minus the price tag)
  • 3 3
 Wish I could get out there this weekend being as Im just a ferry ride away. Damn adult responsibilities. Some one want to take care of the honey do list and a 3yr old???
  • 2 0
 How mountain bikers do laundry amuses me.
  • 1 0
 I don't know why, but my favorite picture is with Gwin and Monk. 2 legends on both sides of the game.
  • 3 2
 I Seriously can't get into beards..... Fear the beard!!!!
  • 1 0
 Kitner is ripping shit up
  • 2 1
 The course was so much fun!!!!
  • 1 0
 awesome pics and subtitles!
  • 1 0
 I wish i could go Frown next year!
  • 1 0
 Those crank bro mallets look new, 2013 proto?!
  • 1 0
 Snap, i should've gone...and how did Mr. Jerry grow a sasquatch so fast?!
  • 1 0
 Monk is huge.....
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