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Trick Tips: A guide.

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Trick Tips: A guide.
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Posted: Aug 30, 2016 at 19:56 Quote
I've been having trouble slipping pedals on my nose bonks. If I'm going over a roller or something like that I push down on the front wheel pretty hard and I think thats where my foot starts to slip off. Then by the time I pull up the foot is on the way out and then I shin bash. Any ideas?

Posted: Aug 31, 2016 at 3:03 Quote
MikeSchasch wrote:
I've been having trouble slipping pedals on my nose bonks. If I'm going over a roller or something like that I push down on the front wheel pretty hard and I think that's where my foot starts to slip off. Then by the time I pull up the foot is on the way out and then I shin bash. Any ideas?
what it sounds like your doing is unweighting your feet from the pedals? so maybe practice doing back wheel lifts and really focus on scooping up your pedals with your feet. its a hard thing to coach over the internet so maybe find a friend that can do it and get them to help

Posted: Sep 1, 2016 at 22:05 Quote
Start small, over a curb in a carpark or something and don't push really hard, keep the front end lofty and just tap the obstacle, practicing nollies will help, similar sort of foot positioning and weight transfer at the end

Posted: Apr 12, 2017 at 10:29 Quote
How about tips for more basic tricks?

Whip, Table, etc...?

Just getting into DJ and finally clearing the medium sized line at our local spot...I'm generally terrified the whole time.

Any advice on pumping tranny too? I have a hard time getting my rear wheel as high as my front.

Posted: Apr 14, 2017 at 1:28 Quote
ride a lot and have fun, you don't really go out and "learn" whips, they just come with the flow

Posted: May 1, 2017 at 9:45 Quote
MikeyMT wrote:
How about tips for more basic tricks?

Whip, Table, etc...?

Just getting into DJ and finally clearing the medium sized line at our local spot...I'm generally terrified the whole time.

Any advice on pumping tranny too? I have a hard time getting my rear wheel as high as my front.

For tables you just want to bring your outside hand to your armpit and then straighten the other arm. You'll need to let the outside arm twist around the bar a bit and the inside foot will come off the pedal slightly. Learning on hip jumps is really easy.

Posted: Jun 17, 2017 at 17:33 Quote
Any more tips from you pros on how to manual? Still trying to figure it out.


Posted: Jun 18, 2017 at 4:47 Quote
SlicingAir wrote:
Any more tips from you pros on how to manual? Still trying to figure it out.


Use your legs not your arms. Focus on coming down to your seat vertically. And then pushing horizontally back with your legs over your back wheel. Your arms should be locked out.

Posted: Jun 18, 2017 at 4:58 Quote
What helped me a lot was getting over the fear of looping out by trusting the back brake to save me

Posted: Aug 29, 2017 at 13:06 Quote
I've started transferring over a spine at the local park. However I often case, and looking back at a video it looks like the cases are sometimes quite bad.

me casing

The thing is, I role out of them without much problem. How-to videos on airing and doing transfers always say you really don't want to case, and I've seen a few crash videos where people have cased badly. Am I getting away with this because I'm riding 26" wheels rather than 20"? Or is it just because I'm coming back in at an angle and hence the quarter isn't as steep? Or is casing like this more risky than it feels?

Posted: Aug 29, 2017 at 20:31 Quote
Bigger wheels don't hang up as easily on sharp knuckles. Also the quarter looks to have a somewhat forgiving angle. When you're not going really fast and really high your coming down with less force making it easier to ride out of as well. If you were falling onto that knuckle from 10 feet it would be much harder to ride out of. Just keep practicing and take it to bigger stuff as you get more comfortable.

Posted: Aug 29, 2017 at 23:00 Quote
Ah yea, I'm not going very high at all

Posted: Mar 19, 2018 at 6:51 Quote
Is there a page for Dirtjump tricks as good as Trashzen.com is for Trials? As a trials beginner, I went onto Trashzen everytime I wanted to learn a new trick. It's very helpful with it's explanations, fotos and videos.

Now I'll have a go at Dirtjumps and even though I wouldn't consider myself a complete noob, I'd like to find a page that explains tricks in a way trashzen does.

Posted: Mar 19, 2018 at 13:19 Quote
Riders is quite good. Maybe not as detailed though https://riders.co/en/mtb/categories

It's mostly street and park, but maybe the skatepark is the best place to learn basic dirt tricks.

Posted: Mar 19, 2018 at 14:32 Quote
Thanks. I may not be a real beginner as I have done quite some stuff on my Streettrial and AM bikes.
SolarLonsky wrote:
Riders is quite good. Maybe not as detailed though https://riders.co/en/mtb/categories

It's mostly street and park, but maybe the skatepark is the best place to learn basic dirt tricks.


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