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crazy people in oakland



  • + 4
 Damm I watched this video without sound, with sound is a complete different story.
  • + 3
 hahaha iv had the same problems ther if the trail is legal for bikes then they half to wach the fuck out fucking gay ass hickers
  • + 4
 WTF???? I ride at JMP all the time too, Now I know who to look out for...
  • + 4
 pull out the choopa, you in oakland
  • - 1
 i must be the minority...

i respect and take into consideration every hiker i come across when i ride. i slow considerably when coming up to hikers, say hello, and pass nicely so as not to scare the hikers. pretty much yielding to hikers comes first.
example... 1:14 into my vid..

going at a fast pace down a hill is going to frighten many people, including older folks. be on the same team...those people that you called a bitch, can end up being the same people you see fighting w/ city of oakland to have those LEGAL trails turned into hiking trails because of incidents such as this.

obviously the guy was wrong putting his hands on you, but there are better ways to handle the situation than threaten 2 older people that you're going to go to the police and call them a it's going to help the case that biking should be legal in that area...
  • + 4
 ^^^^ get a load of this guy^^^^... calm down big dawg!!
  • + 4
  • + 2
 He's right though, the town I live in has torn down jumps, and completely blocked off trails, because one or two people complain about the speed that bikers go, and how unsafe it is. The advice he gave is some advice you should take, instead of just sluffing it off.
  • + 2
 First off I was going slow maybe to you it must be fast...
  • + 2
 i like how you said " dont touch him" hahaha that made hitler mad!! you see his face pause it! why you gotta be so nice standing up for me?!
  • + 4
 Yeah, that was just about the WORST way you could handle that! They were no more right than you were to use the trail, but they were obviously scared shitless by you guys for whatever reason, so just take that into account. It's not your trail, and it's not theirs, so don't act like it is. If they feel like they have more of a right to it than you, then fuck, you have a bike! Just keep riding down the trail. No need to get sassy with random seniors...
  • + 2
 When he grabs me yeah i will
  • - 2
 @shasta, don't talk common sense. these guys are bad asses for disrespecting elders and poor trail etiquette.
  • + 4
 Get scraped man
  • + 1
 he was giving you some tips, no need to get sassy.
  • - 1
 "get scraped man"... lol. im dealing w/ an internet tough guy...same guy that curses out 60yr olds minding their business trying to enjoy their hike. LOL. sure thing.
  • + 3
 First off none of you were there so you should have no say in it you don't know exactly what happened and you didn't see him grab me super hard and throw me
  • + 7
 Yea u really just had to be there, I was in front of both often and I creeped past those people and they still yelled at me and then pull this shit. They saw us coming for a good 200 feet and me going by saying there's two more riders is a fair enough warning to maybe look the fuck out. They had no right hitting or grabbing either of the two who were riding behind me. We usually don't have problems with hikers and we usually are polite but in this instance these people were just being redicuclous. I honestly couldn't have gone slower past them without falling over
  • + 4
 yeah so fuck you haters cause i will scrap you
  • - 2
 lol@an old man grabbing you super hard and throwing you. must be weak, and assuming by your high pitched voice, haven't hit puberty yet.

ill be at carlmont friday provided it doesnt rain. feel free to 'scrap me' then...
  • + 3
 wade definitely isn't the biggest person in the world so yea, id imagine that would be intimidating to have that guy grab him. so fuck off dude, that's my friend ur talkin shit about. we aren't usually rude to hikers but this is one instance where they shouldve done what we do every time we run into hikers, be courteous and share the trail. i hear that shit all the time about mountain bikers id say its about time hikers quit caling us assholes for enjoying the trails the same as them. dont get me wrong if some people on bikes werent slowing down comin at me id be heated too, but if they did what we did and slowed down i definitely wouldn't go hitting them
  • + 3
 god damn child molestors, I would have done the same thing but just kept blazing by them, Fuck trail etiquette were on DH bikes were badasses remember haha, thank god for a go pro though that was sick haha
  • + 2
 *contour ahaha nah i understand why hikers could be upset but its like come on, use common sense. if you hear something coming down the trail look up and prepare to move. dont just walk with ur head down and stand in the trail like some kind of dumbass
  • + 2
 yeah haha JMP is always like that though, just gotta deal with it
  • + 3
 trust me ive known that since day one
  • - 2
 it's funny, looking at the well worded, polite comments by people like DARASTIC and shasta, then people like iluvbackforks (or whatever it is) who think they are upper-class urban gangsters.
  • + 2
 Fuck of drastic your biking skills are lame and so are you
  • - 1
 gimme a break guy. im respectful of all bikers and hikers. i just dont have tolerance for stupidity and rudeness like you displayed in your video.
  • + 3
 I dont see how standing up for yourself is stupid. If someone hits you are you just gonna say "oh im so sorry"? what these people did was stupid and pointless. we did nothing to them other than give them fair warning that we were riding by
  • + 2
 Jon its fine he's a retard he knows that he'd do the same thing I a man grabbed him
  • + 2
 Hahah I didn't mean to delete that and I'm just saying your 23 I'm only 16 so fuck off
  • + 1
 figures. im talking to little kids. literally. shouldn't expect much when im dealing w/ the maturity level of kids that barely entered high school.

  • + 3
 Yay mr hero
  • + 2
 Yea cuz a senior means just entering high school right? Weve been laughing over this conversation pretty much since it started and I've been trying to make te point that we aren't as dumb as you seem to think we are or as immature as u think we are but f*ck it, why should we have to be mature right now. We're just a bunch of kids tryna have fun ridin bikes, let the good times roll man!!!!!
  • + 1
 Mature people shouldn't have to ask themselves why they should be mature...
  • + 2
 Cool man I leave being mature for when I'm a grown ass man
  • + 0
 im barley 15, why would you leave being mature for when you're grown up? There's a a difference between being boring, and being mature. If you don't know it, i'll let you figure it out.
  • + 2
 I dont care about if youre barely 15, what im saying is im gonna have fun while im still a kid. Im plenty mature and to be honest idk why tf were even having this conversation, its really stupid. Anything you say on here isnt gonna effect me as a person so have a nice day and quit trying to give us all life advice
  • + 2
 Happens every time I ride JMP
  • + 1
 haha wtf that ladys crazy
  • + 2
  • + 1
 thats a legal trail? that lady is on f*cking crack!!
  • + 1
 yeah completely legal
  • + 1
 jeez dude. we got a riding spot where hikers aren't even allowed on the trail, it's bikes only and they still get pissed at us. it's fuckin retarded.
  • + 1
 wtf! those people are insane!
  • + 1
 did you bring it to the police or did you just said bad stuff about them
  • + 1
 crackheads these days...
  • - 1
 DId you actually bring it to the cops?

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