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Portland area freerider Paul Meeuwsen paralyzed in dirt bike accident

Jun 14, 2008
by Rob Ringland  
25 year-old Paul Meeuwsen was recently the victim of a tragic motorcycle accident jumping his dirt bike that broke his sternum and crushed the T-4 vertebrae in his spine and left him paralyzed from the chest down. He recently left OHSU and is now undergoing extensive physical and occupational therapy at Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland, Oregon in an attempt to rebuild his life and spirit.His injuries are going to be very expensive. Paul can no longer work, he needs a place to live that is wheelchair accessible and a vehicle that is also wheel chair accessible and has hand controls to operate it as he can no longer has use of his feet. Paul is also planning on some very aggressive physical therapy to keep what strength and bone density he has in his legs and to work for as much improvement as is possible.

To help offset all of his expenses Paul's family and friends have set up a fund raising campaign in his honor through the Catastrophic Injury Program of the National Transplant Assistance Fund (NTAF). All donations are tax deductible and are administered by NTAF for injury related expenses only.

If you are able and would like to contribute to this fund, please make checks payable to NTAF Great lakes Spinal Cord Injury Fund. Print in memo section: In honor of Paul Meeuwsen

Send to:

150 N Radnor Chester Road Suite F-120
Radnor, PA 19087

For your convenience, NTAF is also able to accept credit card contributions by calling them at 1-800-642-8399, or for secure on-line contributions, log onto www.transplantfund.org


Trail Head Cycles in Hillsboro, Oregon will also be selling camo "Pray For Paul" bracelets to help pay for his medical expenses. Please e-mail Bernie Racher for updates on when those bracelets will be available, or call 866-9-DH-BIKE.

On behalf of Paul, his family and friends, we thank you for your generosity, support and prayers.

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Press Releases

Author Info:
robholio avatar

Member since Apr 12, 2007
4 articles

  • 77 0
 shit man. i felt so bad after reading this i went ahead and donated... if everyone donates a little it will come out to be alot.... props to paul and i hope he gets his life back...
  • 75 7
 feel so sorry for that dude. i hope that he gets better and can ride again
  • 14 92
flag kev-e (Jun 14, 2008 at 21:51) (Below Threshold)
 he cant ride again retard he's paralyzed
  • 26 2
 what do you think hes going throuh physical therapy for? ever think of that?
  • 11 48
flag bmxpro99 (Jun 15, 2008 at 12:42) (Below Threshold)
 i think kev-e should be paralyzed. then he'd know what it's like to made fun of by stupid prIcks like himself
  • 17 2
 ^^ermm....I dont think you should really say stuff like that!
  • 12 2
 yea dude ur basically being just as much of a "prIck" as him
  • 7 1
 damn! i wish i had money to donate towards this!
  • 9 0
 what an attitude, he's still super psyched! mad props hope you feel better bud
  • 4 0
 bmxpro, i don't think i could wish that upon anyone. best of luck, paul.
  • 2 0
 I admire this guy! he's been throgh all this and he's still pulling the funniest face he can!
  • 50 0
 That is a tragic story, I hope you recover quickly and keep going strong man.
  • 7 0
 Agreed. My condolences and I hope you get better soon dude. Keep positive, your the happiest guy I've seen in a hospital, and it's to people like that that miracles happen.
  • 25 0
 roadie friend of my dad's got hit by a car a year of two ago, and was paralyzed from the chest down. docs said he'd never ride again. he's now re-learning to walk, and plans to be pedaling by christmas. never give up! i don't think that dude had a crushed vertebrae, but trying, paul. there are a lot of people supporting you!
  • 11 1
 *keep trying, paul.
  • 1 0
 I know some one with exactly the same story, Amazing recovery's do happen!
  • 17 0
 Sad news, it's awesome that he can be so positive after such an accident, props to him for looking on the bright side of things. I wish him good luck in getting his life on track!
  • 13 1
 I'd like to give a shout-out to everyone who extended positive vibes to Paul here. I think this is the biggest collection of positive comments I've seen on this site to-date (except maybe the post about Tara Llanes). Also a personal shout-out to Jamie Minshall, the Meeuwsen family, and the entire Trail Head Cycles crew for organizing this and giving me the opportunity to share Paul's story with the rest of the world. We all love this sport and the progression that comes with it, which is why we come right back to it after we fall.

