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✅Over 300 pages of right wing drag queen Republicans expressing their love for YTrash bikes

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✅Over 300 pages of right wing drag queen Republicans expressing their love for YTrash bikes
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Posted: Jan 30, 2021 at 12:41 Quote
Let's have a conversation about racism.

Posted: Jan 30, 2021 at 14:19 Quote
Wow, you have a real hard on for attacking YT and picking out imagery and twisting it for your own agenda.

I mean, your posts make you sound like a completely obsessed prick but I won't judge you entirely on your YT bashing posts. You were probably a nice guy once, then something happened, something involving a YT, something that has damaged you and turned you into this monster....cancelled order? Cracked chainstay? Didn't include a sticker sheet with your Jeffsy?

Keep up the campaign, it's obviously affecting YT's reputation worldwide and making you look like a hero who is completely balanced and of sound mind....

Posted: Jan 30, 2021 at 15:58 Quote
SkateFaster wrote:
Wow, you have a real hard on for attacking YT and picking out imagery and twisting it for your own agenda.

Ha, I guess it's pretty obvious you can't defend YT's use of all these obviously offensive images so you desperately attack the messenger?

I've never owned a YT. I had a friend who owned on and liked it, but I have also read lots of nightmare stories about their broken chainstays and slow customer service that you mention. But this post isn't about their bikes or me, it's about their consistent use of offensive images in numerous ways in their marketing. Care to comment on the way they treat women in their marketing, pretending to hold them hostage, attack and strangle them, or use them in porn-style cartoon images where they are degraded to sitting in a basement on a dirty bucket?

Posted: Jan 30, 2021 at 23:03 Quote
The best thing about this kid and his never ending cry-fest is him thinking that a regular skull outline image is a “punisher skull”, and that the Austrian flag with the Austrian coat of arms on a world champs bike for an Austrian athlete is a nazi symbol. Haha. Try google kid. Also, regarding the stupid maga thing, I doubt a German brand cares much about lame American politics.

In all seriousness dude, get a life. Put this in perspective...... You spent a whole day of your life putting together an album to rage post about a bicycle company.... A BICYCLE COMPANY. See how ridiculous that is? I assume they didn’t handle a customer service complaint to your liking and now you’re going all “let me speak to your manager” about it. You think anything Nordic = nazis. You think their whole brand is a nazi conspiracy because the brand is German. You think the Austrian flag is a nazi symbol. You think every skull is the punisher skull. You think an owl is the same as the nazi Eagle. This is hilarious.

Maybe just try riding a bike and loosening up a bit, then you might be less of a pathetic troll bawling all over a bicycle website. But thanks for the laugh.... again.

Posted: Jan 30, 2021 at 23:07 Quote
go ride your bike dude, just scroll on.

Posted: Jan 31, 2021 at 0:07 Quote
they will probably want to invade Poland next.

Posted: Jan 31, 2021 at 1:53 Quote
while I agree with your basic point that YT's messaging has been problematic in the past. This (really exagerated) post gives me vibes that this has less to do with YT historical messaging and more to do with something else. I have a quote that I think fits here (updated to be less gendered, for your convience Wink ).

Hell hath no fury like a scorned little bitch.

Posted: Jan 31, 2021 at 5:11 Quote
TypicalCanadian wrote:
The best thing about this kid and his never ending cry-fest is him thinking that a regular skull outline image is a “punisher skull”, and that the Austrian flag with the Austrian coat of arms on a world champs bike for an Austrian athlete is a nazi symbol. Haha. Try google kid. Also, regarding the stupid maga thing, I doubt a German brand cares much about lame American politics.

In all seriousness dude, get a life. Put this in perspective...... You spent a whole day of your life putting together an album to rage post about a bicycle company.... A BICYCLE COMPANY. See how ridiculous that is? I assume they didn’t handle a customer service complaint to your liking and now you’re going all “let me speak to your manager” about it. You think anything Nordic = nazis. You think their whole brand is a nazi conspiracy because the brand is German. You think the Austrian flag is a nazi symbol. You think every skull is the punisher skull. You think an owl is the same as the nazi Eagle. This is hilarious.

Maybe just try riding a bike and loosening up a bit, then you might be less of a pathetic troll bawling all over a bicycle website. But thanks for the laugh.... again.

