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Do you find it absurd that I am a Christian? Why?

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Do you find it absurd that I am a Christian? Why?
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Posted: Jul 17, 2020 at 11:02 Quote
I'm a young christian and I'm trying to figure out good ways to explain to totally non-religious friends why I believe in God. I'm going to throw out an idea I came up with but I'd love to hear anybody else's ideas, comments on my ideas, or whatever.

I believe in evolution and all but I think that most people could agree that there is something fundamentally different between animals and humans. Humans have a conscience, can feel pity, and generally think of the future and how they could improve the lives of themselves and others rather than just trying to survive day to day. I'm going to leave it at that for why we are different bc I think this is something most people accept but if that's not the case I'd be happy to discuss that in more detail. Anyway, I simply cannot see how humans could have once had brains similar to those of an ape (or any animal) and now have the fundamentally different brains (or souls as christians say) now. I do believe that we once looked like apes but not that we necessarily behaved like them and certainly didn't think like them as we have progressed and they have not. This important distinction is something that, if we agree could not have evolved, must have been present at the beginning of the universe or somehow been created later on. This is where I believe there must have been supernatural interference (God). I cannot see how the big bang could have created souls (the conscience, desire for societal improvement, curiosity about the world, and the search for a God within us) and as I stated earlier, I do not see how this could have come out of evolution either.

Thanks for sitting through that and I'd love any type of feedback or comment

Posted: Jul 17, 2020 at 12:31 Quote
You could be onto something however I think it’s all down to diet , you are what you eat ! We’ve over time learnt to get the most out of the food and by chance it has been very helpful in evolving our brains that no other creature has !
But then when you think about consciousness it gets abit spooky , I think all creatures are aware of themselves in certain way just not at a human level , and I’d like to believe in a afterlife like a religious type but I’m shifting more to the “we all die , are bodies either get buried or burned and are souls float about the cosmos in an eternal bliss “ , sort of thing ! Or not !!

Posted: Jul 17, 2020 at 12:37 Quote
Bet you’ve just watched “ 2001 a space odyssey “ if not watch it , it’s a great film !

Posted: Jul 24, 2020 at 0:10 Quote
TheRaven wrote:
ka81 wrote:
Oh, my dear friends, we just hope that everything about any religion will disappear as soon as possible.

Only the simple-minded truly think this way. The intellectual realize that religion is a necessity for the survival of western civilization.

Hard stop.

Posted: Apr 15, 2021 at 17:41 Quote
yunggoat wrote:
I'm a young christian and I'm trying to figure out good ways to explain to totally non-religious friends why I believe in God. I'm going to throw out an idea I came up with but I'd love to hear anybody else's ideas, comments on my ideas, or whatever.

I believe in evolution and all but I think that most people could agree that there is something fundamentally different between animals and humans. Humans have a conscience, can feel pity, and generally think of the future and how they could improve the lives of themselves and others rather than just trying to survive day to day. I'm going to leave it at that for why we are different bc I think this is something most people accept but if that's not the case I'd be happy to discuss that in more detail. Anyway, I simply cannot see how humans could have once had brains similar to those of an ape (or any animal) and now have the fundamentally different brains (or souls as christians say) now. I do believe that we once looked like apes but not that we necessarily behaved like them and certainly didn't think like them as we have progressed and they have not. This important distinction is something that, if we agree could not have evolved, must have been present at the beginning of the universe or somehow been created later on. This is where I believe there must have been supernatural interference (God). I cannot see how the big bang could have created souls (the conscience, desire for societal improvement, curiosity about the world, and the search for a God within us) and as I stated earlier, I do not see how this could have come out of evolution either.

Thanks for sitting through that and I'd love any type of feedback or comment

Do you believe in evolution as darwin did? There is biblical evidence against darwin, and even atheist scientists are no dropping darwins theory. So, Are sure that your Christianity is biblically based?

Posted: Apr 16, 2021 at 10:48 Quote
I don't find it absurd that anyone is Christian, nor do I find it absurd if anyone is a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist etc. I respect all peoples beliefs.

However, I am an Atheist, and I guarantee that most people who have a religious belief will find it absurd that I do not believe in anything.

Pretty ironic don't you think?

Posted: May 9, 2021 at 5:39 Quote
Nope, you do you. Everyone deserves peace and happiness. If God gives you that, more power to ya.

I don’t believe in much of anything, but I don’t fault anyone with faith for having it. Hell I wish I did at times, just don’t.

