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Eliot Jackson, Santa Cruz Bikes, and racism in our community

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Eliot Jackson, Santa Cruz Bikes, and racism in our community
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Posted: Jun 3, 2020 at 11:50 Quote
Kinda bummed to have not seen anything posted about this on pinkbike yet. I am reposting something I just shared on another mtb community site, as I think we all should hear what Eliot Jackson has to say.

I encourage everyone to watch Eliot Jackson's video below and think about the mtb commuity we are part of.


bigquotesThis is for the cycling community. I’m exhausted and there have been so many times over the last few days where I have been ashamed to be a part of this community. I’m exhausted by the fact that I have had to fight for things that should be common place. . I am exhausted by the fact that someone will watch this video and think that I don’t care about equality for ALL people and that ALL people deserve a seat at the table. I am exhausted by the fact that I am the only one here. Beyond that. I am exhausted by the fact that when this is over I will still deal with racism on a daily/weekly basis and people will continue to tell me it doesn’t exist.

Then go see some awesome work by Santa Cruz bikes to create a dialog in the comments section of their post and the legend Joe Graney step in.

Mods, feel free to put this in whatever forum you want, but lets at least bring this issue out to the open. Can we get an article on the frontpage? Maybe showcasing groups in our community that are helping bridge the divide that we can all support? something is better than nothing

Posted: Jun 3, 2020 at 17:55 Quote
Nope, dont give a shit. I looked at one of their bikes for about a second, do not like that companies politics so I went to another brand. Simple solution for them...SHUT UP.

Posted: Jun 3, 2020 at 20:04 Quote
yesimaddicted wrote:
Kinda bummed to have not seen anything posted about this on pinkbike yet. I am reposting something I just shared on another mtb community site, as I think we all should hear what Eliot Jackson has to say.

I actually completely agree with pinkbike's stance on this. You know how people always like to complain when celebrities get involved in politics that they should stick to what they know? Well pinkbike doesn't know anything about systemic racism and it would be completely inappropriate for them to address a social issue.

The ONLY productive thing for people to be doing right now, is every person in the US should be calling, emailing and generally petitioning their governor to have stricter governance of police escalation tactics.

Posted: Jun 4, 2020 at 5:49 Quote
hear, hear!

As friendlyfoe says.

Posted: Jun 4, 2020 at 8:29 Quote
I am disappointed to hear this from the community. IF you don't see it, you are becoming part of the problem.

Posted: Jun 4, 2020 at 9:29 Quote
yesimaddicted wrote:
I am disappointed to hear this from the community. IF you don't see it, you are becoming part of the problem.

Sorry about the response you have had, then again it is Pinkbike...

The replies so far in this thread is the exact thing Eliot talked about in his video.

I would recommend trying to contact a member of the editorial staff dude. Hopefully you get a better reply.

Posted: Jun 4, 2020 at 9:34 Quote
friendlyfoe wrote:
yesimaddicted wrote:
Kinda bummed to have not seen anything posted about this on pinkbike yet. I am reposting something I just shared on another mtb community site, as I think we all should hear what Eliot Jackson has to say.

I actually completely agree with pinkbike's stance on this. You know how people always like to complain when celebrities get involved in politics that they should stick to what they know? Well pinkbike doesn't know anything about systemic racism and it would be completely inappropriate for them to address a social issue.

The ONLY productive thing for people to be doing right now, is every person in the US should be calling, emailing and generally petitioning their governor to have stricter governance of police escalation tactics.

So celebrities can't be involved because they don't know about politics? Who says they don't know about politics, do they somehow know less than the general public who are allowed to be involved in politics. Pretty sure this country is built on the idea of EVERYONE being represented and protected, and that ain't happening. I didn't think there was some minimum requirement of knowledge to be involved in politics. Maybe we should go back to Jim Crow era and make reading tests required to vote. Using your fame to bring a voice that can be heard is fine and a benefit of being famous.

Maybe Pinkbike doesn't know anything about systematic racism because they choose to ignore it. That is kinda how it works. Say its not my problem, its not my wheelhouse and let it continue. It is completely inappropriate for them NOT to address a social issue, especially one that is prevalent in the biking community.

There are many other ways to be productive besides communicating with their government leaders, so the ONLY way seems a little narrow minded. Talking to each other would be even better.

But hey it Pinkbike, so lets continue to allow sexism and racism continue cause there is a new multitool out and thats what we know.

