Le Tour de Tryptophan - Fullerton, California

Nov 23, 2010
by Tyler Maine  
Le Tour de Tryptophan

Twenty-Four Hours of the Fullerton Loop - Come raise funds for 5-year-old Leukemia Cancer-fighter Tyler Blick by celebrating the Fullerton Loop for 24 hours.

Not a race, just a fun ride and burn off that Turkey from Thanksgiving,See how many laps you can do! From noon Friday the 26th till noon Saturday the 27th at the Fullerton Courthouse upper lot.

No rules. Ride at your own risk. Be smart!

Background Story

Our little boy, Tyler (4), developed a fever on June 16th that after 6 days lead us to the lab for some blood testing and a chest x-ray. This test revealed that his white blood cell count was low, and as a result he was admitted to CHOC at Mission Hospital. There the staff of doctors did an extensive work up for "fever of unknown origin" that culminated in a bone marrow biopsy on July 12. The next day things got pretty wobbly for us when the doctors confirmed the diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, or ALL /Pre B, which is a cancer of the white blood cell line. The good news is that treatability of ALL has improved dramatically in recent years because of new chemotherapy agents, so all those dollars donated to cancer research really are helping.


After a good cry (which helped to get the head cleansed and a cemented a solid foundation for me get my heart connected for the road to recovery) Jen and I brought Tyler down to the Rady Children's Hospital Peckham Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders in San Diego. On July 16th Tyler had an indwelling intravenous line called a portacath surgically placed so he could begin chemotherapy.

As I was driving down to San Diego on wed, I got a call from Lance around 11 pm his time in France (after climbing 18k!!). He gave me a couple of things to think about and after the call was finished... I was good to go. For the most part, Lance has been really supportive and a great symbol of hope and courage to help me keep on track. It has been priceless to have his support at this time and moment as he is bit busy with his day job.

Tylers chemo regimen will be intensive dosing at first then the doses will be less frequent later. He will be "in chemotherapy" for the next 3 1/2 years. There is way more to it, but I want to keep it simple.

With that said, all I know is this has been a crazy month and Jen and I are feeling beat down but still have our heads straight for the fight ahead. The greatest thing on our side that keeps me strong are our friends & family. Without the kind words and shared bits of wisdom and knowledge we are getting from everyone, we would have crashed and burned by now.

You never lose until you give up!
-Blick and Jen

Please email chunkyflyrite@gmail.com if you'd like to make a donation for a T-Shirt ($40) or Hoodie ($60).

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Member since Mar 27, 2001
3,581 articles

  • 7 1
 are you guys for real??? im blown away by all of these negative comments. this is a kid who has cancer and a bunch of us bikers are going to get together to try and help, even as little help as that may be. it doesnt matter who his dad is or where he works, that's irrelevant. and since when is it the responsibility of a PUBLIC company to pay for an employees family issue? do you guys have any idea what it costs to treat a cancer patient??? Sure they helped Lance, but Lance was a sponsored rider at the time and Oakley was a private company and could do whatever the heck they wanted with their money. that's not the case when you're a public company. you guys are all WAAAAAAYYY off on any criticism here.

