世界盃下坡賽人物誌 - Part 1

Dec 1, 2014 at 3:31
by Ian Chu  
Composite of the People of the World Cup

有非常多無名英雄的參與,才有辦法讓我們欣賞如此精采的世界盃比賽。有許多幕後人物:車隊經理、技師、計時人員與其他許許多多工作人員。當然,這其中還有選手 - 他們是世界盃的靈魂。

我已經追蹤報導世界盃下坡賽整整十年。認識了許多形成世界盃的元素。在剛結束的夏天裡,我只有時間參加兩場比賽 - 不像以前一樣可以參與整個賽季。我將心思放在著重世界盃下坡賽人物誌的資料累積,這是第一部分。

Long time friend of Loic Bruni Loris Vergier is poised to be another French legend--but he ll have to edge out Bruni first. Leogang 2014.
Loris Vergier是Loic Bruni識很久的朋友,大家都將他視為法國榮譽的傳承者 - 但在此之前,他必須超越Loic。Leognag 2014。

Danny Hart and Ruby in the Giant pits. It ll be interesting to see where he lands for 2015. Fort William 2014.
Danny Hart跟Ruby正在Giant的休息區。我很想知道2015他會加入哪一隊。Fort William,2014。

After his chainless World Champ ride one has to wonder what we ll see from Neko Mullally in 2015. The kid s got talent that s for sure. Leogang 2014.
經歷世界錦標賽「無鏈」完賽的驚人演出後,大家都在猜Neko 2015年會到哪一隊。他擁有過人的資質,這是毫無疑問的。Leogang 2014。

Always smiling... Loic Bruni had a rough ride here at Leogang but it s only a matter of time before the Lapierre rider takes the top step. Leogang 2014
總是笑容滿面。Loic Bruni今年在Leogang打了辛苦的一仗,但Lapierre車隊要站上高位,這只是遲早的問題。Leogang 2014。

At the end of the day the Nukeproof Team manager Nigel Page is just stoked about bikes. Managing the team is a full time job but the one time World Cup racer still makes time to get after it racing in events like the Megavalanche and the odd enduro event. Leogang 2014.
一天比賽結束之後,Nukeproof車隊經理Nigel Page,對選手的比賽用車感到非常滿意。管理一支車隊是全職工作。身為一個退役的世界盃車手,他仍然會撥出時間參加像是Megaavalanche或是有趣的Enduro賽事。Leogang 2014。

Doug Hatfield. This man has forgotten more about wrenching on bikes than I will ever learn. Leogang 2014.
Doug Hartfield。一位遠遠不只是車隊技師的男人。Leogang 2014。

Who d have ever guessed that budding junior XC racing star Emile Siegenthaler would turn to the dark side at age 21 and become a gravity racer There s no looking back now--it s been seven glorious years and still counting. Fort William 2014.
有誰會料到青年組XC明星車手Emile Siegenthaler會在21一歲走下坡,進而轉戰下坡車呢?現在不是回頭看的時候 - 今年是輝煌的一年,並持續開展。Fort William 2014。

Andrew Neethling. The South African is tough as nails and as stylish on a bike as they come. Leogang 2014.
Andrew Neethling。這位南非車手有鋼鐵般的意志與個人風格。我曾看過needle在練習時大摔過 - 2013年的義大利站 - 但他起身拍拍灰塵,繼續練習。Leogang 2014。

To say he had a bit of a rough season for 2014 would be an understatement but Steve Smith never lets anything keep him down. Look for the Chainsaw Massacre to return to full form in 2015. Leogang 2014.
要說2014是Steve Smith辛苦的一年,那真是講的太簡單了。但是他不會讓這些挫折影響自己。期待Chainsaw Massacre在2015年重回戰場。Leogang 2014。

Claudio Caluori is a man of many hats Team Director for Scott Gstaad Red Bull Crashed Ice Competitor Don t know what that is Think 4x racing. On ice skates and Pump Track and Bike Park designer. Fort William 2014.
Caludio Caluori有幾個身分:Scott Gstaad車隊經理、Red Bull Crashed Ice競速滑冰對抗賽選手(別說你不知道這個賽事。就像4X一樣,但是大家穿著滑冰鞋,在一條由冰構成的賽道上 - 途中會有飛躍、邊坡,還有一些「碰撞」。這比賽滿帶勁的。)與壓抬場和登山車公園的設計者。Fort William 2104。

