Bike Park Maintenance nights in Kamloops

Oct 9, 2006
by Tyler Maine  
Hey Kamloops Riders!!

We've started a regular maintenance night in the Bike Ranch for the fall months.


Come on in through the bottom entrance and meet by the Coral dirt jumps. Hit up the jumps, see what we're up to, and help out where you can.

We're also looking for your input on what you'd like to see get developed next in the park.

Devin is working hard on a pump track, and Matt (and others) want to start re-working the jump lines in the Corral with some new doubles and better progression lines.

Also - the new "double black" jump line courtesy of Freeride Entertainment and John Cowan, Paul B, etc... is officially open so come and test your skill, (or your nerves ??)

Hope to see you there.


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Member since Mar 27, 2001
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  • 0 0
 I really like the idea of an organized single night for maintenance, but the only problem is that it gets dark right after 6 now. As far as the new pump track and dirt jumps go, that sounds like a blast to but perhaps we should focus on getting the water lines ready and working for spring so we don't need to worry about the dust prob .
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 Yea Yea. this was defenently needed..the old big tables wer in really rouph shape and noone wants the wholeplace to get like that. Im not from there im from merritt, and at our bike park we have been doing maintenance almost every thursday since it opened..its keeps the jumps up to ship shape even when others funk up and roll the lips.
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 that's true, you can have any kind of maintenence done down there without water all the time! what we really need is someone or someones to hose down the jumps like 3x a week or more, and hav another group of people to shape and mintaine lips and such... trust me on this a few of us are down there daily and even after a full day of rain the dirt only lasts for around 2 das! The other thing is, kids have made an alternet run in gong into the double line, where thy have dug out the roller so it is easier. The roller is there still to keep riders like this from hitting the jumps, unless they know the proper fundementals of keping speed through a roller. I mean its good that progression is showing out of all these guys, but someone is going to get hurt. Especially when they skid on the run ins and put divits in the lip. I dunno its not just me thats noticing this its a lot of us and i was asked to say something...
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 Yes - it's getting dark way too early lately. We started this in early September and we had until 8PM ish.

Yes - we need more maintenance, but we need more people to pitch in. Props to any of you that have helped so far - cause it's up to ALL the riders to maintain this park.

The water line is now run from the BMX track all the way down the Fistful trail to the top of the Corral dirt jumps.
Just need to install the valves and dig everything into place for Spring.

Roller before the doubles... humph... now we have to take precious time to rebuild that rather than working on other stuff. That roller to foul up "less experienced" riders is one of the safety measures that the city requires. If we don't have that we may have to pull down the doubles and that would be such a waste...

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 Yea..water is really a key, makes everything like clay especiallly at the ranch because of the type of dirt, but minus the water it gets really dusty, and everyone likes a good train every once in a while, but not everyone like wearing goggles. Im sure im agreed with when i say noone wants the new big pack to turn out like the old one.. Maintenance is an awsome idea and should work out well because of the ammount of riders in the loops...dedication is also key.. the riders that ride but expect others to keep the jumps rollin smooth are looked down at as far as im concerned.. but i do agree that not everyone can make maintenance all the time..if u have the type of eprsonallity that u want ur jumps to be as good as the first day they were built then no matter how high ur tallent level is, u are an awsome rider.

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