Posted: May 9, 2021 at 6:39 Quote
SkateFaster, where will you go when you die? I honestly want to know what you think.
slodsm, how do murderers deserve peace and happiness? A murderer would want to stay out of jail to be happy, and according to you everyone should deserve that. Reality is humans are sinful, whether you like it or not. Look at the world around you and you will see how messed up the world is because of sin.

Posted: May 9, 2021 at 13:05 Quote
SenditforJesus wrote:
SkateFaster, where will you go when you die? I honestly want to know what you think.
slodsm, how do murderers deserve peace and happiness? A murderer would want to stay out of jail to be happy, and according to you everyone should deserve that. Reality is humans are sinful, whether you like it or not. Look at the world around you and you will see how messed up the world is because of sin.

You ask where we go when we die..
My belief is we simply don't exist any more...there is no after life, when the body gives up, all conscious thought also ends....that's it...no more....and I find this more poetic and beautiful than believing in an afterlife...why? Because it means we have a set amount of time to prove ourselves, to enjoy life, get the best out of it....if we are bad bad people, then there will not be a chance to repent....there is no second chance....life is the one chance and we have to not abuse it. The problem I have with religion is it allows people to abuse the one chance of life in the belief that they have a second chance...they can simply repent their sins after a life of being evil....or blame their self destructive path on "god's plan"...
But hey that's my belief. And I fully respect yours. My best friends are Christian and we have healthy open respectful debates....ultimately, we're still friends after it!

Posted: May 9, 2021 at 16:38 Quote
That is a very interesting belief. I can see your issue with religion especially in things like early Hinduism with people sacrificing their children. Thank you for being rational. I do not agree but I can understand why you would believe that.

Posted: May 10, 2021 at 10:49 Quote
SenditforJesus wrote:
That is a very interesting belief. I can see your issue with religion especially in things like early Hinduism with people sacrificing their children. Thank you for being rational. I do not agree but I can understand why you would believe that.

I think my beliefs stem from the idea that we should take responsibility for our own actions in life, be they good or bad. I understand Christian belief is that you will answer to your maker, but in my atheist belief, it is more of a social responsibility. I am a good person who does his best to lead a fulfilling life, and I do so NOT for the promise of what will come after, but because I believe it's simply what we should do. My mark will be made in this life and my life will be judged by others who I've had dealings with, not by a god.
Like I say, I have no issue with anyone's belief, and I fully respect all religions. Society has benefitted from religion in many ways, it has also been held back by it, but ultimately, a belief is a highly personal thing...and no one should take that away from you.
Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Jedi...whatever you are, just be kind to your fellow man and the world will be a better place!

Posted: May 12, 2021 at 18:55 Quote
SenditforJesus wrote:
SkateFaster, where will you go when you die? I honestly want to know what you think.
slodsm, how do murderers deserve peace and happiness? A murderer would want to stay out of jail to be happy, and according to you everyone should deserve that. Reality is humans are sinful, whether you like it or not. Look at the world around you and you will see how messed up the world is because of sin.

You misconstrued what I meant by that statement.

I mean if a believe in a higher power, be it god, bhudda, a sacred cow, or the great spirit give you peace and fulfillment, then why should I find it strange?

You’re entirely too quick to judge something you misunderstood which in general is my issue with religion as a whole. It’s judgemental as hell.

I lived near a huge church in Ft Worth for years. The pastor of that church took no real salary, drove an old BMW, and spent half his month in South America and Africa overseeing the orphanages that the church financed to take care of children.

I’m not a religious man, I find the arrogance, pompousness, and overall “I’m better than you and more enlightened” attitude to be a gigantic red flag. But this man, and his entire congregation which was so big they had to have 3 Sunday morning services, was different.

They weren’t after money, they were patting themselves on the back, and they weren’t condemning the world for not being like them.

They were making the world a better place, they were heading the Lancaster every Sunday after church with a shit ton of food for the homeless people who lived there. They would feed them, preach to them, give them haircuts, whatever. They ran a food bank outside of the city that gave away thousands and thousands of pounds of food monthly to people in need. They took up money every august to buy back packs out the ass and fill them with school supplies for kids who couldn’t afford it.

You know what I did? I donated a small fortune to them every year. No reason other than these were genuinely good people doing he best that they believed in to bring light, happiness, and salvation to others. Doesn’t matter that I don’t believe the same as them, I believe in doing good by other humans. That’s what these people did, they took their beliefs to heart and tried to make the world a better place.

You, on the other hand, misread my words and immediately condemn me. Thus proving, the people at open door church in Fort Worth were the exception and you, like most others, are the rule. But like I said before, if your beliefs give you peace and happiness, more power to you.