I'm not crying, the only people whining and complaining here are the YT fanboys in denial about their favorite German mail order brand being called out for obvious marketing stupidity. You are the one who seems to be raging in desperation, pretending it's all funny while using all-caps. I'm simply reposting their marketing images and explaining why they would be obviously offensive to some people(Jews, families, women, and people who care about equality). It also didn't take long to assemble this list because there are so many examples of questionable and offensive that YT has used in just the last few years, some which I didn't use. It's not just the Punisher skull and the repeated use of Nazi related symbols over and over again. It's also their consistently misogynistic treatment of women in violent and degrading ways in their ads, embracing the dumbest of the dumb MAGA UFC fighters and giving him a custom bike, and their consistent use of baseball bats, which has nothing to do with bikes and only implies violence in the way YT uses them. I don't think this is what the vast majority of people want to see in the bicycle industry

Posted: Jan 31, 2021 at 5:47 Quote
DoubleCrownAddict wrote:
TypicalCanadian wrote:
The best thing about this kid and his never ending cry-fest is him thinking that a regular skull outline image is a “punisher skull”, and that the Austrian flag with the Austrian coat of arms on a world champs bike for an Austrian athlete is a nazi symbol. Haha. Try google kid. Also, regarding the stupid maga thing, I doubt a German brand cares much about lame American politics.

In all seriousness dude, get a life. Put this in perspective...... You spent a whole day of your life putting together an album to rage post about a bicycle company.... A BICYCLE COMPANY. See how ridiculous that is? I assume they didn’t handle a customer service complaint to your liking and now you’re going all “let me speak to your manager” about it. You think anything Nordic = nazis. You think their whole brand is a nazi conspiracy because the brand is German. You think the Austrian flag is a nazi symbol. You think every skull is the punisher skull. You think an owl is the same as the nazi Eagle. This is hilarious.

Maybe just try riding a bike and loosening up a bit, then you might be less of a pathetic troll bawling all over a bicycle website. But thanks for the laugh.... again.

I'm not crying, the only people whining and complaining here are the YT fanboys in denial about their favorite German mail order brand being called out for obvious marketing stupidity. You are the one who seems to be raging in desperation, pretending it's all funny while using all-caps. I'm simply reposting their marketing images and explaining why they would be obviously offensive to some people(Jews, families, women, and people who care about equality). It also didn't take long to assemble this list because there are so many examples of questionable and offensive that YT has used in just the last few years, some which I didn't use. It's not just the Punisher skull and the repeated use of Nazi related symbols over and over again. It's also their consistently misogynistic treatment of women in violent and degrading ways in their ads, embracing the dumbest of the dumb MAGA UFC fighters and giving him a custom bike, and their consistent use of baseball bats, which has nothing to do with bikes and only implies violence in the way YT uses them. I don't think this is what the vast majority of people want to see in the bicycle industry, do you disagree?

Also, I have clearly put things in perspective. The perspective of a German company continually recycling images snd symbols exactly like or very similar to those used by Nazi Germany that helped fuel the Holocaust, when 6 million Jews were murdered by the Nazi violent, racist rampage on Europe.

Here's an article I found that explains how the association of similarly styled symbols to the ones used by the Nazis are used by modern far right white supremacist groups to effectively help recruit and radicalized young white males, who are the clear target group:


"There’s no shortage of relatively new far-right brands across Europe that cater to extremists. This is more than just an aesthetic issue, Cynthia Miller-Idriss, a sociologist at American University, argues: The images and language on the far-right clothing Miller-Idriss has catalogued, including “desensitization to violence, valorization of violence, a dehumanization of victims…making fun of victims or playing on words,” actually “has the potential to socialize young people towards extremist ways of thinking,” she told me.

This “valorization of violence” is something that’s targeted specifically at young men. Even the way clothes are displayed on far-right fashion websites, she says, promotes a hyper-masculine, violent image, with often heavily-tattooed, overly muscular men modeling the clothes. Miller-Idriss found that many of the young men she interviewed used a uniquely German word to describe the brands and the kinds of young men who wore them—gewaltbereit, meaning ready for violence.

One way that the clothing socializes young men towards extremist thinking, according to Miller-Idriss, is through constant “playfulness” and game-playing with symbols. Even in countries with lax or no laws against wearing Nazi imagery in public, it’s still not the most socially acceptable thing to stroll around in public with a swastika t-shirt. But the same can’t be said for lesser-known symbols commonly used by white nationalists and neo-Nazis, for example the runic insignia once used by the SS."

YT actually had the audacity to use the Nazi runic symbols, which seems like something a German brand would only do if it wanted to affiliate itself with the Nazis.


