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some raw clips of me and eliot hitting a 12 footer. it was shot holding a helmet cam with no view screen so we got the angle wrong and it looks small, just search it in the photo section and you'll see the size


  • + 1
 when is this video from? do you know if it is hittable right now? cause I was there in the spring, hoping to hit that, but the bridge leading into it was broken.
  • + 1
 it's from the last weekend in september, it should be hittable right now, but i haven't seen it since the vid was shot. what do you consider broken tho? because the ladder bridge moves around a bit and it looks like it's missing a support but you can still do it.
  • + 1
 oh thats good then. I mean the beginning part of the bridge was actually collapsed and there were sticks put up in an x shape right before it so no one goes on it. But the rest was fine I climbed up on it and walked on the top
  • + 1
 oh. someone must have come up and fixed it, but yeah, it's rideable.
  • + 1
 nice. It looks a little tricky to come into though. Hows the run up and bridge leading into the drop? I don't really remember
  • + 1
 basically, if your not committed it's scary, but if you commit and get tunnel vision on the drop the bridge isn't bad. you just need to chill and cary speed of it and ur all good. If you like hitting drops slow & you get plenty of speed after the uphill than i would coast along the downhill bit at the end, but if ur like me and you like going faster, or if you don't feel like you have enough speed you can put in a gentile peddal or two on the downhill at the end. I've only hit it twice but it's supposed to be pretty forgiving as far as speed goes. the landing's a little harsh tho.
  • + 1
 thanks man
  • + 1
 where is this, i want to hit it.
  • + 1
 on fromme, the trail it jumps over is called air supply.
  • + 1
 hey i saw that u also hit piledriver is there much of a difference??
  • + 1
 sry i didn't see this comment for a while... and yeah, the difference is pretty big, pile driver is sketchier but way way smaller, when i hit pile driver i looked at sideshow but didn't consider hitting it. but if you have the confidence to just go for it and you have decent form of drops you should be fine on both of them. if not just work your way up, you live in van so you have hella opportunities to go big lol, i'm jealous of that.

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