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Ladies Only - maintained by Digger

For a Pinkbike article - Trailbuilders of the Shore


  • + 1
 Greg, Thanks for the feedback. I stuck the GoPro HD on D'arcy. Unfortunately I didn't check the lens and it was scratched. Also it was a warm day and he perspired over the lens - hence the less than great footage. I've used a Panasonic Lumix FX 35 on a helmet and chest mount. It has IS but the footage is ever more shaky and even worse in rougher terrain. So I've gone with the GoPro as the better option, but I do agree its still not great for rougher technical trails. It's also not that good for the heavy forested covered trails we have locally.
  • + 1
 Lee, I do a lot of work recording HD from vehicle mounted cameras. I also have a contour HD and can completely sympathise with the issues you can get with it. A lot of the shake on handheld camcorders comes from the floating element in the lens which reduces normal hand held camera shake... great for filming 'normal' scenarios but not for on board action. if the camera has electromagnetic IS the results are often better, but still not ideal. we use a Sony HXRMC1 for our stability critical work, although it doesn't have the biggest lens diameter it does manage light changes incredibly well and is easy to mount without much vibration. the fixed cable length can be a problem though. that said it is rather a lot of money to strap to your head or bike for this kind of thing... the contour is currently still the best option IMHO. Great work on the vids anyway... always enjoy your work. Ant
  • + 1
 Great video Lee.

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