You're a closet Nazi supporting Qanon member....I worked it out, you love researching this shit so much and spreading false stories around that it makes sense now....it's a well known tactic to stir the pot....well we're not listening to your hate speech, there's no room for your sort here, so go find yourself a forum or flat earth video to post your false conspiracies on.....

Posted: Jan 31, 2021 at 7:30 Quote
Hey OP
'crazy' people put together arguments that that can make sense at a certain level, but are based on nonsense or nonsequiturs. The problem is to convince them of baseless foundation to the argument.

my wife was interpreting for a lady patient once in the psyche ward... all of a sudden she started accusing my wife of being a spy for her home government... patient started to get violent....

get help... seriously.

oh yeah don't bother replying... i am not going to engage.

Posted: Jan 31, 2021 at 9:20 Quote
notnew wrote:
Hey OP
'crazy' people put together arguments that that can make sense at a certain level, but are based on nonsense or nonsequiturs. The problem is to convince them of baseless foundation to the argument.

my wife was interpreting for a lady patient once in the psyche ward... all of a sudden she started accusing my wife of being a spy for her home government... patient started to get violent....

get help... seriously.

oh yeah don't bother replying... i am not going to engage.


Posted: Jan 31, 2021 at 9:38 Quote
It's sad that your Trump Derangement Syndrome has turned into a permanent case. You can choose to buy from another company. Slap a Biden sticker on it.

Whats next? Bass Pro Shop hats are WS? Maybe cancel Metallica for their scary album covers.

Posted: Jan 31, 2021 at 10:08 Quote
notnew wrote:

oh yeah don't bother replying... i am not going to engage.

You can't engage in the subject at hand, it's obvious none of you can. There has not even been an attempt to defend the stupid marketing decisions YT has made over and over again. The use of Nazi images and misogyny is so blatant that your loyalty to the mail order bike you bought apparently only gives you the option of attacking the messenger.

YT has directly adopted exact images that Hitler's Nazi moved used.

YT has used misogynistic themes in its advertising, which implies that only males can enjoy the sport of mountain biking.

YT has used degrading porn-type cartoon images of women in its marketing.

YT has used brutal looking violence against women in its marketing.

None of these things are up for debate. Which is why none of you have even attempted to discuss them. These are facts that are observable to anybody with eyes, a working brain, and a sense of honesty.

Posted: Jan 31, 2021 at 10:18 Quote
DoubleCrownAddict wrote:
notnew wrote:

oh yeah don't bother replying... i am not going to engage.

You can't engage in the subject at hand, it's obvious none of you can. There has not even been an attempt to defend the stupid marketing decisions YT has made over and over again. The use of Nazi images and misogyny is so blatant that your loyalty to the mail order bike you bought apparently only gives you the option of attacking the messenger.

YT has directly adopted exact images that Hitler's Nazi moved used.

YT has used misogynistic themes in its advertising, which implies that only males can enjoy the sport of mountain biking.

YT has used degrading porn-type cartoon images of women in its marketing.

YT has used brutal looking violence against women in its marketing.

None of these things are up for debate. Which is why none of you have even attempted to discuss them. These are facts that are observable to anybody with eyes, a working brain, and a sense of honesty.

I even pointed out that you were dumb enough to think that Austrian flag and the Austrian coat of arms on an Austrian athlete’s bike was nazi symbolism. How dense can a person be?

Hey I also heard that the nazis spoke German, we should ban that language now (even though the nazis didn’t invent it). This is your logic (anything Nordic is now a nazi symbol, despite predating the nazis by over 1000 years).

Once again, you’re writing sobbing novels on a freaking bicycle website. I feel sorry for you.

Posted: Jan 31, 2021 at 10:20 Quote
DoubleCrownAddict wrote:
You can't engage in the subject at hand, it's obvious none of you can.
Your accusations are so ludicrous, they are not worthy of response. Debating with idiots is pointless....

DoubleCrownAddict wrote:
There has not even been an attempt to defend the stupid marketing decisions YT has made over and over again.

That's the whole point! Your claims are so ridiculous, they do not require anyone to defend them!

DoubleCrownAddict wrote:
None of these things are up for debate.

LOL. more logical fallacies of the left!

DoubleCrownAddict wrote:
These are facts that are observable to anybody with eyes, a working brain, and a sense of honesty.

Again, LOL. Might as well have another double crown, as you are already delusional.....

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