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30.5 pound and up bikes

PB Forum :: Dirt Jumping & Street
30.5 pound and up bikes
Author Message
Posted: Jan 26, 2010 at 12:20 Quote
id say 30.5 exactly .. comments?

Posted: Feb 15, 2010 at 15:15 Quote
My new 4x racing machine
2009 norco 4x / xxxx weight 32 lbs.

Posted: Feb 15, 2010 at 17:23 Quote
^^ 4x isnt exactly dirt jumping, but wtf.

I DARE someone to go ahead and post their +35 lbs. DJ bike that the are ashamed to death of.
I will when I get my new fork...

Posted: Feb 15, 2010 at 17:26 Quote
notoutbiking wrote:
My new 4x racing machine
2009 norco 4x / xxxx weight 32 lbs.
Thats sick broski!!!

Posted: Feb 15, 2010 at 17:27 Quote
You know, they ARE good on the DJsRolleyes

Posted: Feb 15, 2010 at 17:30 Quote
Mike-MTB wrote:
You know, they ARE good on the DJsRolleyes

*Whinny voice*
But its still not the same......

Posted: Feb 15, 2010 at 17:32 Quote
samsq wrote:
Mike-MTB wrote:
You know, they ARE good on the DJsRolleyes

*Whinny voice*
But its still not the same......
Not to really help this all go off topic, but do you ever have anything constructive to say? Please help PinkBike stay an informed,kind forum by not wasting bandwidth.
Thank you.

Posted: Feb 15, 2010 at 17:33 Quote
StrictlyBidness wrote:
samsq wrote:
Mike-MTB wrote:
You know, they ARE good on the DJsRolleyes

*Whinny voice*
But its still not the same......
Not to really help this all go off topic, but do you ever have anything constructive to say? Please help PinkBike stay an informed,kind forum by not wasting bandwidth.
Thank you.
Sorry I made your computer run 1 millisecond slower by posting...
Back on topic, I would like to see some REALLY heavy bikes. Please.

Posted: Feb 15, 2010 at 17:38 Quote
samsq wrote:
^^ 4x isnt exactly dirt jumping, but wtf.

I DARE someone to go ahead and post their +35 lbs. DJ bike that the are ashamed to death of.
I will when I get my new fork...

This is my friends so i'm not ashamed of it. He isn't really either though:
It was about 36 before lol It feels good though

Posted: Feb 15, 2010 at 18:53 Quote
samsq wrote:
StrictlyBidness wrote:
samsq wrote:

*Whinny voice*
But its still not the same......
Not to really help this all go off topic, but do you ever have anything constructive to say? Please help PinkBike stay an informed,kind forum by not wasting bandwidth.
Thank you.
Sorry I made your computer run 1 millisecond slower by posting...
Back on topic, I would like to see some REALLY heavy bikes. Please.
It has nothing to do with my computer running slower, but your immature and pointless comments need to end. Nuff said.
As far as your bike being "better" than someone elses which you mentioned a post or so earlier,
A) You probably don't have a bike, just looking at your profile.
B) Pretty sure the rules of the forum strictly forbid stupid comments like that, and promote constructive critisism as opposed to just comparing yourself/bike/etc. to other peoples.
Also remember even if your bike is "better" than someones, it really doesn't matter, that person probably worked very hard to get their bike and are probably very proud of it, remember everyone started somewhere. and really, you could have the best bike money could buy, but if you can't prove your skill on the road,dirt,or mountain, what bike yo uhave doesn't mean jack.
So with all that said, stop being a troll, and let the forum resume posting about 30.5+ lb. bikes.
Thank you.

Posted: Feb 15, 2010 at 20:02 Quote
Not sure how heavy it is, but definitely over 30 pounds.

Posted: Feb 15, 2010 at 20:44 Quote
opps yeah 4x racing/Dirt jumping machine LOLZ

Posted: Feb 15, 2010 at 21:42 Quote
Fragma wrote:
over9000 pounds
Ya i can only imagine, i bet those totems weigh a ton, i've seen them up close at my LBS and holy cow those things are HUGE!!!

Posted: Feb 15, 2010 at 21:43 Quote
My SX-Trail is 31

This thread is really random


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