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Jan 27, 2021 at 12:34
Jan 27, 2021
This guy is INCREDIBLY racist! Please never let him back on PB Smile
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RoadStain pinkbikeoriginals's article
Jun 5, 2020 at 8:48
Jun 5, 2020
Video: Friday Fails #121
Sir, puleeeeeeeze, we have all read the warnings on this site and dogmatically followed them for a few months now.....
RoadStain dan-roberts's article
Jun 5, 2020 at 8:33
Jun 5, 2020
Good Month / Bad Month: Racing, Vlogs, Big Event Cancellations & Bike Sales - May 2020
@WAKIdesigns: We can of course expect that folks who are in "blue states" to be so well mannered..... https://www.foxnews.com/us/maryland-cyclist-assault-teen-george-floyd-flyers One thing I know for sure, in FL he would have been (rightfully) shot.
RoadStain dan-roberts's article
Jun 5, 2020 at 4:12
Jun 5, 2020
Good Month / Bad Month: Racing, Vlogs, Big Event Cancellations & Bike Sales - May 2020
@jaame: Wait, that is what you all call "soccer" isnt it? And then, if your team loses you riot in the stadium, right ;-)
Jun 4, 2020 at 17:39
Jun 4, 2020
RoadStain dan-roberts's article
Jun 4, 2020 at 15:11
Jun 4, 2020
Good Month / Bad Month: Racing, Vlogs, Big Event Cancellations & Bike Sales - May 2020
@makripper: Um we have the best healthcare on the planet...and we do have EQUAL rights, just some seem to want "more equal". Our rights are God-given. I have seen very few actual institutional civil rights violations against any race more than Caucasians in decades. While it is shameful that 80% + of our incarcerated population is black, there is a common cause (multi-generational failures and dependence on Social programs). Currently, in the US I would think the Asians/Middle Eastern are most subject to not having fair treatment (by colleges and employers). Then we take on idiots like Women's Soccer and WNBA..the bitch for them if they were to be paid on the same percentage of revenue as the NBA...well, they would all get massive pay cuts...fair is fair, right? Equal rights does not mean equal income, access, or privilege. There is also zero freedom of speech on private property, in a private busienss or in public forums. Period.
RoadStain dan-roberts's article
Jun 4, 2020 at 9:20
Jun 4, 2020
Good Month / Bad Month: Racing, Vlogs, Big Event Cancellations & Bike Sales - May 2020
@goldencycle: 'I didn't call you racist because of your hiring practices." was it because I do not give a crap if someone is black or white? I guess if I was "woke" I would have supposed "White Guilt" - I don't. And you would DETEST our real hiring practices, we DO profile, absolutely we do and we do check voting records and on-line activities.
RoadStain dan-roberts's article
Jun 4, 2020 at 8:47
Jun 4, 2020
Good Month / Bad Month: Racing, Vlogs, Big Event Cancellations & Bike Sales - May 2020
@WAKIdesigns: What most people do not understand, in the US there is no taxation of money at rest. While the ignorant and apathetic cry babies on the left seem to want to "Tax the Rich" they simply are too simple-minded to even comprehend the taxing structure of a retail sale of a Snicker Bar, let alone the efforts to tax the "wealthy". Heck, I have more than one friend with vehicles that cost well over $300k, and while they can afford the car....no way in hell any of us will ever pay a $5000 "Luxury Tax" on top of the other taxes we pay. Plus, 100% of the taxes to Welfare and on and on and on are a total waste of money and resources.
RoadStain dan-roberts's article
Jun 4, 2020 at 8:44
Jun 4, 2020
Good Month / Bad Month: Racing, Vlogs, Big Event Cancellations & Bike Sales - May 2020
@goldencycle: "I was just on here to make sure you understood how much you come across as a racist a*shole", see as I tend to expect from folks (myself included) - you simply see what you want to see. You can read any tense and tone to anything you want. Free Speach is not telling others (like me) to shut up, or calling them dumb, and even racist. I for one can not be racist, I simply do not care enough about most people to be racist. What IS racist is when states, cities, and companies go out of their way to hire a keyhole staff member who fits a mold (I see it all the time). I do a ton of hiring and interviewing, never, not ever do I let race provide a qualification, that is what qualifications. It seems however that if I do not have 12% of my staff black - I am by default racist. This would in general be by someone who will immediately have an issue with an Indian MD/DO. Equal is equal, college funds make folks "more equal". That is disgusting. And, why I said before, there is absolutely just cause for Asians to sue Harvard Business School for letting in black candidates because they were black (though they tested lower than Asiains in every measurable parameter). That is what is wrong with US Society today.
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