George Brannegan. Another Kiwi assassin. He s a quiet one but definitely one to keep an eye on. Fort William 2014.
George Brannegan。另一個殺手級的紐西蘭選手。他個性靜靜的,但是個值得注意的角色。Fort William 2014。

I ve known Brook MacDonald since he was racing MS Evil back in 2011. Since then he s gone from a devil may care wild man to a more focused racer but still a wild man when the chips are down. Fort William 2014.
我在Brook MacDonald 2011年還在MS Evil對時就認識他。從那時起,這狂放不羈的小子蛻變成專注的車手。但是現在在賽後,他還是有那狂放的一面。Fort William 2014。

Rachel Atherton. A true pro make no mistake but Rachel isn t afraid to play the clown to lighten the mood in the pits up a bit. Fort William 2014.
Rachel Atherton 一個真正專業的選手,不犯錯誤。但他不會羞於在休息區裡搞笑營造氣氛。Fort William 2014。

The magic in the mix Eric Carter put his time in as a racer and then brought that experience to Specialized for 2014. I d say that the results speak for themselves. Fort William 2014.
Eric Carter過去曾是成功的車手,在2104年,他將畢生經驗傳承到Specialized車隊中。大家看看車隊成績就會了解。看看他在2015會在哪落腳。Fort William 2014。

Fraser Britton--man this kid has come a long ways since I first laid eyes on him back at Mt St Anne in 2005. His camera bag was bigger than he was. Wait...his camera bag is STILL bigger than he is. But his stoke for mountain bike racing is even bigger. Fort William 2014.
Fraser Britton - 自從2005年加拿大站,我就看到這小子在世界盃中出現。他的相機包比他本人還大一包。但是他的比賽裝備包甚至更大。Fort William 2014。

A man steeped in World Cup Martin Whitely has been there done that since day one from his beginnings on the World Cup circuit as the UCI s man for Mountain Biking Racing back in 1998 to running the revered Global Racing program featuring a young Greg Minnaar in 2001-3 to running the Honda G Cross team to running Trek World Racing-one of the most successful team s on the circuit--the Aussie ex-pat has always been a force behind the scenes. Fort William 2014.
世界盃中最具影響力的男人 - Martin Whiteley。在世界盃誕生的第一天,他就已經在那邊:在1998年他在UCI中建立了世界盃這項比賽,後來2001-2003年創立了深具理念的Global Racing車隊(陣中就有年輕的Greg Minnaar),又再後來的Honda G Cross車隊、Trek World Racgin 車隊 - 這是最成功的車隊之一 - 這個澳洲人總是影響著世界盃。Fort William 2014。

Steve Peat. The man is simply legend. Fort Wiliam 2014
Steve Peat。不用多解釋,他就是傳奇。Fort William 2014。

Rachel Atherton s shadow would be how many characterized Manon Carpenter the past few seasons but I think it s safe to say that she s come into her own during 2014. Fort William 2014.
在過去幾個賽季中,Manon Carpenter總是只能在強大的Rachel Atherton之後追趕。但是在2104賽季,他闖出了自己的一條路。Fort William 2014。

The former sous chef come World Cup photographer Matt DeLorme almost makes an even better grilled roast pork served with a side of wild mushroom risotto than he does photos. Fort William 2014.
過去的世界盃影像地下總監Matt Delorme,他的烤豬排技術甚至比攝影技巧還要好。Fort William 2014。

Luca Shaw. The young gun really came of age this past season taking second overall on the World Cup circuit amongst the juniors. Next year will be a whole new ball game the elites. Expect to see him take a bit of time to adjust but if he stays on track look for him to be a podium threat in a couple seasons. Fort William 2014.
Luca Shaw。在上一個賽季開嶄露頭角,在青年組中拿下總積分第二。明年會是全新挑戰,進入菁英組。預期會看到他需要花點時間調適,但是再過幾年,他將是凸字台熱門人選。Fort William 2014。

It s always a pleasure to watch Sik Mik take the track. When he took time off a few years ago and then came back after a year off... wow. The renewed focus he s exhibited since then has been awesome. It s a pity his 14 campaign was cut a bit short due to injury but it s going to be great to see him back at it full tilt for 2015. Fort William 2014
看Sick Mick騎車總是感覺很過癮。幾年前他休息了一年,然後重新復出。重新出發時展現的專注力讓人驚豔。很可惜2104年因為受傷中斷賽季,但是很高興將在2015年再度Mick上場。Fort William 2014。

