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Oliver Racing Team Update #2

Jul 19, 2012 at 19:17
by Scott Bureau  
Team Oliver Racing/Banshee Bikes

Race Update

-POC Eastern States Cup #4 at Pats Peak in Henniker NH - June 9th-10th
As the POC ESC series continued for the fourth weekend in a row, Oliver Racing found themselves in Henniker, New Hampshire. Once again, it was back to beautiful weather with a bright and sunny forecast. Pats Peak put together a fantastic course that had the ability to keep the rider rolling or stop them dead in their tracks. Line choice, as always, was quite important along with remembering what was around each corner. The course was a shorter one that had a section by section feel to it which made learning and remembering it easier. Another cool aspect of racing at Pats Peak was the "Best of Two Runs" feature, offering all riders a second chance to race and better their times.
POC was in attendance with their radar detector setting up in the second corner of the course with the "POC Speed Zone." They recorded everyone's speed and awarded one male and one female for top speeds of the weekend.

Oliver Racing's Susie Arnold won the speed zone award with a recorded speed of 29 mph down through the grassy off camber corner! She also landed a spot on the podium in 2nd place for her efforts with a time of 3:28.29 in her first race run and a 4:03.46 in her second run!

Susie Arnold - through the rocks near the halfway point of the course

Andrew Slowey, Scott Bureau, Richard Patty, and Brandon Sbordone were all in attendance as well, finishing in the Cat 1 class as follows:
-Andrew in 12th with a time of 2:17.44 and a crash in his second run.
-Scott in 15th with a time of 2:21.45 in his first run and a 2:20.72 in his second run bettering his time.
-Richard in 16th with a time of 2:22.70 in his first run and a 2:21.52 in his second run also bettering his time.
-Brandon in 17th with a time of 2:22.22 in his first run and a 2:22.62 in his second run.

Jon Lamb, O.R.'s newest member, raced the Cat 2 class and finished 14th of 19 with a time for 2:38.20 in his first run and a 2:39.37 in his second run - not bad for only his fourth race ever.

Jon Lamb with his fresh new Teva Links and One Industries Kit

"After this weekend, I can feel my speed and confidence coming back. I had a rough season last year with head and chest injuries that kept me from pushing myself. This season, I'm in search of my speed, staying relaxed on the bike, and above all, enjoying myself and enjoying the company of my teammates while we travel and race. This weekend it all just came together for me in a big way: my comfort came back on the bike. The sun was out. It was hot and dusty. The track was super fun. I was having a blast and that's the feeling I have been looking for. " - Scott

Matt DeLorme photo
Scott Bureau - morning practice on race day

Follow this link and head over to Vital MTB -,3850/Scott-Bureau,36911/mdelorme,825
Scott Bureau made it onto Matt DeLorme's Vital MTB posting of the race at Pats Peak for the Eastern States Cup #4!!!

-POC Eastern States Cup #5 at Mount Snow in West Dover, VT - June 23rd-24th
After a weekend off from racing, Susie, Scott, Jon, Brandon, and Andrew made their way to Vermont. Once again, the weather was hot and sunny, but this time there was a small threat of rain. Although another short one, Mount Snow had put together a fresh course. It was fast and open which meant there was no room for mistakes.
Everyone was able to get a couple runs in on Saturday after a course walk, before the rain came in. Race day came and they woke up to sunny skies and beautiful weather. Seconds after dropping into the course on Sunday morning for practice, O.R. quickly learned that the rain from Saturday had no effect on the course. It was just as dusty and dry.
Andrew was in the zone. He was feeling good on the course, which catered to his motocross background. A flat during the race kept him from putting in the fast run the team knew he had.

Scott dropping into a dust of a corner near the bottom of the course

Racing Cat 2 19-29 - Jon ended up 13th out of 17 with a wash out and a time of 3:31.1
Racing Cat 1 19-29 - the team results were:
-Scott in 15th with a time of 3:27.9.
-Brandon in 18th with a time of 3:38.0 and a wash out.
-Andrew in 19th with a time of 8:57.0 and a flat right at the top.