I came 3 inches from severing my spine in a street bike accident in 1994 (fractured L-1 to L-5 vertebrae, compressed disks between L-2 to L-5, broke a rib in two places, and shattered the left transverse process on L3) which stole my passion for street bikes and dirt bikes, but even after breaking my leg last year on my freeride bike, riding my bike is all I could think of while I was healing. While modern medicine played a big part in that, I think the inspiration and support I received from my friends and riding buddies played an even bigger role, and made me come back stronger as a rider.

Everybody keep the good will coming, and ride on!!
  • 14 1
 i wish you all the best dude. good to see your keeping your spirits up
  • 9 1
 Sorry to hear this. Always sucks to hear a fellow rider go down. There was a kid who went down from a 40ft triple and unfortunately never survived. Im loving the "Look on the bright side" aspect he appears to be going through, thats a real riders attitude. I was lucky enough to escape without injury when i was landed on during a MX race back in 2004. Ended my career of MX racing, just in time to start riding mountain bikes.

Sure, we all take risks doing this sport, but we never think if these risks as something that will paralyze us, so go easy. As for donating? Great idea! We all would love to have the same support if we were in his shoes.

Im a firm beleiver in karma, now where's my cheque book...

Good luck with the recovery!
  • 11 5
  • 0 0
 lmfao. so true. don;t try and find your sons porn. kids know more than their parents and you wont be able to find anything. and caps locks is on :s
  • 9 0
 it aint fair on anyone to go out like this guy needs as much help as possible come on everyone donate so we can help him
  • 7 0
 ya but elves, you didnt break a vertebre and weren told by many a doctor you wont ever walk. So what, its not his fault our government is in the crapper and we dont get free health care.. Take care and get better man
  • 5 0
 i just read the story about Tara Llanes and how she broke her back at Beaver Creek and had rods put in her spine from T12-L2 and is a paraplegic but should recover after lots of physio . But the hospital bill after everything
was $438.000.00... So support Pray for Paul bracelets and but one ..
  • 5 0
 this guy has as gd as lost his f*cking legs and all some people like(jaydog) care about is where people are from cant you show a bit of f*cking respect.
hope you get betta m8
hopefully that miricle that (gasman) is on about happens to u much love
  • 4 0
 I've read all the comments and would like to contribute one of my own. Unfortunately, there aren't so many guys on pinkbike representing Russia and contrivuting to the site, but still in our country we've got a strong riders' community. It's always an utterly fearful experience to hear of a fellow rider going down and getting seriously injured. I myself experienced a serious head and neck trauma two years ago, and there are friends of mine who experienced broken spines and paralyzation but got back in the sport. I can say that as much as it hurt, as much as the situation appeared to be grave and hopless, the best thing one can do is keep positive and never give up his will to shred it! On the behalf of all the Russian riders I'd like to wish Paul to recover and get well. Hang in there man, stay strong!!!
  • 4 0
 there was a guy near where i live that was on borderline paralyzation from a dirt bike accident and he went through months and months of physical therapy and i forgot the last report on him but i think he can walk some now. Its always an inspiration when miracles happen pull through buddy
  • 5 0
 What Z-man siad pissed us all off, but you can't be looking at people's countries and policies right now when this is a different cause. Lay off the flaws of Canada and USA. Support Paul.
  • 2 1
 Well said, and thank you.
  • 4 0
 hey. i know a guy who was in a coma for 3 months because of his dirt bike. when he woke up he couldnt talk, eat, breath, move on his own. once he got some stregnth back he was only paralyzed from the waist down. he was told he would never walk again. he walking. he still shreds...a little bit slower, but shredding. stay strong
  • 6 0
 get better soon man hope you get your life back soon im going to donate 10$10000000000000
  • 16 13
 Why do we call these things accidents? When we're out there flying through the air we are taking risks. How much money did Mat Hoffman receive online as he laid in hospital beds and under scalpels? As much as I really do feel for this guy and know what it is like being laid up for months after surgeries I did not and will never ask for money. If I don't want to get hurt I'll take up golf. Sorry, but this is just my honest opinion.
  • 7 2
 called acciedents because we dont intend to fall and get hurt. my and my familys wishes are with you as you start rehab and treatment. Sam
  • 3 1
 yea but your taking the risk and you know its a possibility
  • 3 0
 Yeah it's true, but that doesn't mean you have to disrespect him. At least show some condolences.
  • 2 0
 Hey man, i dont know if you yourself will get to read this but i know what its like, i broke my back last summer during crankworx slopestyle qualifiers. its not a fun road but it does get easier. run_from_bears@hotmail.com if you want to email me.
  • 7 1
 wish you get better man, cheers
  • 4 1
 Nothing near what happened to you but i feel a fraction your pain.. broke my leg n ankle so i cant ride for at least a year... sry to hear it. Super healing vibes to you! Goodluck!
  • 5 0
 ya good luck man,ill be praying for you
  • 1 0
 hey sd202 show a little respect for the guy why dont ya? of course there are many many other people who are worse off than he is and might not be getting any attention for it but what the hell does that have to do with him? he didnt do anything wrong here and i think u should go rant about your personal bullshit somewhere else cuz no one wants to put up with it.
as for paul- i really hope you get better and u just gotta keep pushin through, dont give up, you can do anything. dont let anything hold u back
good luck bro!
  • 8 3
 get better son. see you riding soon.
  • 6 1
 good luck man! wish i was older so i could donate something.
  • 5 1
 man i hope you get better soon... hopefully u will be able to ride once again
  • 3 0
 Get well man! Im praying for you! I think what z-man was TRYING to say was that america doesent have cheap healthcare,I THINK.
  • 4 2
 no he was being a dick
  • 3 3
 That too but he was referring to health care. Ninety percent of the people on this website are pretty good but there's always that ten percent that take the short bus to idiot school.
  • 3 2
 get better, Remember what makes us human is the ability to prove that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. who has led the greater life, he who fought the storm of life, or he who sat contently on the shorline existing vicariously through the acts of others.... never stop fighting. healing vibes to ya.
  • 1 0
 If you ever wanted to try mountain biking you could try the bikes that these guys are using. I have more respect for these guys then anybody riding 2 wheels. Good luck wish you a great recovery!

