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Front Lines with the Golden Cycling Club

Dec 10, 2014 at 16:33
by Brent Hillier  
What is the most important, even integral part of mountain biking? It's not the latest technological advances or wheel size, and it's not the next globally broadcasted event or the most recent envelope pushing tricks, it's simply trails. And although 29ers and Rampage have pushed our sport forward, that's not what has allowed it to survive. That integral part of mountain biking we always seem to forget, the trail itself, survives because of the difficult work of trail associations all over the world. Trail associations are on the front lines not only with shovels but raising funds, awareness and sifting through the bureaucracy of our modern legal climate. The first installment of Front Lines is about Golden, BC and their hardworking Golden Cycling Club.

Golden is nestled in the Canadian Rockies and sits on the edge of the British Columbia and Alberta border. With three main riding areas, the riding in Golden is certainly diverse. Mount 7 offers steep DH trails, while Moonrakers & CBT provides riders with a well rounded XC and All-Mountain experience.

The Golden Cycling Club started in 2002 with signage of the Mount 7 network, the development of a black and white map and the relocation of Dead Dog. They manage over 112km of Columbia Valley single-track and have over 200 paying members. Fast forward 12 years and the GCC has continued to expand and maintain their networks.

World Record Descent on Mt 7 images by Robb Thompson

2013 saw over 12,000 riders on the CBT Mainline. Connecting the town of Golden with the Moonraker trails, it's one of the most ridden trails in Golden. With a minimal grade this trail climbs as well as it descends and makes for the perfect warmup.

This past year has seen a number of projects, new entrance to Canyon Creek, bridges on CBT and Cedar Camp and the completion of LSD.

World Record Descent on Mt 7 images by Robb Thompson
golden singletrack

Further adding to the diversity of Mountain Biking in Golden, the Kicking Horse Bike Park is a 20 minute drive from the city centre. Offering 26km of trail with a total vertical of 1000m it's another gem for locals and visitors alike.

Summer morning at Kicking Horse

With the BC Enduro Series, the Kicking Horse Cup, the Western Open BC Provincials, and the Single Track Six, Golden is defining itself as a summer destination for mountain bikers. What does the future have in store? Club President, Chad Gennings says:

bigquotesThe Golden Cycling Club has its sights on producing an alpine ride. The club has taken a shotgun approach by submitting 3 alpine rides for the Section 57 approval process with the Province. We hope that at least one of these will be approved. Pending approval such a trail will really round out the riding available in the area. -Chad Gennings

trail work

Want to see more great trails in Golden, earn some Trail Karma and donate to the Golden Cycling Club.

World Record Descent on Mt 7 images by Robb Thompson

What's your favourite trail in Golden? Rate them below.

golden valley

MENTIONS: @GoldenCyclingClub @kayakwest @Blurtrc @BlackCrowe @robb

Do you want your association and trails featured on Pinkbike for the next Front Lines article?

Send me an email at brent@pinkbike.com

Author Info:
brenthillier avatar

Member since May 11, 2006
57 articles

  • 13 1
 The trails and people here make it such an awesome place to ride. Such a dedicated crew of volunteers and a laid back vibe on the trails.Everything you want to ride is here. Steep gnarly DH, buff flowy singletrack, alpine epic, and one of the truest Enduro trials around...and it all at my doorstep.
I moved here for the skiing and access to awesome touring but the biking is where I've found my true passion.

Thanks to El Presidente Chad and all the rest of the GC2, Andy,Simmy,Rick, Mel, Ruby, Crowe and the many more.
And a huge thanks to B Starr @Starr trail solution and Pierre for continuing to build killer trails.
  • 15 1
 I'm from Golden, Colorado and was really confused when I saw this...
  • 4 1
 Haha me too! But I've since relocated to BC =)
  • 1 0
 these look like long rides/loops. are the DHers actually riding/hiking these? or shuttling? or are the pics just for effect?
  • 1 0
 I thought the same...I was expecting to see pictures of riding on sanitized, overcrowded hiking trails.
  • 3 0
 Most DH riding on Mt Seven is done with shuttles
  • 10 0
 just spent 10 minutes scrolling back forth over the bc picture....my beer taste strange!
  • 16 7
 Golden is a terrible place. Crap skiing, the trails suck and the mountains are lame. Nothing fun to do at all. Stay away.
  • 1 1
 ...and panorama is better? ( I know you didn't say it was), but is it?
  • 2 0
 Pure sarcasm bud. I'm about to go for a little ski at KHMR right now as a matter of fact. I actually really like the Pano/Invermere area though, and it has backcountry riding that would have your jaw on the floor for a week, but that's beside the point.
  • 2 0
 My initial disbelief when I read your comment should have been all the indicator I needed to recognize your sarcasm :/ Love Golden for biking and skiing, so damn far from home though.
  • 7 0
 that zooming down part wow
  • 1 0
 Dude I am gunna tax that quote for my page. Thats awesome thanks, yoink.
  • 3 1
 Dang, I was hoping it was about the trails in our backyard here in Golden Colorado.
  • 2 0
 Question for the locals. What month are most of the trails melted out? Would love to head up some time early summer.
  • 2 0
 Mid to late June and everything should be good to go
  • 1 0
 Thanks much
  • 1 0
 After riding as many bike parks as I could last season, I have decided KH is my effin Mecca. I will be pilgramiging there as much as possible.
  • 2 0
 no mountain shadows mentioned?
  • 1 0
 ya that's curious they would leave out a full trail center
  • 1 0
 Mountain Shadows is fully sanctioned as well. If you get here pick up a FREE trail map and you're good to go.
  • 1 0
 The bugs are brutal in the summer.
  • 1 0
 ride faster
  • 1 0
 Love Mnt 7

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