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From Whistler with Love...and a bit of Pain

My riding of a few trails at the May 2014 Opening of Whistler Bike Park, 10 days in Whistler, what an amazing place. Opening sequence is the crash I had. Other sequences include A-Line, Shady Acres and Dirt Merchant. I'm following Mathieu. What an amazing place too ride. The trip was worth every penny. Enjoy :)


  • + 1
 Speed Yes, especially the one towards the end of Dirt Merchant. The trails were kinda of new to me so on a few occasions I was a little hard on the Brakes because I could not see what the landing looked like(Now I know, hehehe). If I was there a few more weeks you can be sure there would be no more hesitation. It was my first time so I did not bad.

Regarding the Crash, My right elbow is still sprained though the inflamation has gone down a good 50%. The Skin on my Right arm there will take much more time to come back though and that still hurts.

Regarding Shady Acres, its a tight and very flowy trail that you take on the left after the gap jump on the bottom of Dirt Merchant. There is like 3 sections to it and you can go pretty fast. Very fun trails to ride.

Have you planned a date to go back?
  • + 2
 haha great crash !! You might need a little more speed to take the landing of the jump Wink
How is Shady Acres? it looks like a great single track
  • + 3
 Prop's for hitting the big lines!!
  • + 1
 Thanks, Whistler being new to me I did not know that the trails were actually that fast. Looking back in hindsight, I should of let go a bit more but then again I come from out east (Montreal Area) and I don't want to injure myself during the first few days there and spoil it for the rest of the trip. Really wish Whistler was in my back yard though, hehehe.
  • + 1
 Totally understand. Last year was my first trip to Whistler and I rode tentatively as well. The trails were steeper and faster than I expected. Been riding bigger stuff during the Winter and heading back to Whistler in three weeks. Feeling good and if all goes well, might consider Crab Apple Hits on our last day.
  • + 1
 I did the Angy Pirate and stopped by the Crab apple hits and saw 2 guys do them. Ouffff !!! That's some nasty air time. A little too much for me but I really enjoy watching people do them. The Trick to those hits is that its all or nothing, you cannot hesitate and go half way because if you Case those hits you'll be flying off your bike. I wish you a great trip back to Whistler and good luck with the hits. Please post video's if you do them. I'd like to see them.
  • + 1
 Hi ken, I look like an excited Labrador on the back seat !!! Counting the days.......
  • + 1
 Hi Pascal, Man, your going to have an amazing time. I did and the weather was very nice. The Trails are so fast, its incredible, a great variety between Flow, Single Track and Technical. When I get the time, I'll post some more footage of my favorite track: Crank it up.

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