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Mushrooms, Trails and Jumps: It's alltime fall time

Oct 12, 2022 at 6:02
by Kathi Kuypers  

What happens when you hand out 2 EMTBs to Freeride Athletes? Give them 2 charged batteries and the permission to get away with just about anything. They put them through their paces and as you know Peter Kaiser and Kathi Kuypers, they have ridden the bikes on rough single trails, big gap jumps and on steep rockgardens.


Peter Kaiser
Peter Kaiser and Kathi Kuypers make the most out of a riding day

A story told by Kathi Kuypers…

The other day my grandmother had asked me how I’d define my job title. I sat back and considered what she meant. „Grandma, I am director of good times“ , I answered. Grandma raised her eyebrows and cleared her voice and asked if I am one of those newly patented, so called „Influencer“ she recently saw on TV. „I just do what I love“ and gave her my phone. Grandma put on her glasses and pressed Play. Right away she got the right feeling for the video and relaxed in her armchair. „Are these EMTBs?“ She put her glasses on and I answered: „You are right and they just feel like regular bikes, you won’t believe it! I felt massive respect to send these bikes on big jumps but it worked out great, Grandma! Look!“ And in this moment Peter impressed with a super stylish Nac Nac.

such a stylish NacNac from Peter
NacNac on a EMTB
Peter Kaiser what he does best!

Peter and I wanted to make the most out of this day. Before the lift even started we headed up to the Grubigsteinalm in the Garmisch - Partenkirchen area, early in the morning. We pedalled the 750m of climbing on the gravel road and thanks to Turbo we only needed about 30 minutes to the top of the trail.


The Blindseetrail starts from the Grubigstein Alm

The view on Blindsee lake is amazing. We push through a waterfall and the adventure level was on a high. I tried to keep up with Peter on some technical parts which follows to a postcard finish at Blindsee lake’s waterfront.

Blindsee Trail in Garmisch

The batteries were on 72% and our energy level was still on a high.




Every day that goes by without jumping my bike is a day wasted and that’s why Peter and I pedalled to our secret Freeride spot after the trail tour in the morning. The EMTB on big jumps somehow made me have an uncomfortable feeling because I wasn’t sure how they perform in the air. But all worries blew over when I followed Peter through the line. Brain off! Let’s go! The EMTB flies like an airplane. It’s super stable in the air and before I realised what was happening I landed in the flat. BOOM! Bottom out! My suspension wants to thank me sincerely. But I am stoked how well the EMTB performs in the air. I save myself an annoying uphill back to the start of the line with the help of the battery and we did laps over laps. Peter and I are unstoppable.

Trek Rail

EMTBs jump very well




It’s mushrooms harvest time in the forest and as a trail snack I cook pasta with mushrooms in the camping stove. I had to experiment with the ingredients but straight out of the pan on the trail just tastes best.
It was totally worth to set the alarm at 7am because it was one of those Sundays I am living for.
I wish every day was a sunday…

Kathi sees Mushrooms everywhere
Mushrooms everywhere


Pictures by Korbi Blendl

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Member since May 17, 2014
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