Taking home the top honors for the weekend was Susie, finishing in 1st place in the women's Cat 2/3 class with a 22.4 sec lead on 2nd.

Headed home after the weekend in Vermont

As the Eastern States Cup continues, the teams point standings are as follows:
-Cat1 19-29:
4th overall with 535 points - Andrew Slowey
9th overall with 358 points - Scott Bureau
18th overall with 247 points - Richard Patty
27th overall with 188 points - Brandon Sbordone
-Cat2 19-29:
Tied for 16th overall with 242 points - Mike Oliver and Jon Lamb
Cat2/3 Women:
5th overall with 195 points - Susie Arnold

-Next stop for the Eastern States Cup - Windam Mountain to race on the World Cup course!!

-US Grand Prix of Mountain Biking #3 at Highland Mountain Bike Park, Northfield, NH
As always, Highland does a great job of hosting events, and the Grand Prix was no exception. Teams from all over the country came out in style including: Team Geronimo/Banshee Bikes, DRD Racing, Trek World Racing, Specialized USA, Team Voncooper, Team Schraalp, Real Trees, and Oliver Racing. The Highland Trail Crew put in some serious work to the race course, running the same route riders have all come to know, but with a few new changes making it quite a bit faster. Sunny and hot, racing was in full effect. "This is the first Highland race I've ever raced where it has not rained" -Scott

Highland employee and Oliver Racing rider Richard Patty exiting the rock slab

Making it out to Highland for Team Oliver Racing were Susie, Jon, Richard, Andrew, and Scott.
Holding it down for the team this weekend was Jon Lamb, racing in the Cat 2 19-29 class making it through with a solid race run and a time of 2:35.22 putting him on the podium with a 3rd place, as well as Susie Arnold racing the Cat 1/2 women's class taking 3rd with a time of 3:30.16. Andrew Slowey raced himself into 5th in the cat1 class just missing 4th place and a spot on the podium by .19sec.

The Grand Prix asked Oliver Racing if they would help sponsor the event by providing 4th place prizing, and we couldn't say "yes" fast enough. Just as we do for the Eastern States Cup, Oliver Racing provided a goodie bag to all 4th place finishers in all categories. The main treat in the goodie bag being the bag of gourmet Maple Kettle Korn from Bureau's Sugarhouse, one of Oliver Racing's great sponsors, as well as Scott's family's business.

Andrew Slowey

Jon following Scott through the second woods section

Follow the links below over to Vital MTB to see Scott's bike on the "What are they Riding Grand Prix Highland" coverage by Matt Delorme.,3983/Scott-Bureaus-Banshee-Legend,38663/mdelorme,825,3983/Scott-Bureau-on-his-Banshee-Legend,38656/mdelorme,825

Highland Mountain Bike Park never fails to offer a good time with great trails and a family vibe. Oliver Racing would like to give a big thanks to Mark and Lauren Hayes, Kara and Aaron Chase, Josh Moreau, and the whole HMBP crew, as well as Jeremiah Dylan Dean for throwing an amazing event!!! See you soon!!!

America's Bike Park

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our sponsors for their amazing support!!! We could not do this without your help.
-Banshee Bikes
-Fox Racing Shox
-Industry Nine
-Maxxis Tires
-Teva Footwear
-Smith Optics
-E*Thirteen Components
-Renthal Cycle Products
-One Industries
-Azonic USA
-Feedback Sports
-The Devils Gear Bike Shop
-Wachusett Brewing Co
-Bureau's Sugarhouse and Maple Kettle Korn
-George Ulmer and The Eastern States Cup
thank you O.R.

Stay Tuned For More!! Thanks for reading -

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Member since Jun 4, 2012
6 articles


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