Posted: Jun 4, 2020 at 9:58 Quote
You won't change a racist's mind or a facist's mind on a biking forum. The reason that this site mostly stays out of politics is because this is a forum for biking, and discussing a topic like racism with a troll like RoadStain is like jumping into a cesspool to "save" a turtle. The turtle is going to go right back in but now you're covered in shit.

I encourage everyone to strive for a better world. I support the protests.

Posted: Jun 4, 2020 at 11:17 Quote
yourrealdad wrote:

Maybe Pinkbike doesn't know anything about systematic racism because they choose to ignore it. That is kinda how it works. .

Right so by that logic pinkbike should have weekly posts addressing racism? What about global warming? And saving the turtles?

Pinkbike runs articles on bike related news, no more, no less.

The US is unleashing the military on its own people. Talking about it here doesn't contribute anything constructive.

Posted: Jun 4, 2020 at 13:10 Quote
friendlyfoe wrote:
yourrealdad wrote:

Maybe Pinkbike doesn't know anything about systematic racism because they choose to ignore it. That is kinda how it works. .

Right so by that logic pinkbike should have weekly posts addressing racism? What about global warming? And saving the turtles?

Pinkbike runs articles on bike related news, no more, no less.

The US is unleashing the military on its own people. Talking about it here doesn't contribute anything constructive.

Yes, because on this website I have seen sexist and racist comments. So whether you like it or not Pinkbike is complacent in allowing systematic "isms" to continue. They have a platform, they can use it. If the media (Pinkbike) shows more women and minorities involved with biking it will lead to more women and minorities to bike. If they hire more women and minorities then those opinions will be heard. If they do nothing then nothing changes and its all status quo.

If they feel that global warming is an issue that they should be involved in then they should hop to it.

Talking about it everywhere and anywhere is constructive and long as the conversation is constructive. Maybe that can't happen on Pinkbike because its user base can't handle that type of mature conversation.

Who knows maybe Pinkbike supports their PM dressing up in blackface multiple times.

I just know that those other three cops were complacent as well. So keep on saying now is not the time, this is not the place, its not my problem, someone else will fix it.

Posted: Jun 4, 2020 at 13:32 Quote
yourrealdad wrote:

Yes, because on this website I have seen sexist and racist comments. So whether you like it or not Pinkbike is complacent in allowing systematic "isms" to continue. They have a platform, they can use it. If the media (Pinkbike) shows more women and minorities involved with biking it will lead to more women and minorities to bike. If they hire more women and minorities then those opinions will be heard. If they do nothing then nothing changes and its all status quo.

If they feel that global warming is an issue that they should be involved in then they should hop to it.

Talking about it everywhere and anywhere is constructive and long as the conversation is constructive. Maybe that can't happen on Pinkbike because its user base can't handle that type of mature conversation.

Who knows maybe Pinkbike supports their PM dressing up in blackface multiple times.

I just know that those other three cops were complacent as well. So keep on saying now is not the time, this is not the place, its not my problem, someone else will fix it.

I get that you're angry. We should all be angry but if you want to have a constructive conversation about this then it needs to be focused on how we can make things better. Lashing out at Canada's prime minister and criticizing the editors of pinkbike is exactly how this gets taken completely off topic. So go take a deep breath and realize that we both want the same thing, it's just a question of how to go about it.

Logically speaking racism in society and racism in police forces may have the same root cause but require different solutions. On top of that trying to address both at the same time is not going to improve the situation of either. So the latter of racism in policing, needs to be addressed through political channels to force police departments to change their culture through specific and definable practices. The culture issue of how police officers treat people of colour is one that needs to be addressed with clear focus and frankly is not something that pinkbike is positioned to play any role in.

Now on the other hand, everything that's happening related to this (and so many other) police brutality issues is a good chance for us to reflect on how racism, or possibly more importantly prejudice plays a role in various industries. The bike industry is underrepresented by people of colour and it would not be surprising to hear that most manufacturers had a racial bias when choosing to support one of two equally skilled riders, one who is white and one who is of colour. I think it would be very constructive for pinkbike to address how they are supporting inclusiveness in the bike industry. This could take a few different forms. First of all pinkbike should have documents clearly stating their core values, mission statement and goals. If they haven't done this already now would be a good time. If they have one goal they could set out for their editors is to find ways to make the sport more inclusive to people of colour and make a point of better representing diversity in the industry. It would be completely appropriate for them to run a series in the very near future focused on bringing attention to people of colour who work in the bike industry, what challenges they've faced and their experiences in general.