and, for the record, Steve Blick has been in this industry and done more for this industry than ANY of you salt throwers in this thread. do some quick research before you criticize people you clearly know nothing about.
  • 1 1
 There really are not negative comments here, you're being over sensitive as you are directly affected. Folks stoked on Lego is not negative and one mis-informed person with regards to Oakley paying for more health care is not "all of these negative comments". It is easier to help inform people about what they don't know than to accuse them. This helps everyone in the end. Steve is a great person and I'm happy to be part of the industry that is trying to help him out.
  • 1 0
 actually, to be clear, there were several more negative comments on here before i made this post that have clearly and justifiably been removed. the lego comments did not bother me at all, but any negative comments about people trying to HELP people is lame. period.
  • 1 0
 just got home, did 2 laps got a shirt, and was TOTALLY smoked by 90% of the people riding out there. if you were there i was the guy in 510's with the 2.35 inch tires, which was NOT they way to go. lots of fun, glad i got to be part of it.
  • 2 1
 what a great way to spend a couple days. i live in san diego but have ridden the loop in the past. not the most exciting ride but the chance to meet others who love to ride and possibly find new riding buddies, while also contributing to a very worthy cause. i work in the medical industry directly with cancer patients every day so i know how incredibly heart-wrenching it is for a parent trying to be strong and put on a positive face for thier little one who is suffering through cancer when all they really want to do is break down and cry. i'll be there if possible.
  • 5 1
 I would say the logo idea is to support the thought of the 5 year old.
  • 2 1
 uhm what the hell O.O why are there so many negative comments ???
You'd be riding your bike with or without this event, why are you pissed that you could save some kids life while having fun ?
  • 1 3
 There really are not negative comments here, you're being over sensitive as you are directly affected. Folks stoked on Lego is not negative and one mis-informed person with regards to Oakley paying for more health care is not "all of these negative comments". It is easier to help inform people about what they don't know than to accuse them. This helps everyone in the end. Steve is a great person and I'm happy to be part of the industry that is trying to help him out.
  • 1 0
 Ok Brule is somewhat right... there arent may negative comments... JUST A BUNCH OF PLAIN IGNORANT ONES!!! =) Most of the people commenting are crying and/or saying something about only clickin on this article because of the "Lego" logo. Brule, I think what some of us are a little unhappy with is the fact that no one is seeing the main picture of this article. Support for a little boy who has cancer, not the fact that the logo for this event resembles the Lego one. I would have to say that its anyones right to comment what they want, I cant dispute that, but try not to forget that the article is about a little boy with cancer who is fortunate to have a father who can help spread the word and try to gain some support, not the fact that two logo's resemble one another.
  • 1 0
 This is bad... I lost a love one to cancer but what the hell there are worse off people out there. you close minded people......
  • 1 0
 hmm... what is the Fullerton loop? like terrain wise, wouldn't mind going if its decent trails for a good cause...
  • 1 0
 Its not too bad on climbing, its got a couple of climbs that are pretty rough but doable, there isnt any crazy single track or anything but there are a handfull of hills that you can get some pretty good speed down. Its the perfect all mtn ride in my opinion. I ride my 8in travel bike there so I get a hard workout on the upers but I get to fly by everyone on the dh. Just make sure if you go to tag along the others because you'll be looping in and out of neighborhoods and it can be easy to get lost. Plus the ones that ride there alot will be able to show you the hidden jewels that the trail has to offer. Def worth checking out.
  • 1 0
 i would but thats way too far for me
7th annual....but the child is 5?
  • 1 0
 and just out off curiosity, how does the child relate to this cycling event? does he ride? his parents?
  • 3 0
 His father is very well liked in the cycling world and the son is the one whom is suffering from Cancer. This event along with the shirts and hoodies is to help bring awareness to this illness.
  • 1 0
 and the charity differs every year, they have sponsored Children's Hospital of Orange County, Tara Llanes recovery fund and some others
  • 1 0
 Look up b17 thats my 2 cents
  • 1 0
 I hope the kid gets better. Positive energy to him and his family.
  • 2 1
 i agree with bmx43, why is everyone being so negative about this?

while i dont get to enjoy stuff like epic rides on the north shore, THIS particular event is only 20 minutes from my home so i will be checking it out and picking up a shirt for a good cause. not sure if i will ride though, i hate the loop.
  • 1 0
 Hate the Loop?! Well I guess it is an aquired taste. I used to ride it all the time on my Giant Faith. Loved the look on peoples face to see me out climb them on a 8 in travel bike =) Had I not blown out my rear hub and planned a trip up north to visit fam I'd be hitting this event up. Its for a very good cause and I think that instead of spending money, tax payers money, on paying a cop for the time it takes them to get in uniform the gov should put EXTRA money into reaserch to help these very unfortunate people suffering from a horrible disease. Hell if I didnt have plans I'd say screw it and just go run as many laps as I could in support!!!
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