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Trevor Siebert Goes down HARD.

Healing vibes to this trevor man! he sent it!!


  • + 39
 oh!! why no help everyone??
  • + 1
 a whole lot of people dont give an S? WTF
  • + 1
 Its because you cant do nothing in moments like this, dont you think?
After all get well soon dude!
  • + 2
 And the guy runs up and steals his bike....haters
  • - 4
flag Lilshredman (Oct 17, 2013 at 9:03) (Below Threshold)
 (not meant to be a jerk here) but I would be laughing so hard!!!
  • + 23
 Spent all day with him in the hospital yesterday, no head injury thank god. He broke his wrist and it was pretty deformed, so they placed it yesterday and he's getting surgery next week. Poor guy Frown
  • + 21
 My wrist ended up being in 15 pieces with three screws placed as well as it was dislocated and broken at the radial joint and the bones were broken everywhere my wrist is pretty messed up getting a cast in a week in a splint now
  • + 16
 healing vibes man....
  • + 8
 The reason no one immediately came to help was because every time he eats it, he almost automatically gets right back up. Everyone kinda thought he was just gonna get up after a second. After he got up though, tons of people were so incredibly helpful in making sure he was getting help. I'm his girlfriend, and I was overwhelmed with the support from everyone there. Everyone was so caring and even helped me calm down when I was freaking the hell out. There were also people guiding my mom through duthie in her car to come pick him up. I was so impressed with how kind and helpful everyone was. You guys are rad.
  • + 1
 That was overshot almost 10 feet.huge to Flat . Im nursing an injury too huge impact from missing a small deck landing on this sketchy Hip wood to wood gap in march .with bald tires in the mud. Really hope you can ride again soon TS.
  • + 2
 Like fahhhhhk......if I bailed like that, I'd hope more that one person came to help out or even look remotely close to giving a shit.
Fahk people.....Frown
  • + 2
 Guy falls from sky. 100 people watch. 1 helps, after propping his bike up.
  • + 3
 holy crap that looked horrible
  • + 2
 All I can hear is us chanting "Flip Whip! Flip Whip! Flip Whip!" then I think Jack screaming "holy f*ck!"
  • + 2
 Wtf why was everyone just standing there and others laughing.
  • + 7
 Glad it pissed someone else off. Laughing, seriously? As if it wasn't bad enough that everyone there was totally useless to the situation. Makes you wonder how many people were there to see talented riders VS how many were just there hoping to see a dare devil crash and get injured. Disgusting.
  • + 2
 Everyone thought he was going to get right back up, like he always does. And when someone goes down like that, there's nothing you can really do unless they're completely out. It's best to give them a second, before touching them or grabbing them, which can really overwhelm someone when they're in that state of adrenaline/shock. Everyone in that whole community were so helpful and supportive, and I really appreciated how kind everyone was. I was blown away with all the support and healing vibes Trevor has gotten, and even the support his friends were giving me when I was freaking out about my boyfriend going down that hard. It was pretty cool to see so many people care for someone like that, and it just shows how great trevor's buds are. So I would really appreciate that you don't hound everyone for not rushing to his side. Trevor would appreciate it too. Smile
  • - 3
 So please tell me how anyone watching the video is supposed to know that back story?? This is a comment section and I am simply commenting on the video I watched. In that video no one came to help and they all had a dumb look on their faces and stood there laughing. So pardon my comment if it seems to be off.
  • + 1
 Then don't assume things if you don't know the back story. Don't worry, we all make mistakes. Wink
  • - 2
 Are you kidding me? Give me a freaking break. What if it was more serious? Pretty sure you would be singing a different tune. And that what if isn't a big stretch. Someone goes down no matter if they "usually" pop back up people should be going to help. If you don't like or agree with my comments then ignore them.
  • + 1
 I'm surprised anyone came and helped those guys usually just jump right back up lol. The way those spectators reacted was how it should be rush in make sure he is ok bring them to the side and out of the way of danger and clear the bikes to avoid another crash!
  • - 1
 Laughing is pretty obvious that theyre fuktards
  • + 2
 that's the worst iv seen on that jump in years O.O
  • + 1
 Should have spent less time putting on his house slippers and more time checking his bike set up!
  • + 1
 Fuuuck!! Oh my God. Lolololol
  • + 2
 Holy shit!
  • + 1
 His wrist didn't look to good
  • + 1
 I crashed right after he did
  • + 1
 The ER was really busy that day..haha
  • + 1
 da f*ck is he okey that must hurt :O Frown
  • + 1
 is he ok now? did he break any bone or something?
  • + 1
 His wrist was in 8-12 pieces....
  • + 1
 It was scary seeing it in person!
  • + 1
 the irony of the banner on the landing...he did exactly that
  • + 1
 Juuuust Outside
  • + 1
 Ouch !
  • + 1
 the legend
  • + 1
 Slight overshoot
  • - 1
 Your not ment to land on your face

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