Me. I’ll probably die in a fantastic crash on a motocross bike or a Harley or possibly trying to pet some wild animal that I shouldn’t have. When it’s over, it’s over. I’ve lived a kick ass life. Seen a huge portion of the world, loved someone with all my soul, been dirt poor, earned 180k in a year, and I’m content that I’ve lived the best life I could. When I’m gone, I’m gone and that’s that.

Posted: May 12, 2021 at 18:57 Quote
SkateFaster wrote:
SenditforJesus wrote:
That is a very interesting belief. I can see your issue with religion especially in things like early Hinduism with people sacrificing their children. Thank you for being rational. I do not agree but I can understand why you would believe that.

I think my beliefs stem from the idea that we should take responsibility for our own actions in life, be they good or bad. I understand Christian belief is that you will answer to your maker, but in my atheist belief, it is more of a social responsibility. I am a good person who does his best to lead a fulfilling life, and I do so NOT for the promise of what will come after, but because I believe it's simply what we should do. My mark will be made in this life and my life will be judged by others who I've had dealings with, not by a god.
Like I say, I have no issue with anyone's belief, and I fully respect all religions. Society has benefitted from religion in many ways, it has also been held back by it, but ultimately, a belief is a highly personal thing...and no one should take that away from you.
Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Jedi...whatever you are, just be kind to your fellow man and the world will be a better place!

This guy gets it!

Posted: May 13, 2021 at 10:15 Quote
Sorry for misconstruing, I have heard your argument go that way before so I jumped to conclusions.

Posted: Aug 1, 2021 at 17:58 Quote
yunggoat wrote:
I'm a young christian and I'm trying to figure out good ways to explain to totally non-religious friends why I believe in God. I'm going to throw out an idea I came up with but I'd love to hear anybody else's ideas, comments on my ideas, or whatever.

I believe in evolution and all but I think that most people could agree that there is something fundamentally different between animals and humans. Humans have a conscience, can feel pity, and generally think of the future and how they could improve the lives of themselves and others rather than just trying to survive day to day. I'm going to leave it at that for why we are different bc I think this is something most people accept but if that's not the case I'd be happy to discuss that in more detail. Anyway, I simply cannot see how humans could have once had brains similar to those of an ape (or any animal) and now have the fundamentally different brains (or souls as christians say) now. I do believe that we once looked like apes but not that we necessarily behaved like them and certainly didn't think like them as we have progressed and they have not. This important distinction is something that, if we agree could not have evolved, must have been present at the beginning of the universe or somehow been created later on. This is where I believe there must have been supernatural interference (God). I cannot see how the big bang could have created souls (the conscience, desire for societal improvement, curiosity about the world, and the search for a God within us) and as I stated earlier, I do not see how this could have come out of evolution either.

Thanks for sitting through that and I'd love any type of feedback or comment

Up there in bold? Respect for that. Some religious folks don't try to question or learn anything, they just sit there and repeat the same things they have been taught is "the truth". Thanks for being sane, Mate.

I see the delimma of knowing we are 'different' than animals, although I think quite a few animals do have some sort of caring/kindness for each other, just not at our level at all.

"Anyway, I simply cannot see how humans could have once had brains similar to those of an ape (or any animal) and now have the fundamentally different brains (or souls as christians say) now"

"Animals" have two layers to their brains if I remember correctly. We humans have a third that lets us stop and decide or to Choose what we are about to do next before acting in a situation and that is what sets us apart. The one theory I have heard that makes sense to me (I agree, Evolution being %100 responsible for our brains is kind of strange) is the "stoned Ape" theory.

This idea wonders that perhaps when Apes came out of the trees and onto the plains, they discovered fungi growing on animal dung and ate it. This fungi may have been a psilocybin mushroom that changed the way the apes brain worked and evolution took care of the rest. Not that their brains just got better overnight, but the way I understand it psilocybin muchrooms help clear the patterns and obstructions in our thought patterns and help rewire our thinking.

Seems like a decent theory to me.

I don't believe in a diety, gods/goddesses, etcetera (I don't think they would have a gender though, if they did exist) I simply don't think about it. I am not atheist, or really believe in anything, except the potential of humanity to create chaos... for better or worse.

Sometimes I do try to think about the Universe though. Gods aside, we were born, from our parents, back and back and back. The planet was most likely created by a bunch of space rock smashing together, but that had to come from something, didn't it? molecules, atoms, energy... smaller and smaller. But then what do you get at the begging? fromthe "big bang"? I don't think anyoe will really ever know, because I don't think we can understand true nothingness.

At the end of the day it is a mystery and we just all have to get along together and try to make life better for each other until we find out (or don't) what is behind the curtain.

Theres my schpiel...


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