  • 7 2
 hope you get better soon
  • 4 0
 get better soon keep going strong
  • 4 1
 best of hopes and wishes to ya bro that sucks man keep the thumbs up and you'll be fine
  • 3 1
 u will walk again and you will jump again and u will ride again do not worry we are all hoping for it and hopefully our positive vibes will do it for youSmile
  • 4 0
 Sup man good luck and god bless !
  • 2 1
 obviously your injuries dont even compare to my 3 knee blowouts but all i have to say is stay stong and keep the faith man cause thats what allows me to keep those pedals turning! best of luck.
  • 3 0
 Props To that man He looks Like hes Still aving a laugh in the photo Well done Get well soon mate
  • 5 1
 srry man i`ll donate some k man good luck
  • 4 0
 good luck healing im sure everything will be fine dont worry
  • 4 0
 Get better man, Im praying for you
  • 2 2
 seems like injuries like this are happening every other week these days, it's tragic. good luck with your recovery man p.s. way to keep it positive with the hospital pick thats rad. hope someday you can get back on the bike. i wish u all the best and if all else fails, i expect some gnar wheel-chair shreddage.
  • 4 0
 all the best, hope you get enough to get you on your way
  • 2 1
 guy i know broke his back jumping a coyote dh2. 2 specialist doctors said he would never walk. hes now riding a giant trance x and keepin up with the best of them. i hope u get better dude. im sure ul be back jumping soon
  • 2 2
 Im Very Sorry for you man your a killer biker and if i saw u on your bike again id shit my-self and say that dude gots balls people will remember till worlds end i hope u get better and ride again, Peace out
  • 3 3
 its not like he cant ride again he can buy one of those bikes with 4 wheels that the (handicap) use ive seen some sick ass rides with 4 fox dhx air 5.0 and deemax and codes and they still get the same feeling if not funner time going down the hill so they cant, through a trick but they can still ride.
  • 1 1
 Sad news, it's awesome that he can be so positive after such an accident, props to him for looking on the bright side of things. I wish him good luck in getting his life on track!
  • 1 1
 paul,i feel for you. i can only imagine how hurtful it is both physical and emotional, not being able to do the thing you love most. i hope you get well soon. all the bad things happen to all the good people in life.
  • 3 0
 Hey man, hope you get better buddy, good luck
  • 6 3
 yo bro that sux get better soon
  • 4 0
 healing vibes man!
  • 3 0
 get better man really sorry to hear it...
  • 3 0
 Hope you get better soon, way to stay positive
  • 3 0
 Best wishes Paul, my thoughts are with you.
  • 2 0
 i donated 100 $ to him good luck man that is so tragic but im sure youll get better and live the life
  • 3 0
 paul , that sucks
  • 2 0
 Hang in there!! I have you in my prayers
  • 3 1
 Get better soon man, Were praying for you
  • 2 0
 Good luck bro i can imagine what you are going through
  • 2 0
 fight it man! Best of luck, and best to your future!
  • 2 0
 If I were him i would do mountain wheelcharing
  • 1 0
 im sick of seeing negative comments on stories like this... best of luck Paul
  • 2 0
 get better man i hope to see you riding as soon as posible. Good luck
  • 5 5
 ok so first moms this is pink bike not rate my body.com or sexbanditos.com get better man, i ride a yz 250F and i couldnt imagine losing that ability
  • 1 1
 that so sad and he is so positive...i wish the best for you man...i know you will pass this difficult moments...be brave..you will get better you will see
  • 1 1
 konad and kev-hal are the same people just trying to make z-mans comments not look so bad. Dude don't use numerous accounts to make yourself sound better. NOT COOL
  • 3 2
 Get a downhill wheelchair! Free riding is whatever you make it, hope you have the quickest recovery possible.
  • 1 0
 i hope u get better dude
i feel really bad for you
but you can fight through
just stay positive =]
  • 0 0
 Get well dude, You will pull through and once you do you will be on your feet and putting your life back on track, Stay strong
  • 2 0
 hope you get better Paul !!!
  • 1 0
 sucks i just donated i feel that that guy needs a 4 cross bike (mtb with four wheels)

