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Rampage Lines "Ahead of Schedule"

Nov 30, 2022 at 15:41
by Tyson Henrie  

After 2 years from our last "Outlaw Sessions: Virgin" video, we are excited to release the evolution of our riders' freeride skills. Filmed and edited by 15 year-old Syd Hyldahl (Sqyd Media).

Over Halloween weekend, while other kids were robbing their neighbors of candy, scaring little kids or destroying pumpkins in the streets, the Outlaw Tribe was busy working on rebuilding 2022 Rampage lines and riding them. We went down with a mission to get comfortable riding bigger jumps and drops in the desert and the boys did just that.

Last year, while we didn't film an edit, we rode a lot in the desert and spent some time at the 2021 and 2015-16 sites. When we first rolled up this year, we knew what to expect at those zones. However, we weren't really feeling anything bigger at those sites and went over to checkout the recently built (and then destroyed) 2022 Rampage site. We instantly knew that we could ride a bunch of the features there and got to work digging.

We can't express how thankful we are to have such a unique zone to ride in in the first place, but then to have a literal bike park built on it is simply priceless. With that, we left the zone how we found it, lips destroyed and ready for the next crew to rebuild and put some skin in the game. Much respect for all trail builders, but especially Rampage builders to do what they do in such a short amount of time with only 3 people is nothing short of a miracle.

After setting up camp, we had an epic sunset session on parts of Bas Van Steenbergen's "Desert Wave" track. This was perfect to warmup on and got the blood flowing for the weekend. We couldn't have asked for better weather or conditions. With a rainstorm just a few days before we arrived, the dirt was prime for digging and the temps never got too hot. We spent most of day 1 digging and warming up on the lower trick booters and smaller drops, in preparation for the bigger hits to come.

The Setup




Day 2 led to more digging, bigger tricks on the jumps, and some sketchy tech lines in the wind. At this point, the crew knew what they wanted to do and had their hearts and minds set on hitting Carson Storch's 2 bigger drops that he three'd. The bigger of the 2 being 47 feet from point to point. Once the wind died down, they all hit the first of the 2 drops (about 25 feet) multiple times to prep for the bigger one. The wind picked back up and we had already had a long day so we saved that for day 3.


Carson and Tom, if you're reading this, well done on building one of the most fun drops we've ever hit!

Originally, this was only going to be a one-and-done sort of feature, but the crew had too much fun on it and were soon hiking up for multiple laps. The amount of confidence this gave the boys was awesome to see and led to another idea and edit that will be dropping soon after this one. Stay tuned for that.

If that wasn't heavy enough, Ryker Kearl was on a mission to drop in from the top straight into The Heart. If you've ever stood on top of any Rampage venue, you know how intimidating it is just standing there, let alone dropping in on it. Ryker comes from a solid background of trials, XC, and enduro and had the bike control and confidence to manage such a heavy line. However, the consequences on any error would almost guarantee a heli ride out of there.



Our final day, after all of the gnarly lines were done and dusted, we woke up early for a fun sunrise ridge line to send off the trip in style.

The desert offers so much more than just the amazing riding. What better way to spend 4 days with your riding buddies camping, getting dirty, not showering, eating good food, shooting guns, being dorks and sending big lines? The desert is our second home and we can't think of a better way for kids to grow up and rack up memories that will last a lifetime. And what's even cooler is when your 15 year old teammate and buddy is a videographer and editer to capture all those memories on camera. Syd Hyldahl directed, filmed, and edited "Ahead of Schedule" and all of our YouTube content. Syd has been an Outlaw since we first started 7 years ago, and through riding bikes and skiing, he's discovered his true passion of filming and editing. It's pretty special to have Syd around, even though he takes a lot of smack talk from the team, he handles it well and simply removes you from the edit if you put all of the empty water bottles in his tent. All 57 of them,

Rider List: (watch the edit for their ages and special moves)

Drake Parker @dr_mtb12
Alex Mallen @alex_mtb11
Luke Mallen @lukemallen_1
Fred LaRiviere @fred_romeo
Cohen Bundy @cohen_and_eli
Boston Bryant @bosman_bikes
Levi Lloyd @levi.lloyd247
Benny De Vall @benny.devall
Ryker Kearl @ryker_kearl

A huge thanks to our sponsors:

Leatt MTB
Factor Components

Thanks for watching!

Author Info:
Outlawmtb avatar

Member since Aug 19, 2017
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