It seems as if every damn Kiwi on the circuit is a joker and Sam Blenkinsop is no exception...He s one of the funniest people on the circuit. He may look relaxed and composed here but trust me he s just thinking up the next practical joke to play on one of his mates. Fort William 2014.
好像世界盃場上的每個紐西蘭車手都很搞笑,Sam Blenkinsop當然也是,他是最好笑的一個。這裡他看起來滿輕鬆的,但是相信我,他正在思考下一步要去整哪個隊友。Fort William 2014。

It s great to see Joe Smith able to go at it full tilt on the Nuke Proof squad these past few years... his early years with Kona simply showcased the diamond in the rough with Sam HIll to mentor him the possibilities are very very interesting... Fort William 2014.
很高興看見Joe Smith在Nukeproof車隊裡能夠發揮全力表現。早年他在Kona車隊時,只是尚未雕琢的璞玉。現在有了Sam HIll的指導,他的前景非常非常有希望。Fort William 2104。

Seeing Troy Brosnan finally take a W this past season was amazing this kid s had it coming for a looooong time. Fort William 2014.
在賽季末終於看見Troy Brosnan拿下勝利,令人十分興奮。這一刻他可是等了好一陣子。Fort William 2014。

Martin the Masseur. Based out of the MS-Mondraker Pits Martin is the man with the magic hands. Name any top rider who pancakes hard in practice and it s a given that they are able to ride a bike--let alone walk--the next day in part thanks to Martin s deft touch.

Emmeline Ragot and Loris Vergier of Lapierre owe a lot of their success this past season to Billy Ceusters--the crazy Belgian mechanic for Lapierre Gravity Republic. It makes sense that a guy so adept at collecting speeding tickets would be equally adept at making bikes go fast too. Fort William 2014.
Emmeline Ragot與Loris Vergier在過去這個賽季中的成功,都得感謝這位瘋狂的比利時技師Billy Ceusters在Lapierre/Gravity Republic車隊中的貢獻。這位善於接收超速罰單的技師,同樣也善於讓選手的車跑的更快。Fort William 2014。

Jon Cancellier of SRAM is a quiet king maker. JC is the Blackbox mechanic to the stars--particularly when it comes to suspension. When a SRAM racer takes the top step of the box it s a given that this man had a hand on the bike before that race run. Fort WIlliam 2014.
SRAM的Jon Cancellier是許多冠軍的幕後支持者。JC是許多Blackbox計畫車手的技師 - 尤其是在避震器方面。每次有SRAM在著車手站上頒獎台,那就表示他的避震器必定受過JC的精心照顧。Fort William 2014。

The team manager for the Santa Cruz Syndicate team Kathy Sessler is a former elite DH racer one fast momma is her nickname from back in the day . One thing about Mama Sessler--absolutely nothing phases her. It d be hard to imagine anyone else at the helm of what is arguably the most recognizable team in gravity racing. Fort William 2014.
Santa Cruz Syndicate車隊經理Kathy Sessler,他過去曾是女子菁英組下坡車手(江湖稱號:飛馳的老媽)。在每場比賽,這個陣中有著最頂尖車手的車隊,都在老媽的照顧之下進行。Fort William 2104。

The Shaw brothers. Sibling rivalry at it s best. Fort William 2014.
Shaw家兩兄弟。他們正是彼此最大的對手。Fort William 2104。

It s been a great ride seeing Ben Reid storm the World Cup circuit this past decade... Reid s stoke to ride has translated into watching the Irishman take countless runs on every track on the globe... It s a bit of a shame that he s moved into a management position as I won t really have the chance to see him treating every run as if it were a race run any longer. But his continued presence on the Circus means there s always going to be a wild card in the deck and that s a good thing. Fort William 2014.
能目睹Ben Reid過去十年間在賽道上的拼鬥,讓我感到十分榮幸。這位愛爾蘭車手對騎車的熱愛具體表現在征戰全球無數的賽道。很可惜他選擇了轉戰幕後擔任經理的角色,再也看不到他過彎那種華麗剽悍的風格。但是他還是在世界盃之中,誰知道他的下一步會不會變換呢?Fort William 2014。

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Member since Oct 11, 2008
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 呵呵 阿丹加油啊~!
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 This article in chinese looks nice...hehe

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