Posted: Jun 4, 2020 at 16:33 Quote
See we are having a constructive conversation. Its working.
I agree with you and understand that Pinkbike is not going to solve the problem of racism or sexism. But showing support might help and certainly wont hurt.

Look, Pinkbike wants my money. Almost every Cycling Tips podcast Caley Fretz asks me to donate to Velo Club and one reason they give is to increase the coverage of women's cycling.

They will not get a dime of my money while they continue to let sexist comments continue in the comment area. What is the point of a moderator if they don't moderate? They don't get to have both. They can either fully support women's cycling and in turn support women in general or they are just doing a money grab. Walk the walk.

Concerning a statement showing support for POC. It's not hard, it's easy, it's the right thing to do. If someone want to come to Pinkbike solely for biking related material and doesn't want it politicized, then its also easy. Just don't click on the article. Don't ready the banner.

I couldn't tell you what the adds are that Pinkbike runs and 90% of the crap that gets posted Doesn't float my boat, so I don't read it and move on.

They do seem to care about non biking material though as there has been a Covid story about every other week and a long time running banner (saw that one). Covid is not biking related? Bet you money that Covid gets a vaccine before racism does. So if it is all about biking, then make it all about biking. But we all know its bigger than that.

Posted: Jun 4, 2020 at 17:08 Quote
Lets also look at this from a purely business perspective regardless of the social mores.

It appears Pinkbike runs a basic busniess model of selling advertisement space. Unless they are just raking it in from their merch and that is a big hit up North.

Companies want more customers, Pinkbike sell them the idea that they are attracting them more customers. Yet if they appear to not support minorities or women then that is a large group that could be an untapped or more tapped market. It is in Pinkbike's best business interest to support minorities in cycling so that the sport grows. More people biking, more people spending money.

However, if I was any sort of minority (women included) I would say that the biking "community" is not super friendly or welcoming towards my ilk. With Pinkbike and MTBR being probably the two biggest online prescence in this community maybe they should reach out and show some more support.

Just saying

From a guy, who is white, in the USA, who understands he won the lottery.


Wasn't taking shots at Trudeau, just stating facts. We are talking about racism. He wore Blackface at least twice. Its on topic. I would take him in a heartbeat over the clown (nicest name I could come up with) I get to deal with on the daily. Lived in Canada for 2 years growing up, have nothing but love for my Northern Brethren.

Posted: Jun 4, 2020 at 17:30 Quote
friendlyfoe wrote:
yourrealdad wrote:

Maybe Pinkbike doesn't know anything about systematic racism because they choose to ignore it. That is kinda how it works. .

Right so by that logic pinkbike should have weekly posts addressing racism? What about global warming? And saving the turtles?

The US is unleashing the military on its own people. Talking about it here doesn't contribute anything constructive.

You are right - this is a CYCLING site (with politics entwined). Soon as PB brings up their politics they tick off 50% of their own customers. Smart thing is to shut up. If we need to save anything, lightning bugs, I swear there used to be more...maybe we should go after the pesticide companies for lightning bugs....

As for the US Military on our own people....well, not yet. But, should have days ago. Besides, the criminally corrupt police have had military vehicles and weapons for years (claiming it was to match the Cartels).

Posted: Jun 4, 2020 at 17:30 Quote
yourrealdad wrote:
...they continue to let sexist comments continue in the comment area. What is the point of a moderator if they don't moderate?

yourrealdad wrote:
If someone want to come to Pinkbike solely for biking related material and doesn't want it politicized, then its also easy. Just don't click on the article. Don't ready the banner.

You're asking Pinkbike to moderate the users you disagree with and asking users to moderate their thoughts on content you agree with. Surely you see the issue in what you're asking for, no?

At some point many people, perhaps you included, are going to need to get a little sticks and stones about this stuff and move on from things that don't tickle their/your fancy and be willing to accept the absence of things they're/you're looking for. Pinkbike has nothing to gain from entering a majorly political discussion and everything to lose. At the same time and on a relatively separate conversation, Pinkbike isn't censoring other people's right to speak freely, which, whether or not you agree with what those folks are writing, is actually quite admirable.

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