hope you fell better
  • 0 0
 keep strong dude!!! from mexico the best wishes!!! hahaha sorry my inglish!! XP
  • 1 0
 you got my prayers man Gods got you
  • 1 0
 your in my prayers paul get better soon man
  • 0 1
 that kev guy is an idiot! i broke my back in october 2007 but wasnt parrelized. i hav been riding since but im thinking not to doit any more so it doesnt do it any damage
  • 1 0
 hope you get better soon paul!!!!!!!!
  • 0 0
 Props man you'll pull through this! Never give up. The healing vibz for real
  • 1 1
 i fractured my t-4 and t-5 vertebrae and i did it on a dirt bike, hang in there i know it sucks
  • 1 1
 yeah i cracked my sternum, not nice at all. i can just imagine what a broken one feels like. get better man.
  • 1 0
 feel for you buddy, all the best.
  • 0 0
 man i rly hope u get better!!! u look really nice and happy on that biike!! BEST OF LUCK!!!
  • 0 1
 Was that photo the specific jump he crashed on? Either way sorry man I hope your re-hab goes well and you get as much feeling back as you can - take care Paul
  • 1 1
 stay strong man sorry to hear bout that
  • 1 1
 hey man I feel realy sorry for you
  • 1 1
 martyn ashton, anyone? he rode again! all the best paul!
  • 1 0
 Fight through it!
  • 1 1
 "His injuries are going to be very expensive."
  • 1 1
 Stay strong man, best wishes
  • 1 1
 i wish u the best of luck
  • 1 0
 Stay positive pal.
  • 1 1
 stay strong man, you'll pull through. im gonna donate for sure.
  • 1 1
 wish you luck man get well soon.
  • 2 2
 get better man and stay strong
  • 1 1
 hope you get well soon paul
  • 0 0
 hope you get beter man
  • 1 1
 get well soon dude
  • 3 6
 well, this is a total bummer,proves mountain bikes are better than dirtbikes but get well soon dude.
  • 0 3
 ive been paralised its not nice
  • 0 3
 ur alll fagots
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